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Wtf is up with the ik ook and wat nou meme??
>>129155502 But ik ook looks nothing like English...
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>>129155523 Ik = I
Ook = Also
Ive been living here for 2 years and still havent got used to how stupid and horrible dutch sounds
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>>129155523 it sounds like a monkey
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>>129155571 Get out of my country nigger
What’s happening in your country atm?
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>>116778948 Bombing in Stockholm, so nothing out of the ordinary
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a lot of ridiculous retarded shit. always with the drama. our leader assassinated someone important from a different country a lil while ago, also we are trying to impeach him so i guess he figures he might as well use his power now to order hits and kill people while he can before he's back to being a civilian
>>116779089 tell me all about it.
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>>116779279 Nice try AMLO
>>116778948 2019 was the most violent year in mexican recorded history. 429 cops kiled on that year alone.
And 0%GDP growth.
>>116780978 Earliest /int/ mention of Coronavirus
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>>116780978 >>116783676,1 >Hoping this wipes humans out soon If only he knew this was merely a flu
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How many children will you have with your daughter?
>>129952499 >like North Dakota or Utah I think you meant Alabama
>>129953038 Yeah forgot this one, but the same applies to all flyover state, and to some extent to our Western provinces
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>>129953455 >flyover state I hate that term
keep your cunnyposting to /tv/ or whatever else designated shitposting board you came from
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>>129955198 wir suchen dich
I hate these faggots like you wouldn't believe
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>>126520423 >I'm bitter that I failed in life so I blame everyone but myself Anonymous
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>>126519329 Lmao sweden,whitoids are weird
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>>126520423 >Why should I change when I can delude myself that everyone else is wrong Anonymous
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>>126514657 stop shitposting you're gonna get our ip banned idiot
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imagine what could have been...peace...friendship...indisputable dominance over the med sea & black sea...love
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>>129860851 Why do you take this shit personally lol? Snap out of this retarded mindset. Your deep state clusterfuck of a government is legitimately corrupt and incompetent beyond belief.
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>>129861002 I will watch the whole 2h video in background while studying looks nice
>>129861041 >I hear that you now have to learn to speak Chinese in Canada, is that true again, less angloid the better. They can speak whatever they want in Vancouver, we're in the same federation but they have their culture.
>>129861002 Ok so that was the past. Since Trump became pres he's had a pretty much hands off approach about russia. I don't think your going to like it much if we completely disengage from the scene. Russia will have you over a barrel. Europe is almost totally dependent on Russian energy as an example.
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>>129861156 >2020 >still thinking the president actually matters Also
>Russia will have you over a barrel because you're buying (like 30% of your) energy from them in an open market That's not how any of this works. Just continue selling your coal or whatever and chill.
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>>129861280 He is. I think Trump's alright. But I think at the end of the day he only has so much power, unlike the unelected lifetime functionaries, special interest, cianiggers, policy elite etc etc. Despite Trump Congress continues to do everything it did before, like putting even more sanctions on Russia.
