>>103726317kek, at cherrypicking your pic.
more than 500 entries in the following list.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_in_Europealso those chinese wars are internal wars , almost never against a foreign nation.
>and the fact that ONLY europeans got rid of slaverythis happened not because whites felt compassion for the slaves, this happened because economic reasons slaves already were so expensive to maintain in the modern world.
>inventing concepts such as human rights and equality,this only happened after the birth of communism, so whites started to talk about human rights to exploited peoples to avoid let them support communist ideas.
whites gave freedom to their colonies not because good will and compassion, whites gave freedom to their colonies in order to prevent them get aligned with the communist world and then fight for their freedom.
>Europeans are uniquely moral. whites needed morality as key to keep their nations stable, instead morality was never developed by other races because they were already stable without the need of the morality concept.
>If it weren't for Europeans your people would most likely be toiling as slaves of a stronger group of Indians.slaves didnt existed in the pre-colonial Peru, search about it on google.
amerindians love to work hard instead lazy whites are always in need of slaves. its their barbarian mindset of stealing from others as the vikings did and never developed civilization in their homes countries.
>Don't know why you're so eager to accept the flawed view of history which depict your ancestors as a bunch of pussies anyway.destruction is always wrong, and whites are the masters of destruction, they destroy they own continent, europe, each 50 years.
and then they need to waste natural resources to build again their cities. this is not an efficient use of resources,
norway , the whitest country on earth, burned most of their oil reserves in just 40 years.