EPPIC ..........RAP......... BATTLES.........OF HISTORYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!! SOYJAK! VERSHUS GIGACHAD! bbbbbbbBBBBBBBBEGIN Soyjak:>Gigachad? More like Gigasad >After this battle you’ll be Gigamad >I’ve been here for a whole four years >When i’m done with you, Sleek, you’ll be N' Tears >I heard you’re from Russia, so don’t act so hunky >You go apeshit over a picture of a monkey >My wife might want Jamal and Abdul to top me >But at least I don’t need her to photoshop me >I’m livin’ in the west and drinkin’ my soy >Letting in blacks like a good little goy >At home i’m raising Tyrone’s baby boy >And beating your ass fills me with joy! >When you get bullied bitch you deserve it >How cool can you be, your name is Ernest! >but i’m a nice guy, so here’s a tip bro >If you think you can beat me, the answer is NOOOOOOOO! how can gigachad recover from this?
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>*Drops N-Bomb*
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>>123436950 Hey, you stole this from the american!
>>123436950 Gigachad:
>shut it soyjak, you little bitch >go and orbit some thot on twitch >I'm learning, bettering and improving myself >you're putting another funko pop on shelf >regurgitating shit you see on reddit >claiming you're the first to have said it >up votes are your greatest achievement? >soyjak, you need psychological treatment >now go in your man cave and play on your switch >while the monochrome man fucks your bitch Soyjak:
>Your rhymes I great, really I commend >tell me, which of your five gay models wrote them? >you’re calling me a bitch? Hah, where do I start? >Your girlfriend looks like a mutt, and not the kind that shart! >I’m smoking weed in my soy pod, living it a hot box >browsing reddit and jacking off to porn of big black cocks >this is the end of the line for you grey boy >I’ll rip your heart out and drink your blood like it’s soy Gigachad:
>my name is Berlin, 1969 >that’s how many girls I fucked East of the Rhine >west, however, is in the eight digits >i’m six foot ten, I don’t talk to midgets >nice beard bitch, it sure does contrast >with your pasty white low test soy drinking ass >sorry, I mean face, but they both look the same >your defeat will be as earnest as my name >i’m a god like Zeus, I’ve got more muscle than Zyzz >my epic rhymes will bring you and your wife to your knees >oh, and guess where your wife will be tonight >she doesn’t fuck niggers, she fucks guys in Black and White Anonymous
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>>123436950 >NOOOOOOOOO you can't just say that >At least, not without me calling you an asshat! >*makes a smug face* >your face may be chiseled, all the girls are your fans >But once they get tired of you, they settle for the family man >you're an idol to the incels, but I'm their worst nightmare >when I call out their bigotry, that gives 'em a scare >that's right gigachad you're nothing but a static meme >I'm an endlessly mutating and innovative machine >Your response is trash, I showed off a huge flex >so get out of here gigachad, before I mock you with a greentext
>thought typhoon would be really bad in my area >turns out is wasn't that bad and it's already out of the country Huh. I guess I didn't suffer that much after all.
>>123357152 >>123357148 >>123357165 Okay, maybe I could have framed that OP post better the point of the thread is third world suffering
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>>123357083 fuck you weeb faggot
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>>123357198 Why do you feel the need to repeat yourself
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Glad to know you're well bro
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useless kremlinbot deleting the good threads
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Why is this culture of interracial parties exclusively dedicated for white women and black men so popular in predominantly white countries?
>>123339193 Isn't it funny how pol will deny white whores aren't craving BBC when there are countless proofs?
I just learned to accept it who gives a fuck I'll encule some black whores and marry a virgin black or white I don't care (i do care, ofc I prefer my own but you get it)
>>123339325 >i'll encule ?!
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>>123336083 You gave up and accepted they belong to bbc
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>>123339371 I'll sodomize or whatever it means
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>>123339325 a rare insight into the truth behind all the ironic anti-/pol/ posting
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>>94233815 nicht aus meiner herrenmenschenperspektive
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>>94233895 Ah ok. Bin nicht wirklich auf /a/
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>>94230915 sram ci do ryja cwelu
Brown tomboy white haired elf Edishyon
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>>123265406 >>123265406 >>123266112 >>123267482 For the keks and context
>>123254699 >As mkl/kaguyafag enjoys his visayan pag Pag pag dinner continues to seethe and cope because flips blame duterte for ABS shitdown
Reminder Pnoy did not order a C&D with ABS CBN only dut dut and his cronnies
Pic related
7 franchises that expired but were not shut down and was granted provisional franchise permits
>Calid/Duterte warning(bribing NTC to shut down ABS CBN) >https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HlZoI87ky54 >See you all later before we sleep for another mkl seething dutard (you) score tally Anonymous
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>>123266112 For the TikTok
Absolute state of dutard traitors
>Bisayan illucanus/DutDut gov: Mandatory Rotc will fix the china problem. *Eats pagpag yum
>Also Bisayan illicanus/Dutdut gov : china is our friend thank you china * slurps chinฤท cummies Anonymous
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Who hurt (You)
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>>123267482 >>123265406 For factual reminderz
>Slums in Manila are from the Visayas and Mindanao and Pagpag is a bisayan traditional cuisine
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Oops! It seems i accidentally dropped this picture of a monkey. Could a certain janny of Russian nationality please clean it up for me? Thank you.
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>>123201079 be careful what you wish for, you could contract pic related
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6 day ban from all boards lmfao looks like i found out how to strike a nerve
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Yep, this is a seething janny moment
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>>123163400 >mfw Lee wes right Holy shit!
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>>123160277 wtf, why is it in portuguese?
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>>123160277 I know this one, pretty good shit