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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 118

No.41984953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Giant barbarians are ravaging the country side...
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No.36823415 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, what does /tg/ think of Duncan Rhodes, virtually the voice and face of Games Workshop towards the masses?

Do you like his painting tutorials?

I've never been to an official GW store, so he's basically the only representation of the company I've seen, but can someone enlighten me as to whether Games Workshop used to be more outgoing towards its fans?

Is Warhammer World or tournaments the only place you'd see and talk to GW staff, and do any of you guys have any experiences to share?

I'm just very interested in this, since all you hear about on the internet is people ranting about bad business practices, and I never hear anything about any actual people.
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Kill la Kill What-If Quest

!!1o9L173Kwih No.31123529 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Gentlemen, I pose a question to you.
Have you ever wondered how would the story of Kill la Kill go, should you change some early details around?
Well, I know that at least I have.

Now that the series is over, we can safely ask ourselves that question, without running into the risk of conflicting some in-universe facts.

And so, this is what this quest is for.
I won't lie, I was inspired by the still-ongoing-albeit-on-hiatus Anaru Quest, you might remember me from those threads as Self-appointed votecount-fag.

I will borrow the rules concerning choice making from that quest, that is first choice to reach 10 votes wins. Should the amount of people in the thread prove insufficient, I will lower the requirement to 5.

Now, concerning the quest itself. Any criticism regarding my writing style is welcome, as I wish to improve. I apologize for the (likely) low speed in advance, it might take me 20-40 minutes to write up posts.

Let us begin, then.
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Legendary Weapons

No.41946808 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I need a legendary weapon for my PCs to go after. Possibly one that is real. The setting is alternate history, 1940s, they are seeking artifacts to defeat a demigod.

That said, Excalibur is the first that comes to mind but I feel it is overplayed. Any other ideas? I'm not good with legendary weapons.
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Imperial Armour Siege of Vraks Scans tonight Part Deux!

No.38570470 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuing where we left off.
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PDF Share and Request thread

No.41853152 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request and share your PDFs here.

Here's some of my collection:
>Mekton (multiple editions)

>DBZ (Including the unpublished Cell Saga manuscript, but missing one book)


>Amber and Lords of Gossamer & Shade

>Bubblegum Crisis

>Bunch of Fuzion stuff
233 posts and 56 images omitted

Disney Villains Victorious LI: In the Home Stretch

No.36636975 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the XLIX installment of "Disney Villains Victorious."

Disney Villains Victorious is a new /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole.

It is a world in which Ursula rules the seas, defied only by the uncatchable Pirate Lords, the cutthroat merchants of the East India Trading Company and the might of Atlantis and its magitech-toting mercenaries. It is a world where the grasslands and jungles and forests are prowled not only by fearsome primal beasts like Shere Kahn and Scar but also by the ruthless, tireless hunters that stalk them. It is a world where Europe has been divvied up between evil sorcerous monarchs like Maleficent, the Horned King, Grimhilde and Jafar, mad, inquisitorial clergymen like Frollo, and Dark Gods like Hades and Chernobog.

It is not, however, a world completely devoid of courage, heroism or hope. Around the world, the PCs' characters and their allies plot and plan, fight and strive and win their own victories against the villains that would rule them. The time to fight and to be free is now.
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Fallout : Nuclear Winter Quest thread #9

!!C4hqN1IT8z6 No.41848984 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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PDF Share: Google-fu Is Not Strong Edition

No.39912416 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone have the Vampire the Requiem 2e Rulebook? Have some Brikwars in thanks.
213 posts and 52 images omitted

DM Test Quest

No.41777421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The group is taking shelter from the scorching sun, leaning and resting agaisnt the walls of a great cliff. The sand doesn't blow so hard down here, and the wind is refreshing, and you all look up and see that the great shade which saves you from the scorching sun is being cast by a large stone, set all the up the clifs.

The shade by itself is welcomed. It allows the party to rest and head. Sse, there goes the warrior removing his heavy boots, and there goes the healer, rushing in to rub salvos and herbal medicine on the giant man's tired feet. The wizard has sat down to rest and annoy the paladin who is attempting to read a book. And even the rogue seems content in crouching down on a legde and keeping himself quiet. But above you all lies that great obelisc. It's falling could mean the death of all.

But wait! Here comes a chariot. A Chariot and Riders!. Ridding straight for the cliff walls you are camping. They are quickly upon you... then passing you... then are gone... BUT LOOK... MORE RIDERS!

The new riders gain on the fleeing ones, and before the party can blink, a meelle errupts

It is over quickly.

The group walks towards the bloodshed. The group hears the faint agony of the dying as they approach... then silence.

As your group sees the scene, a bloodied battle fought next to a river, sand and corpses spread everyone, a silent figure rolls out from the ruined chariot.

He is bloodied from head to toe, some his own blood, some others. His clothes are torn and painted red, you cannot tell is this man was a noble, a soldier or a mercenary. I cannot even tell what side he was on. In one hand he holds an axe, in the other one, he holds a broken sword.

He falls to his back and looks at the party. He does not seem hostile towards you.

"Water" he says

What do you do?
Roll a D10 for your decision