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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 119


Fallout : Nuclear Winter Quest thread #9

!!C4hqN1IT8z6 No.41848984 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
178 posts and 4 images omitted

PDF Share: Google-fu Is Not Strong Edition

No.39912416 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone have the Vampire the Requiem 2e Rulebook? Have some Brikwars in thanks.
213 posts and 52 images omitted

DM Test Quest

No.41777421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The group is taking shelter from the scorching sun, leaning and resting agaisnt the walls of a great cliff. The sand doesn't blow so hard down here, and the wind is refreshing, and you all look up and see that the great shade which saves you from the scorching sun is being cast by a large stone, set all the up the clifs.

The shade by itself is welcomed. It allows the party to rest and head. Sse, there goes the warrior removing his heavy boots, and there goes the healer, rushing in to rub salvos and herbal medicine on the giant man's tired feet. The wizard has sat down to rest and annoy the paladin who is attempting to read a book. And even the rogue seems content in crouching down on a legde and keeping himself quiet. But above you all lies that great obelisc. It's falling could mean the death of all.

But wait! Here comes a chariot. A Chariot and Riders!. Ridding straight for the cliff walls you are camping. They are quickly upon you... then passing you... then are gone... BUT LOOK... MORE RIDERS!

The new riders gain on the fleeing ones, and before the party can blink, a meelle errupts

It is over quickly.

The group walks towards the bloodshed. The group hears the faint agony of the dying as they approach... then silence.

As your group sees the scene, a bloodied battle fought next to a river, sand and corpses spread everyone, a silent figure rolls out from the ruined chariot.

He is bloodied from head to toe, some his own blood, some others. His clothes are torn and painted red, you cannot tell is this man was a noble, a soldier or a mercenary. I cannot even tell what side he was on. In one hand he holds an axe, in the other one, he holds a broken sword.

He falls to his back and looks at the party. He does not seem hostile towards you.

"Water" he says

What do you do?
Roll a D10 for your decision

No.29520055 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you could call forth the skills and abilities of your ancestors up to five generations back, what would you have?
215 posts and 19 images omitted

/wodg/ World of Darkness General [WoD]

No.41595595 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For all WoD books
Onyx Path Schedule
Custom Character sheets

Old thread is dying, long live the new thread!
Character-portraits from Pandora, who literally drew them all.
Visit the wiki
For creepypasta
For diceroller
323 posts and 22 images omitted

Flames of War General /fowg/ - Maid Komissar Edition

No.40513036 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's that time again!

Flames of War SCANS database (Fully Updated):
---Includes our Late War Leviathan rules!
Official Flames of War Free Briefings:

Current /tg/ fan projects - Noob Guide &FAQ, and a Podcast

Quick Guide on all present FOW Books:

Archive of all known Panzer Tracts PDFs:

WWII Osprey's, Other Wargames, and Reference Books
and, for Vietnam.

--Guybrarian Notes:

--Assembling the Open Fire Shermans -

Panzerfunk, the /fowg/ podcast.

last State of the Union, in case you missed it:
119 posts and 27 images omitted

Mercenary 2030 Quest 24

!014bdkTI1c No.41653676 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Character Sheet:
>Previous threads:

Hello all. Nothing big to report at the moment, I have a light week this week so I’m planning on running Wednesday night around the same time as this one. Other than that, let’s have a good run and hopefully nobody will die of embarrassment.

>Fate Point: 2
>Money: $285
>Equipment: Tier 2 Assault Rifle. Tier 2 Armor (+4 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo: 3. Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier. (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Tier 1 Rucksack. (Carry Capacity 4.) Quality Lighter. Tier 1 Med-kit. Tier 2 Med-kit. Tier 1 Toolkit.

Your name is William and you just asked Morrigan, your boss and leader of MMS, where kids come from. She brought it up first, saying that she wouldn’t be a good mother and then commenting on the fact that you didn’t know where kids come from. So, you did something that you’ve slowly been learning to do at MMS, ask questions about something you don’t know.

Most of the time it doesn’t turn out like this though, as Morrigan still has her eyes opened wide and mouth partially opened as if she was shocked by something. Her face is an interesting color of red as well, almost a reddish purple. If you hadn’t been talking to her just seconds earlier you would be worried about her breathing. As it is, her color is already starting to return to normal, but she still hasn’t said anything or answered your question.

>Just wait patiently.
>Ask her if she’s ok.
>Ask her if you should go get Mary.
322 posts and 19 images omitted

/btg/ - BattleTech General

No.41632840 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
300 posts and 46 images omitted

Pathfinder General /pfg/

No.41643072 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pathfinder General /pfg/

Mindscape duel edition

Previous thread:
311 posts and 22 images omitted

PDF Share Thread

No.40737192 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
didn't find one in the catalog.

Anyone got Cyberpunk 2013? The 1988 edition. Cyberpunk 2020 would do fine too.
276 posts and 58 images omitted