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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 242

No.107278689 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I get people to start liking Pakistanis in the west?
5 posts omitted

/pars/ - Persian general - موضوع ایران - Maвзӯи эpoнӣ

No.109631557 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dorood bar shoma, dostani.

All are welcome, not just nationals and diaspora.

ITT: We discuss culture, language, history, etc. of Persians and Iranian peoples. (Learn Persian/Farsi language) (traditional Persian music radio) [Embed] (Iranian BBC live) (short history of Iran)
259 posts and 53 images omitted


No.109491702 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
she wants a man in a black shirt edition
291 posts and 63 images omitted

No.108068095 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Yes, I can see a pool right below where I live and regularly take pictures of the women sunbathing from my balcony. Want to see some?
56 posts and 12 images omitted


No.109464537 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Albert Edward Harry Meyer Archibald Primrose Edition
310 posts and 42 images omitted


No.109427383 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
edycja anonimowych animeholików
331 posts and 62 images omitted


No.109395487 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sörenfreie Althummel-Ausgabe
357 posts and 92 images omitted


No.109221995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New ASEAN thread
No TaGaLoGs & Bitchsayans allowed
8 posts and 6 images omitted


No.109142108 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Edycja Polski
312 posts and 54 images omitted

This board is fucking dead

No.108997939 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>plagued with generals
>same 20 autists spend 24/7 making the same threads over and over again
>takes janny 5 hours to remove a furry porn thread or that underaged who posts his dick
>constant meme spewing
>half the threads are a fusion between /r9k/ and /lgbt/
>/soc/fags everywhere
>inferiority complex indios can't shut up about their countries or women
>ctrl + F "white" - 20 results found
26 posts and 9 images omitted