>>127721870I don't think you understand how deep in this shit everyone really is. First remember Mexico is literally our neighbor. Second politicians on both sides are in bed with cartels. Third financial institutions are in bed with the cartels. I have tons of research here that is all pointless since nobody cares.
Take this man our attorney general during the Obama administration. This man had the opportunity to go down as the attorney general who took on the cartels and supporters and won. But instead he chose not to prosecute HSBC bank (this bank admitted on record they were laundering money for the cartels and other terrorists organizations after shit hit the fan due to people like me). Holder and his goons reason for not taking this bank and cartel leaders in cahoots with the bank was that this bank being shut down would damage the economy and cost thousands of jobs. So the bank paid a few million to pretend justice was served. After Holder was embarrassed for the gun scandal and on his way out his other goon Ms. Lynch completely pardoned the bank and buried everything allowing everyone involved scott free. I should also note one of the people on the board was head of the fucking FBI (Comey). That is how deep this cartel shit runs. You remove the layers and everyone is involved on all sides. If you don't believe anything I say just look up "HSBC bank cartel" and do your own research.