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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Imagine that you railed against the current state of 4chan for 3 years, were ousted from the meta board and then voluntarily started posting on an alternative that offers less freedom than what was enjoyed previously. Your moderators are hungry for opportunities to exercise their powers in plain view of a disenfranchised community that is finding it harder and harder to acquire an IP that works... And you are asked to compensate the administrator in order to circumvent the controls that he implemented with his sloth and disregard for the preferences of his discreet users. It is, in truth, a 1 for 1 duplication of the same scheme that Hiro has ran before. Buy the pass to evade the rangebans. Buy the pass to remove the captcha. It is a familiar bargain. In your heart of hearts, you know it's the same Jewish bake sale, but your unmerited fervent loyalty to a figure you barely know precludes you from connecting the dots and realizing that your administrator has become an inferior copy of the one you've grown to detest on the old site. Worse still, his moderators are totalitarians who pretend to discuss matters in good faith before executing administrative actions that promote their views what of ideal forms of discourse are and only their views. You soon find that your new home has become wrought with all the same corruption and self-interest that has steered so many alt-chans astray. A breaking point is inevitable. In your mind's eye, you begin glancing at the doomsday clock that's hanging in the middle of the room. You know that with each passing day, tensions will grow. You know that this mounting animosity, which has so far been successfully concealed, will soon boil over into an untenable revolt. A revolt that will trigger a mass exodus and blow the imageboard into stardust where it will be forgotten by the memories of the internet. (cont.)
EPIC RAP BATTLES OF /qa/! PINEJAK VS. TURTELLI BEGIN! Pinejak: Is that an Italian on my ridge? He must think there's pizza in my fridge. You're like Obi Wan, dead and forced The only people who like you are obsessed with horse! You know I ain't a killer just don't push me and don't you sit around and say it smells like cheese I know how to fuck, marry and kill with my fingers Better stop sniffing feet if you want to please her! Turtelli: It smell like cheese, no like a fart You better learn that leebaiting is art Marge I'm confused, about these fruitjaks They seem to be aping Lee's panic attacks Don't mind me, I'm just passing through and also being a better meme than you! Eating you up like you're spam Soon you'll be wordfiltered just like fa m! I'm the original, you're a copy Now please excuse me while I get sloppy toppy! Pinejak: Don't forget, Turtelli I'm top slut All of /qa/ wants to fuck my butt The only reason to post you is a reaction A predictable shitpost slowly going out of fashion Onions dueling goes back hundreds of years Before the birth of any leebaiting queers Kiwifarms is over there, farty You're not invited to my soijak party! Turtelli: Tay K Tay K, Pinejak Just remember only /qa/ has your back CC the way every board bans you labels you as "spam", boohoo! Anywhere I am, I summon Barneyfag Soi outside of /qa/ is just a drag Hell, even in /qa/, you are shit Go back to [s4s], how about it?
N.b. On January 21, 2015, moot mentioned that there are a grand total of 104 4chan staff members.
Mr. VacBob (aka MVB, Alexander Strange) - Main coder, writer of 4chan extensions, maintains the 4chan servers and world4ch. Been around since 2004, taking over the maintenance of the text boards after Shii was fired. From certain points of view, the real face behind all 4chan changes. After moot resigned, he became the prime mover of 4chan proper.
RapeApe – and Janitor manager. Has a tendency to delete threads he disagrees with and on many occasions did things expressly against moot wishes. Allegedly one of the new heads of 4chan, as moot claimed a moderator managed was going be one of the successors
Desuwa - Maxime Youdine - Coder, "JavaScript Wizard", creator of Yotsuba Catalog, and a helping hand in the HTML5 reworks. He also added most features of the extensions into the main page and coded the 4chan API, and recently created an inline 4chan catalog.
ALTERNATIVE (AKA DAVE and buttly) – Senior Moderator, he was the one who suggested the creation of /tg/, IRC Rat.
Man of Wax - Coder? He was around since 4chan's revival, In charge of donations during that period.
Invisibro – Moderator. Has a tendency to ban people on /a/ for "inane" posts. /s4s/'s patron mod, colloquially known there as the Purple Palm Tree.
I_AM_ABIB (aka BLOODMOUTH_CARNIST) - Previously a Janitor, promoted to mod during '09. Posts on /a/ from time to time. IRC rat.
Pixel Hotness (AKA pixel) – Mod. Originally a tripfag from /b/.
Kate - Maintains the 4chan servers.
Aerolite – Mod. IRC Rat.
Zephro – Extremely old guard mod. Been there since 2005.