>>133916614It's hard to say because It hasn't existed as a dominant force for a couple centuries now, first the French came and relegated everyone to servant status, because the French weren't interested in using the local aristocracy to control us us like they did in other colonies, they annexed us, sent settlers and took over the show basically, and after independence you had a hardline socialist government that ended whatever small-time aristocracy survived the French times with land redistribution programs, etc.
But before this I'd say there were two types of aristocracy, religious aristocracy and these were leaders of mystical Sufi orders (Marabout) or people who claimed descent from Muhammed (Sharif), and tribal aristocracy who sat at the head of powerful families and commanded the respect of tribes or tribal confederation. The cities themselves had different classes of people and some notable and powerful families, but it was nothing like a full-fledged aristocracy with hereditary titles, this is because Algiers operated like a military republic with the navy and the army fighting to put their guy in charge (this made it a pretty dangerous job where assassination was very common), and in theory anyone can make it to the top job regardless of their background, we never established a monarchic system with a ruling dynasty like the other Ottoman vassals (Husainids in Tunis, Karamanli in Libya, Muhammad Ali Egypt, etc.).