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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 122

Bored Writefag

No.41316562 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The title says it all. Tell me what you want, and I'll write that shit up for you.
I'd prefer fantasy, but I can roll with whatever.
>pic unrelated

Feral Necromancer Quest XX

No.41305437 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time, on Feral Necromancer Quest: You decided to leave the burial of your friend for later, instead taking revenge on the drow first. You met a roc on the way, who turned out to be a pretty cool bird, but flew off without offering you help. You split the mountain asunder and murdered the drow race. Melandie came quite close to losing her mind, but calmed down in the end. Leaving her with Lathrien and Bathory, you entered the caverns under the mountain. There you found the statue of the god of necromancy. After urinating on the statue the god very nearly killed you, and only quick thinking and clever words saved your life. That is where the nineteenth installment of Feral Necromancer Quest concluded.

The Cast

Vlad Tepish: You, a necromancer, who after being exiled from his tribe, found a ruin belonging to a dead elven necromancer. Armed with ancient knowledge and magic you are on a quest for immortality (among other things)

Bathory: Your lover. Trying to bring her back to life was what lead to your exile in the first place. The process of preserving her spirit was, unbeknownst to you, excruciating, and she hated you for a long time. You have given her an immortal alchemical body. You have repaired your relationship with her, and you love each other dearly.

Lathrien: Your erstwhile hostage, now a friend and an apprentice, Lathrien is an elf and becoming quite a capable Necromancer and Shaman.

Melandie: Elven huntress and berserker. She joined up with your party on her own volition. She has had serious issues with rage management, and her runeblade seems to be affecting her mind.
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Epic General

No.38243346 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
'Games Workshop actually used to be this cool' edition

Rules and army lists downloads
Net Epic Armageddon:
Epic UK:

Miniature providers
Troublemaker Games:
Onslaught Miniatures:
Steel Crown Productions:
Crazy Czech guy:
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PDF Thread

No.41212092 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't have much but I'll dump what I can.

Does anyone have the full PDF of How to Host a Dungeon?
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Holy Sword Quest Part 34

!!/oBC3mIyE04 No.41247743 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Siegfried Schmidt, a former guard from the city of Morsland. Due to various circumstances, you have become the new wielder of Galadriel, a holy sword which houses a powerful six-winged angel of the same name. Now you have come to the White Watchtower, a fortress close to the border between the Forsaken Lands and the kingdom of Iseria, to train with the crusaders so that you can protect yourself from the demons that might come after you now that the sword is in your possession.

Today has been pretty eventful. First you went to spar with the city guards in preparation for the tournament, and after nearly breaking a halberd over some poor guard's head, you learned that your powers as a Champion are starting to grow. Soon after, while eating lunch with Justine and Erika, you saw the man in the cloak get into a fight with some large thug. When questioned, he proved to be a bit of an asshole and ran off. Finally, when returning to the palace, you ran into Daniel, just returning from the Lione estate after being invited by Celia Lione.

New to HSQ? Read the old threads to get caught up:
Character Sheet:
QM's twitter: @sparkthetgqm
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Love and Sex in Numenera

No.31521661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why in a setting where the world is basically in a medieval-ish era would there be no stigma around homosexuality/transgenderism? The book does present some ways in which people of the same gender could bear offspring, but it seems like such a half-assed way to try to shove lgbt acceptance into a setting where it wouldn't probably exist.
People need to have children for humanity to spread and grow, so naturally, those who for whatever reason choose to engage in relationships that won't allow them to have children would be shunned and ostracized by society. In modern day, it's no problem what someone's orientation is because spreading and growing isn't really a thing humanity needs to do at this point in time.
The way the book hand-waves away the problem by saying some Aeon Priest created a device that allowed men to get pregnant is stupid, and brings up one of my major problems with Numenera's setting: if there are people that can reverse engineer numenera for specific purposes, why is the world still in a medieval era? You can't just go around saying that the way numenera work are just so mysterious and beyond the grasp of humans, then turn around and say that numenera can sometimes be reverse engineered for specific purposes.

I really like the idea of Numenera, but it's things like this that really turn me off from the setting.
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No.41175065 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Name a better combo than being a wizard/ninja. You can't.
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No.31801371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A query most elegan/tg/entalmen,

The other day I saw a thread about an Anon who was doing a CoC SCP game. I must say I really like the idea and would love to try it in my own game. The thread 404'd and was generally quit shit, but I was hoping you could help me stat some of your favorite SCPs for a CoC game!

Pic not related
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Smaller Scale Gaming

No.41086509 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /tg/ I was wondering if anyone on here actually plays lower scale wargames in the 15/10/6mm range and would mind talking about them.

A lot of the models I've seen look great and are cheap as dirt but I'm inexperienced with what actual systems use these scales and how different the games play in comparison to something like WHFB.

I'm also having trouble searching for systems themselves made for this scale. So far I've heard of Fantasy Rules! and Warmaster, but I know this scale is also huge for historical games like Flames of War which I think is also played at this scale.
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CYOA general

No.41159799 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New one because autosage is used as an excuse for rampant shitposting apparently.

Still looking for builds to incorporate as companions.
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