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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
The /qa/ anime stream resumes on the 26th (Saturday)! The winner of the poll this week was... Nichijou! No one mentioned the times they were free, so we're trying the same starting time as usual: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
The /qa/ anime stream resumes on the 26th (Saturday)! The winner of the poll this week was... Nichijou! No one mentioned the times they were free, so we're trying the same starting time as usual: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
The /qa/ anime stream resumes on the 26th (Saturday)! The winner of the poll this week was... Nichijou! No one mentioned the times they were free, so we're trying the same starting time as usual: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
The /qa/ anime stream resumes on the 26th (Saturday)! The winner of the poll this week was... Nichijou! No one mentioned the times they were free, so we're trying the same starting time as usual: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
The /qa/ anime stream resumes on the 26th (Saturday)! The winner of the poll this week was... Nichijou! No one mentioned the times they were free, so we're trying the same starting time as usual: 7pm EST (11PM GMT)
The Modboy went down to /qa/, He was looking for fun to kill He was in a bind, 'cause he was way behind, He was willing to make a deal When he came across this young man Funposting up a storm and spamming lots And the Modboy jumped up on a hickory stump and said, "Boy let me tell you what: I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a funposter too, And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you Now you post a prety good bit boy, Boy, but give the Modboy his due I bet a pass of gold against your soul 'Cause I think I'm better than you"
The boy said, "My name's Kyuei and it might be a sin, But I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret, 'Cause I'm the best there's ever been"
Kyuei, ready up your proxies and prepare to funpost hard, 'Cause hell's broke loose in /qa/ and the Modboy deals the cards And if you win you'll get this shiny pass made of gold, But if you lose, the Modboy gets your soul!
The Modboy opened up his interface and he said, "I'll start this show" And steam blew from his fingertips as he loaded up other boards And he moved threads across the boards and it made a stream of piss Then a band of Jans joined in, And they deleted what they ruled amiss
When the Modboy finished, Kyuei said, "Well you're pretty good old son But sit down in that chair right there And let me show you how it's done!"
Fire on the image server, run, devs, run The Modboy's in the house of the steaming buns Hiro in the dumb thread an' he's acting slow, Janny does your cat move, "No, child, no"
The Modboy bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat And he laid that golden pass on the ground at Kyuei's feet Kyuei said, "Modboy, just come on back If you ever want to try again, I done told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best there's ever been"
He posted, Fire on the image server, run, devs, run The Modboy's in the house of the steaming buns Hiro in the dumb thread an' he's acting slow, Janny does your cat move, "No, child, no"