Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
They are common in tons of foodstuffs, and are commonly eaten with breakfast, sliced and added to cereal, and even peanut butter sandwiches. They can be found for as low as 30 cents a pound.
Vainamoinen created them to protect the AUTISTINEN HARKA on /r9k/ from the n**Rotypical scum. FINNS are the attack force of the ASPERGER race. This is why FINNS conquered /soc/ and /adv/ at the same time the ASPERGERS were attacked on /r9k/. They destroyed the n**Rotypical capital of /soc/ and replaced it with /sci/ to honour our intellectual AUTISTINEN HARKA (AUTISTIC BULL) nature. When /r9k/ was destroyed, /sci/ was the last AUTISTINEN HARKA Country on earth. The n**Rotypical subhumans tried to take it down in order to permanently end the ASPERGERS and nearly succeeded. Luckily, the biggest AUTISTINEN HARKA of them all, Hans ASPERGER, fought off the n**Rotypical beasts and created an ASPERGER utopia in SUOMI. However the nefarious schemes of the n**Rotypicals continued, attemtping to bring the AUTISTINEN HARKA FINNS into N.A.T.O(Neurotypical Antisperg Treachery Order) where they would be overwhelmed by cuckswede n**Rotypical immigrants. Luckily from the furthest we can get from NATO in Suomi, the northeast LAPLAND ASPERGER territory, a new AUTISTINEN HARKA since Hans ASPEGER. PEKKA ERIC AUVINEN (PEA) destroyed all n**Rotypical low IQ chlamydia devils and restored himself as the grand wizard of SUOMI. Now the ASPERGER AUTISTINEN HARKA FINNS must struggle against the n**Rotypicals to end that accursed race once and for all.