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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 232
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kurva anyátok
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>>114874227 >slónecs? What does it mean ?
>>114874199 >autista szarakodás minden fonál >önbuzik vitatkoznak >az egyetlen normális fonalat is végül törölték mert dühöngött miatta a mod >rájöttem hogy 1-2 havonta látok egy posztot ami minimálisan is érdekes vagy vicces >meg úgy általában a posztok és posztolók száma is bezuhant Nincs értelme tovább húzni, legalább kerek 10 évig néztem 2009től
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>>114874627 én unironikusan csak az /ifg/-ért jártam oda és szerintem nem voltam egyedül
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kurva anyátok
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>>114803179 semmilyenhez szerezz egy baratnot az sokkal jobb
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>>114802760 végre egy jó posta
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>>114802760 >ezek hívnak büdösnek Anonymous
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>why is this in my recommended? no, seriously
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Thanks Drumpf
>>96010152 God I wish that were me
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>wake up >memes >actual happening F U C K I N G F I N A L L Y
>>96010152 FUN-chan is cute.
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I really appreciate your effort in providing this kind of content to us. Thanks for sharing this with us look forward to more contribution from your side.
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This is Chang Hsien-yi. He was a Taiwanese scientist working in the program to create nuclear weapons against the Mainland in the 80's. He defected to the US to and helped America stop the program. >He feared then that ambitious Taiwanese politicians would use nuclear weapons to try to take back mainland China. >He claims Madame Chiang Kai Shek, the stepmother of dying President Chiang Ching-kuo, and a group of generals loyal to her had even gone so far as to set up a separate chain of command to expedite the development of nuclear weapons. >"They said they wouldn't use it, but nobody believed it," says Mr Chang, adding that the US certainly did not. >"You don't have to be in Taiwan to love Taiwan; I love Taiwan," says Mr Chang. >"I am Taiwanese, I am Chinese. I don't want to see Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait killing each other." Was this based or not?
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>>114920635 this
>>114920666 It was unironically a good thing to balance out American autism. Anyone with at least a basic knowledge of history will tell you that.
Anti-Commie !YyPan9VsVc
>>114921655 tik tok Chink commie
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>>114920774 >Russia has a huge transgender population No it doesn't. Also homosexuality and trans shit was banned under the USSR. The only reason it's not illegal now is because of Western influence.
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>>114921761 Taiwan is already independent you retarded mutt. Go back to plebbit. That's obviously where you are from.
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>>114920703 It was inevitable that they would though. It was just a matter of time. They wanted it before the end of WW2 so they could stand in equal footing with the US when it was over.
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What if Napoleon conquered Russia? How would the world be different today?
>>114858545 Is that what they teach you in school?
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>>114858590 yes, and i believe they taught you your soldiers were brave men that just burn their fields for the keks
>>114858064 >>114857969 >>114857893 Absolute fucking seething image losing all of your army with 0.33 kd while capturing one major city and thinking it's an achievement.
Literally more pathetic than anglos and their charge of the light brigade.
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>>114858735 >losing all of your army with 0.33 kd while capturing one major city and thinking it's an achievement. what is funny is that the russian trully believe it's their achievement lmao
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>>114858587 Sounds like someone's projecting
>banned for ban evasion >banned for fake reason (proxy) in the first place Why are jannies such brainlets and/or seething commie faggots?
Jannies here are highly retarded, I think there is a Jewish and a Russian one
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>>114836040 seething proxyfag ban-evading schizo
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>>114836040 Since moot left this whole site is compromised. Hiroshimoot wants to make money of it and there are a lot of SJW that suck major corporate dicks while censoring the net.
Go figure.
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>>114836110 Probably a chinese one as well. I got banned for saying the c word
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Good job retards! You are only exposing yourselves as being seething kikes and/or commies.
Imagine being a christcuck in 2019.
>>114707537 likely sympathetic or intrigued but not converted. and when exactly does one become a christcuck if not upon conversion? his battle delusions were not a conversion
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>>114707715 *if not upon baptism
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>>114707668 Are you upset because literal inbreds are more relevant than you?
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If you follow any of the abrahamic religions, you are just a jewish pawn.
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>>114703568 Fuck you fedora faggot
Why every time someone posts anime in OP, gayposting inevetably ensues?
>>114325009 She isn't 20 and doesn't look 14 either. Her breasts aren't even developed yet. She has a body of 10yo tops.
If you are attracted to this body type, that definitely makes you a pedo.
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>>114324442 Because a gay (usually a Finn) makes these threads.
>>114325081 1. It is legal here
2. It is a piece of drawing without life
3. You wanting to have sex with extremely old women is okay, understandable but not me
>>114325222 "Legal" and "moral" are not the same thing.
Slavery used to be legal at some point, too.
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>>114325298 Morals were a mistake
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Of all the stupid laws in my country, “parking minimums” take the cake. I couldn’t fit all the stupidity of this stupid law in one post.
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>>113547076 aren't most big cities closed to traffic in their central part? or it's just here (relatively recent but good thing imo, people living there can still pass but you don't have a shitfest of cars around)
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>>113546643 >Parking minimums make people need cars to get around. Then when everyone needs cars, the American city raises the parking minimums or widens roads, or bulldozes a neighborhood and builds a highway through it. good point
>Also, parking minimums cost businesses a lot of money. don't care
>>113546643 How else would people move? If i'm not being meme'd your country doesn't build trains or metros because it's communism.
Building parking should be in the interest of the business tho, if people can park there they will go more willingly there.
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>>113548603 Of building parking is always in the interest of the business, you wouldn’t have to require it by law.
It just ends up making shitty cities/towns/neighborhoods.
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It has no sence I guess. The dumbest law I've seen is “parking minimums”. What for? If you need a parking place you don't have to make a noise, just use your mind at least. For example when I visit some city or town I book parking place next to airport without any problems and that's all what I need.
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>Why yes, I will have to stay up all night in order to finish the assignments I procrastinated all weekend.
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>>114565405 This is me. Except i live in a 3rd world hellscape not a utopia like switzerland
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>>114556867 Theyre just making sure youre not going to shoot up the school
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>>114572014 Bro, I don't think I'm going to make it.
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>>114556867 I literally skipped every session of this one class i had. All of our exams were essays that we did at home and emailed in. I ended up getting high enough grades on the essays that the professor reluctantly gave me a C despite being present for like 5 of his lectures the whole semester lol.
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Can we have another one of these again next week when we all fail for being on /int/?