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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 109

No.43272908 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
436 posts and 45 images omitted

No.43327350 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is slavery no longer feasible in modern society or society of the future?

Has technological and social progressed advanced so much that slaves have become inefficient and useless?
320 posts and 42 images omitted

Spook Quest

!fLAryR/EFo No.43348446 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When I was little, the men outside my window used to keep me awake, all night. I cried and screamed, and wailed as the sounds of their choking, rattling breaths and the creaking of swinging ropes slipped their way into my room. A dozen traitors’ hung by the neck until dead, all on the tree outside of my window, killed over a hundred years ago.

I could see them, staring in through the window, eyes cold and glassy, all trained on me. Their death rattles continued through the night, every night. My brothers resented me for it, banging on the walls, telling me to shut up, and my mother held me as I cried.

No one else ever said they could see them, hear them, smell the scent of flowers that wafted off of them. But Mum believed, just enough to scrape enough money together to pay a spook. It was an older man and a teen boy- his apprentice- who arrived. Everyone in the house but my mother stayed out of their way, mumbling vague prayers and keeping distance from the visitors, as mum explained my night terrors.

It took a single night, and the dead were finally silent. I’d slept like a log for the first time in years.

I’d opened my window to find the spook staring up at me, while Mum paid him the next day. They had a muted conversation, I couldn’t make it out, but there had been a lot of nodding and looking in my direction.

That was six years ago now, when I was promised to start an apprenticeship as a spook the day after I turned fourteen. Like my father, I’m the youngest of six sons, and apparently that qualifies me to be taken on for training as a spook.

But I might be getting ahead of myself:

My name is Leon Scarlow, the youngest of five brothers, and my father is:

>A guard: +Bravery +Violence –Intelligence
>A banker: +Charisma +Bargaining –Fortitude
>A coroner: +Intelligence +Medicine –Charisma
>A farmer: +Fortitude +Stamina –Creativity
>An artist: +Perception +Creativity –Violence
306 posts and 12 images omitted

No.43348025 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
SJWs are cancer. Little girls are the cure.
6 posts and 1 image omitted

No.43324211 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>The elder demon the party wizard released hasn't taken physical form yet
>He can turn into a monster of blood and shadow and magic, but only temporarily
>He still needs a host for long term survival on the material plane
>He's possessing a 12 year old girl just entering puberty

>There is no banishment strong enough to remove all traces of him because her body is developing with him in it
>No god gives enough of a fuck to purify her either, they'd rather just off her and sort it out in the afterlife
>Leaving her as is will lead to her developing immense magical powers
>But the demon's mark will twist the hearts of those around her like The One Ring
>Eventually she will succumb to his intent as everyone else turns against her

>Paladin falls and becomes a blackguard
>Evil god cuts the elder demon a check for the good contractor work
163 posts and 28 images omitted

PDF share/request thread

No.41935160 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Requesting that dungeon magazine with Tomb of Horrors for 5th edition.

Also requesting other modules converted to 5e

Sharing Dark Sun 5th edition setting
168 posts and 45 images omitted

Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles General

No.43271162 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is Heavy Gear?
A sci-fi universe created by Canadian RPG company Dream Pod 9 back in 1994.
The setting focuses on Terra Nova, a world divided into two main factions, the North and the South, who both use 4-5 metre high robots called Gears, which are basically the ATs from VOTOMS. There are a few versions of the setting. The RPG, the wargame Blitz!, a racing game called Badlands Rally, and an gladitorial combat game called Arena.

>What is Jovian Chronicles?
Another sci-fi universe created by Canadian RPG company Dream Pod 9.
It is to Gundam what Heavy Gear is to VOTOMS. It focuses on our solar system, and the conflict between the Jovian Confederation and CEGA, the Central Earth Government and Administration. Generally harder sci-fi than Gundam (despite the giant space robots).

>What is Gear Krieg?
World War 2 with walkers and superscience.

>Mega folder with the 3 main lines, Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles and Gear Krieg!aMEziYQL!7lUPbf7rKMvwnXuqEvP8zg

>What version should I play?
The most commonly used RPG version is the Heavy Gear 2E posted below or Jovian Chronicles "Whitebook" 1E.

>What books do I need?
HG: "101 - Heavy Gear 2e" and "102 - Life on Terra Nova".
JC: "301 - Jovian Chronicles 1e" and whatever planet sourcebooks interest you.
GK: "501 - Gear Krieg 1e"

>Heavy Gear Blitz Rules!-Field-Manual---Core-Rulebook-Revised?term=Heavy+Gear+Blitz+Field+

Other links, house rules etc.
194 posts and 39 images omitted

Quest Thread General: Beastmen Edition

No.43272608 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

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Community Communication:
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[The Cabal] #QMC @ (slightly related to quests; enjoys worldbuilding, mechanics and politics)
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Akun Fixes:
(information moved to the pastebin)

4chan's Native Extension now allows you to revert to text captcha! Click settings in the top right when you're inside a thread, then go to Quotes and Replying
876 posts omitted

Monster Hunter CYOA General #5

No.41882914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here, we post our builds, discuss mechanics, and banter. Oh sweet, sweet banter.
309 posts and 57 images omitted

Adventurer's guild lore

No.43307653 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This specialist guild looks into the care and promotion of adventurers of a large body type. Be it due to circumstances of birth, magical incident, or a weakness for sweet meats; this guild is for you and your party.

Features include ample seating, travel workshops, Large king sized beds, and all continental breakfast.

Enroll today with The Lords of the Large Pants, and recieve recive free tailoring coupons for the next year.

Located conveniently near Olga's Confectionery.
254 posts and 116 images omitted