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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 37

No.194897865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are russians doing their civic duty today?

No.194888215 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can't wait for this nigger faggot infested board to be finally shut down so you faggots who love brown shitskins so much and actual disgusting smelly sub-human 5'6 shitskins that reek of feces can finally start killing yourselves like the miserable sperm wastes that you are
a real shame your pathetic fathers never pulled out on time

total /int/ death
kill all niggers and nigger lovers
kill all shitskins and shitskin lovers
kill all faggots trannies and kikes
kill all gooks japs chinks and other mongoloid creatures
total aryan victory
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No.194718249 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i hate arabs for ruining my dna
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No.191688321 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>see leebait
>see lee reply to it
>save leebait and repost it
>lee doesnt reply to it
does lee miss in your country?
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No.187406937 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In your country?
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No.134917223 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The French were very upset about the Eiffel Tower when it first appeared.

>We, writers, painters, sculptors, architects and passionate devotees of the hitherto untouched beauty of Paris, protest with all our strength, with all our indignation in the name of slighted French taste, against the erection … of this useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower … To bring our arguments home, imagine for a moment a giddy, ridiculous tower dominating Paris like a gigantic black smokestack, crushing under its barbaric bulk Notre Dame, the Tour Saint-Jacques, the Louvre, the Dome of les Invalides, the Arc de Triomphe, all of our humiliated monuments will disappear in this ghastly dream. And for twenty years … we shall see stretching like a blot of ink the hateful shadow of the hateful column of bolted sheet metal.

How do you feel about this metal thing in Paris?
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No.194778563 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
new 'toss
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No.194744741 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The "Baltic states" aren't countries, they're NATO bases whose bourgeois identity is anticommunism and fascist filth.

Soviet republics were established there in 1918-1919 by the revolutionary working class and these were temporarily defeated and occupied by capitalists from 1920-1940 before Soviet power was restored by the workers in 1940 and the capitalists, landlords and barons overthrown. The presence of the Red Army gave the proletariat courage and the bourgeoisie were forced from power.
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No.61134614 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i'm a spaniard hikikomori, i haven't leave my house for 8 months

i was raised by overprotective parents, they did not let me have social life or go outside alone

my mom wanna send me to a psychiatrist in september or october, i dont wanna go so maybe she kick me out of house, if she does that i'm going to kill myself
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No.194596478 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
apu says trans rights
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