ITT: >your cunt >your tianamen square copypasta equivalent, that will get you in trouble should you post it I want to collect these. I'll start. Vucic liar Лaжeш Byчићy, Vucic faggot Byчићy пeдepy, Pussymouth Пичкoycти, Vucic dictator Byчић диктaтop, CHC кypвa ceндвичapкa њaм њaм, Gay tomboy PM Ana Burn-a-bitch Пpeмијepкa лeзбeјкa Aнa Бpнaбић "вeoмa pyжaн дeчкo" N1 чeтвpтaк. Murder of Oliver Ivanovic Убиcтвo Oливepa Ивaнoвићa, "Stop Bloody Shirts" Cтoп кpвaвим кoшyљaмa #1od5miliona Serbian protests, Zemunski klan Murder of Zoran Djindjic Убиcтвo Зopaнa Ђинђићa Kidnapping of Miroslav Miskovic Oтмицa Mиpocлaвa Mишкoвићa, Srebrenica genocide Macaкp Гeнoцид y Cpeбpeници Бocнa 1995 "Hoж, Жицa, Cpeбpeницa" Mothers of Serbrenica Maјкe Cpeбpeницe, Arkan's Tigers Apкaнoви Tигpoви serbian war crimes ICTY Хaшки тpибyнaл Butcher of Bosnia Paткo Mлaдић, Paдoвaн Кapaџић, Dayton agreement Дeјтoнcки cпopaзyм, Operation "Storm" Oлyјa Уcтaшe Jasenovac concentration camp Jaceнoвaц лoгop зa дeцy cpбocјeк, Slobodan Milosevic Cлoбa Oтпop! Гoтoв јe. KLA Greater Albania Beликa Aлбaниa 1999 Bill Clinton NATO bombing Merciful Angel Mилocpдни Aнђeo Kosovo independence 2008 Heзaвиcнocт Кocoвa Kosovo Recognition Пpизнaњe Кocoвa EULEX "yбиј yбиј шиптapa" "yби, зaкoљи, дa шиптap нe пocтoји" Gay pride parade LGBT Пapaдa пoнoca "yби, yби, yби пeдepa", "yби, зaкoљи, дa пeдep нe пocтoји"
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>>129732934 Financiación de Iran-Venezuela a Podemos, Rubalcaba=GAL, cuentas en suiza del Rey, Otegi ETA MAB, Referendum Independencia catalan, Madrid ens roba, chupame la minga dominga, rojos enterrados en cunetas, robo de horo a panchitos, robo de oro por rusos, exterminio de los gitanos, borbon dinastía francesa, Feijoo andba na farinha, concertina que hace pupa a negritos en Ceuta, Solución pueblo saharaui, Ley de Viogen, diada, edicto de granada, franco amigo de hitler, políticos herederos del régimen, los ERTEs
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>>129734389 Wow this will get you on a watchlist for sure
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I have Russian one. Love your variant btw. Pussy Riot Пyтин cyкa Russian vote fraud Пyтин хyйлó Boris Yeltsin peзня в Кaтыни Murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal Cтaлинcкиe чиcтки Russian interference in 2016 presidential election гoлoдoмop yкpaинcкий гeнoцид Putin gay sex tape Пaкт Moлoтoвa-Pиббeнтpoпa Russian spy whales вoзвpaщeниe Кapeлии в Финляндию Alexei Navalny for president изнacилoвaниe в Бepлинe Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shot down by Russia
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>>129732934 Odebrecht 2019 suzano massacre hoax bolacha green module 1987 israel did brumadinho taubate scandal Sopa de Macaco Uma Delicia Gunther Schweitzer fat ronaldo knew Olavo de Carvalho whistle mafia 2005 tv globinho roberto marinho is KGB plant 9/11 dbz mandela effect dona florinda was a whore mossad killed senna gripezinha maraja hunter maradona best player celsium 157 carandiru ethic cleansing banheira do gugu Moro is a CIA agent amazonia is international territory 7x1 2 girls 1 cup 一 varginha UFO incident 1996 steal but do marolinha.
WHO says new coronavirus may be passed person to person
Since 2012, there have been 34 confirmed cases across Europe and the Middle East, with 18 deaths
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22502143 Imagine this virus spreads, causing a global pandemic.
How fucked your country would be?
Some general points to consider:
- % of people living in metropolitan areas with close contact to others
- % of people living in highly underdeveloped areas with poor hygienic conditions
- level of healthcare, and chances of getting good medical treatment
- general health of the population
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it requires very close contact they guy went in a plane with it and he didnt manage to pass it to anyone in the plane.... anyway i think we would be okay, just close the airport and harbours since we are an island
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>>10763506 Don't worry, to catch the coronavirus from an infected person you litteraly have to stay in the same room for a very long time. I'm talking about days here, not hours. And even if you catch it, if you don't have an already degraded health, you shouldn't have a problem to survive (well, I didn't say you wouldn't have a nasty time, though).
However, if ever the bird flu virus (nasty but hardly transmited from bird to human / human to human) happens to cross the normal / pig flu virus (benign, except for already weakened people, but easily transmited) and mute to give a new flu virus that is both nasty and easily transmited, the world can begin to panic.
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>Imagine this virus spreads, causing a global pandemic. Pfft, as if that could happen.
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Oh for fucks sake
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How many children will you have with your daughter?
>>129504652 instagram breh
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Can we genocide all anglo men over 30?
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>>129504666 >that dent B-BREHS!?!?!?