Quoted By: >>107362342
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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 245
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The first European men, cromagnons were haplogroup C-V20, not I1. They colonized Europe and now their lineage practically died out.

9KiB, 240x213, 15317830_1593298757350758_1408675155146555581_n.jpg
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vamos chiquilines
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Quoted By: >>107325428 >>107325875 >>107325938
>Mayan ethnostate
>not rapebabies
>has healthy people
>Has traditional mayan culture
>only violence there is caused by mexicans who go there
>full of mentally ill mestizo mongrels
>overweight pieces of shit
>only culture there is narco drug lord culture
>Shithole home to the most violent cities in the world
>Mayan ethnostate
>not rapebabies
>has healthy people
>Has traditional mayan culture
>only violence there is caused by mexicans who go there
>full of mentally ill mestizo mongrels
>overweight pieces of shit
>only culture there is narco drug lord culture
>Shithole home to the most violent cities in the world
Quoted By: >>107328272 >>107331330
You can only post in this thread if chinkmoot is banning your entire country as a favor to butthurt russhit subhumans
Quoted By: >>107330186
This is a very cute photo <3
Quoted By: >>107287147 >>107287398 >>107289470
My coffee? Black.
My women? East Asian.
My politics? Right wing.
My team? Real Madrid.
My women? East Asian.
My politics? Right wing.
My team? Real Madrid.
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edycja lisia