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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 120

No.41614742 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any data out there that can definitively point me towards a answer regarding where in the USA is the best place to live to peruse the /tg/ life?

The place is q
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40k Wargame Campaign Rules

No.32559049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Setting up a campaign for my bros. Players are, in no order:

Possibly Sisters of Battle or Dark Angels or Dark Eldar
Chaos Daemons or Chaos Space Marines
Space Wolves or Space Marines
Tau Empire
Grey Knights

Thoughts on the rules so far?
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/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

No.41526817 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
He Blew With His Winds And They Were Scattered Edition

Previous thread: >>41471481

Get in here, post games, miniatures, questions, whatever you like.

List of mini providers:

List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:

ZunTsu Gameboxes:

/hwg/ Steam Group:

Games, Ospreys & References folders:
306 posts and 104 images omitted

Mercenary 2030 Quest 23

!014bdkTI1c No.41549968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Character Sheet:
>Previous threads:

Hey everyone, time for some more Mercs. Since we’ve hit what I consider to be roughly the end of the first arc, I’ve given you a second fate point. Again, don’t expect them to fall out of the trees, but you do have a slight cushion. Probably going to have a decent amount of character development and maybe some world building before we get more action, there’s been quite a bit lately. Other than that, thanks for reading and I’m always open to discuss things and answer question.

>Fate Point: 2
>Money: $285
>Equipment: Tier 2 Assault Rifle. Tier 2 Armor (+4 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo: 3. Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier. (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Tier 1 Rucksack. (Carry Capacity 4.) Quality Lighter. Tier 1 Med-kit. Tier 2 Med-kit. Tier 1 Toolkit.

Your name is William, though many people call you Billy. You blink your eyes as you awake on your bed, late morning sunlight shining through your window. Yesterday was the attack on Fort Riley, which was successfully repelled thanks to the combined efforts of MMS, the local garrison and the hastily assembled militia formed from the residents.
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No.41543007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear /tg/

I'm considering playing a tabletop game that isn't warhammer

Is Corvus Belli: Infinity any good?

/tgesg/ - (Weekend) Elder Scrolls General

No.41455786 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Criminal scum edition

>Tabletop/P&P RPGs
[UESRPG + other TES RPGs]
Discussion in #UESRPG ( [port 6667])
[Scrollhammer - Tabletop Wargame]

>Lore Resources
[The Imperial Library]
[Pocket Guide to the Lore] goo gl / 8b78MW
[Elder Lore Podcast]
[How to Become a Lore Buff] goo gl / 7f43lQ

>General Rules
No waifus please.
Keep the MK related squabbling in the Mantella.

>Previous Kalpa >>41279538
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No.41514433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>smutfags want threads to be derailed into talking about their fetishes

gee, what a surprise

let's see how you like it when based mods shove a rusty ten foot pole up your ass. please report this thread so mods will know their terrorist plot as soon as possible.
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Behemoth Blade

No.30224926 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, fa/tg/uys

I've been rattling my brain and the net for the download to some sort of splat book that was involved in Pathfinder psionics, but more importantly, it had some weapon in it called a Behemoth Blade, I think.

It did something like 2d10 damage and had a 20-odd strength requirement to use, but was otherwise normal. Any of you guys know what book this was in? I'm stumped.

pic related, it's a big fucking sword.
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No.41483758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>dragons are expressions of vice, and mutate from humans who lose themselves to their sins
>massive, bloated blights on the land, devouring anything they can and feedingbtheir desires
>most of the world is a blasted hellscape of chewed up ruins, split up and contested by dragons and their enslaved thralls

wud u play
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[Quest]Meeting of the Fighters Guild, Health Insurance

No.41395395 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Now I know that we promise full health care, but with the number of duels outside of the dueling circle that we specifically enchanted to prevent injury, as well as Dina's little blessing and the rise of...STDs...look, we're probably going to have to cut back to only partial coverage. Our premiums are just too high! Durmon, don't give me a warcry, you're the worst of the bunch!
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