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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 113


Persona 2129 Quest #21

!!DKtXVsLVQlE No.43021013 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Your name is Takashi Wakui. You are a sixteen-year old, Japanese high school student living in a world where half of humanity possesses Personas—manifestations of inner souls as demons, spirits or deities. In the past, you had been one of the unlucky ordinaries lacking a Persona. Then a game called AETHER was forcibly installed on your smartphone. Initially it appeared to be little more than a piece of nasty spyware, extremely persistent and impossible to remove.

Then it sucked you into to a realm called the Blackened Void, where you fought Shadows and gained your first Persona--Ippon-Datara of the Fool Arcana, the degraded blacksmith demon god. Now you are the Wild Card of the 22nd Century, capable of wielding Personas of each Major Arcana. Turns out AETHER is more than a simple, reality-immersive game; it is an accursed phenomenon superimposing itself over an otherworldly realm, consisting of vicious monsters, decrepit ruins and glamorous treasures. And to make matters worse, you and several others have been condemned as its chosen Players.

For what purpose does the game exist, what mysteries lie within and how will you Players achieve victory?

Previous Threads:

Character Sheet:
Persona List:
Spell/Skill List:
Takashi's Stats:
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Hundred Year War Quest 6

!!lxd4MWOtv/G No.43018950 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. The world slowly smoldered as the Air Nomads were eradicated by the Fire Nation, leaving nothing but empty homes in their wake. The Fire Nation has already started a full-scale campaign on the Southern Water Tribe, beginning the cycle of death anew.

Fifty years this war has raged, scorching the forests and destroying lives. Many have died and all hope of the Avatar's return has been extinguished, but life goes on. The walls of Ba Sing Se, Omashu, and the Northern Water Tribe have held the Fire Nation at bay, seemingly nothing can penetrate them. As always, there is also solace in wandering.

But this isn't a story about the Avatar, or a king, or even a hero, this is the story of Kuo, a wandering Firebender.


>Thread 2 because 4chan broke:

>Character sheet:

>The Cast so far:
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Leaf Ninja Quest #31

!!oiy8NyoXQ84 No.43000520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>This is a quest taking place in an alternate version of the Naruto world during the same time period as the story, with a few notable differences. You will be playing as Kon Karagowa, a Leaf Chunin. Your character is defined by your choices, so write-ins are always encouraged. And remember to have fun!

>Quest Info:

>Previous threads:
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Shinigami Savant Quest #35

!Mz/MmOwUgU No.42996353 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Kusajishi Riku, Captain of the Ninth Division of the Seireitei Court Guard, and for the first time in years you've found yourself back at the Academy.

The cavernous lecture hall is buzzing with anticipation as students mill about the aisles, as the sudden appearance of a Captain is a rare opportunity for the students. You can sense the eagerness of this batch of raw rookies to prove themselves, and possibly to get admitted into a Division early. One, a blonde boy, seems familiar to you, and is chatting quietly with a mousy-haired girl standing next to him. The two from the Rukongai you dragged into the upper class are all the way back against the wall: a tall, red-headed young man with a widow's peak and a girl who looks more and more like Kuchiki Hisana the longer you look at her.

The blondie from the Kira family raises his hand.

“So, ma'am, why are you here... I mean, if you don't mind me asking?”

You shrug dismissively, harboring no intention whatsoever of giving him a proper answer. “I'm substituting for your regular instructor, Kira. Everyone get your ass in a seat so we can get started.”

Seemingly surprised at your tone, the students do as you ordered without argument or question.

Looking them over, you can tell how green most of them are. Few of them have seated officer potential, and you know from experience that even fewer of those will ever get a chance to meet that potential. Many will die on their first few missions, or else never find the drive to grow into their own abilities. It takes a special sort of person to reach the level of a Captain or a Lieutenant... but you may as well give these lot a chance.

>Ask for a volunteer, demonstrate what they'll be learning.
>Ask for two volunteers, make them spar. Walk them through what they're doing.
>... you could probably summon a hollow here if you really wanted to. That'd clear up which ones will last right quick.
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CYOA General

No.42981434 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Thread: >>42962006

Fuck the Greek Gods Edition.
343 posts and 76 images omitted

Yankii Reform Quest 9

!6F21THAFi. No.42976929 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Chitose Sonohara a 17 year yankii delinquent, badass, badboy, and high school student.

You’re currently attending the first semester of your second year at Onimaru Highschool of the Onimaru Trinity Sister Schools located in the dead center of your home-town-of-five-years, Eternal Diamond City on the eastern coast of Japan. While much of your time spent is just dicking around and going to school, you are also currently working part-time at your mentor’s establishment near the coast in the shopping district.

While you might have led quite the rough and tumble lifestyle for the better portion of a decade, it has come to your realization that FUCKING SHIT UP might not lead to the most prosperous of futures…

So super-charged with newfound determination to change your life, you CRASH INTO THE ROLLING MORNING!! Perhaps today will be great progress into a brilliant future of wonders untold!!

>Life has been -fairly- ordinary, but with recent revelations you’re beginning to think a bit more about what constitutes as normal or reality. They are quite deep thoughts for a degenerate such as yourself, but with the recent occurrences it is more than enough to get the gears turning. There’s no actual evidence or hearsay thus far to make you fully reconsider your understanding of the universe… but there has been enough coincidence to make you a bit weary… hopefully this will not hinder you as you continue to strive for a better tomorrow!


>Only Quest Text:

>Additional Information/Character List:
Coming Soon™


57 posts and 24 images omitted

Drawthread: I Got 99 Problems and They All Liches Edition

No.42945343 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post any art requests you have ITT. Keep in mind, the drawfriends are doing this for free, so do not be surprised or upset if they gloss over your post. Just be patient, and bump your request ONE time, every 24 hours after posting it.

Additionally, please provide good, detailed references, so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can. If you've recently had a request filled by a drawfriend, please be considerate of less fortunate anons and hold off on additional requests for a while.

Mind your manners, don't be rude to other people's requests, and remember: say thank you!

Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Paint Tool Sai:!k4FwgI5B!TD-s6ySRNMmLbtZswI20nCKoi61JmOYUG6MkFnm0DxY

Figure Drawing:

Last thread
317 posts and 120 images omitted

Quest Thread General: 'It looks suspiciously like me' Edition

No.42652780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

[Spooky G] (look for the latest thread)
[Spooky G Backup] (not that moe's actually been unstable recently)

Community Communication:
[Slack] (Hurr durr invite only)
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (slightly related to quests; enjoys worldbuilding, mechanics and politics)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (barely related to quests; enjoys Larro quests and anime)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added; accounts that spam quest-unrelated messages may get removed)

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[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
(information moved to the pastebin)

4chan's Native Extension now allows you to revert to text captcha! Click settings in the top right when you're inside a thread, then go to Quotes and Replying
1076 posts omitted

No.31240193 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the best Napoleonic gaming system for 28mm ?

[Quest] Fighters Guild: Sensitivity training Edition

No.42805833 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello everyone. Food and drinks to tonight's meeting was generously provided by Willy's Diner. On to our main topic for tonight now, It has recently come to light that a lot of people here might be... Uh you know, Just a tad racist. So I'd like like to propose that we start a guild wide sensitivity training course. Before you all ask, no, being a worshiper of the god of racism does not make you exempt. Oh and please. Lets keep tonight's discussion civil.

Welcome to the Fighters Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on For additional resources, please visit
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