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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 137

Weekend Quest Thread

No.39975777 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QM's.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links: (embed)
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QM's. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players.

> QM question
Do you have ends planned for your quests?

> Player question
Do you want a defined end for your quests, or would you prefer and open-ended conclusion?
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Slave Driver Menality

No.39985701 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There are times when a culture develops towards an economy with a large number of unfree laborers. These can be out and out slaves, serfs bound to the land or simply peasants who are so hopelessly impoverished that they eek out only a marginal existance lorded over by a class of high ranking aristocrats and their various enforcers. In such a society, a mentality is cultivated amongst it's rulers: they view the solution to every problem of production is to throw more manpower at it and to push the workers as hard as possible to get them out of being 'lazy'. The leaders will not sully their hands with material things, their underlings will have no time to innovate. In any case letting them innovate cultivates classes which the overlords fear.

This is Slave Driver Mentality and it always breeds stagnation. In the long run, a society with Slave Driver Mentality will always be overcome by one which does not.
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No.39980146 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone else have to deal with LGBT-flavor magical realm horseshit and can't call it out because it's basically social suicide? It's like everyone knows it but nobody wants to challenge it. Even I don't want to challenge it because the guy committing it is just so awkward it would hurt me as much as it would him.

>this fucking guy, super introverted, likely on-the-spectrum guy in my group
>never smalltalks, forced anime-like mannerisms, little eye contact
>physically disgusting: pasty, gaunt, ratty hair past his shoulders

>ALWAYS plays a girl and frequently misses turns out of his characters fear and hesitation
>always ends up relying on someone in the party to protect him
>tends to shuffle closer to the person IRL who takes on this protector role with the most obviously practiced-in-the-mirror head-down sheepish-smile stuttering "t-thank you" you'll ever see
>tried this with both of the actual IRL females in our group at first
>first girl was a good sport if slightly obviously uncomfortable, second time with second girl equally good sport though the knowing look they shared for a split second was priceless
>afterwards they both asked me and another guy to sit between us and beta boy (he's 22 though)
>had a good laugh and agreed, all of us silently acknowledging then how painfully socially inept this guy is
>our faces when he still tries the same act with both us guys

So as you can tell it's incredibly uncomfortable for everyone, and this is a group where in-character roleplaying is the focus. So you can see the dilemma: it's not really fair to ask him to tone down or change his roleplay in a roleplay-heavy group, despite everyone being uncomfortable with it.

I can't help but resent how transparent it is, and it's starting to fill me with anger despite the "it's not hurting anybody!" faggot rhetoric.

What do? Well, I already know: Someone just has to say something. I guess this is just a vent and a thread for similar stories.
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Improvaizen Quest

!!h7gIe9JHEEj No.39963515 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Improvaizen Quest Chapter XXVI: Kubo Notice
Spoiler you are at the deep end of the char sheet- you are 2 arcs ahead char sheet wise. TWO. Things are going to get expensive
You have 50xp to spend:
You will get your two new character sheets at the end of this thread ( I have been doing edits, plus school and normie shit has been getting in the way. Oh and you guys take your time over it quite a bit.)

You are Sosuke Aizen. Right now you and Kisuke are sitting down having tea. Trying to write out a speech for what you say in front of the central 46 tomorrow on behalf of the nobility. And by tomorrow it's 5 hours until the meeting. So far it has been going well.

"Sosuke. Could you brew up some more tea?" Kisuke asks.

You can only brew one type of tea! CHOOSE
>> "Of course" Something stronger (+5 bonus to all offensive stats)
>> "No problem" Something good for the heart ( +3 to all rolls)
>> "Anything in particular" [MYSTERY BOX BONUS]
>> "Have I got a surprise for you!" [MYSTERIOUS BONUS BOX]
>> "I'll brew up the good stuff" (+10 to bonus on rolls)
>> "I'll try the stuff the captain commander gave me" (Crits reduced to 70 for remainder of thread)
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No.39675129 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How long would this nigger last in the 40k universe?
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No.39954902 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
One of my friends wants to bring me to play D&D with some of his college buddies. I'm acquainted with said buddies, and I know they're pretty socially inept (reddit memes irl type), though my friend is relatively normal.

I have never played D&D before, though I listened to a few podcasts (penny arcade sessions mostly) and it seems fun. I'm not (or at least, I think I'm not) averse to serious roleplay or just riffing on what's happening.

However, there's a weird middle ground in some games I watched on the internet that makes my balls retract into my body and I'm sure these guys I might end up playing with are going to fall into: "Rule of Cool" dingbats.

I already heard them talking about it once (in public, no less.) "So then my guy, like, threw a spear into the wall, and did a prince of persia vault off of it and nailed a pair of goblins with his throwing knives before he hit the ground, it was epic!"

This type of "epic" shit hurts me on a deep, spiritual level, and to make things worse it seems it's not uncommon. "Awesomeness" and comic-book inspired quips are more repulsive to me than the most straight-faced LARPing.

So what am I in for? I have a feeling me and my friend are going to end up taking the piss out of the other guys tipping their vorpal katanas when I'd really like to indulge in light roleplaying in a fantasy setting and generally have a laugh.
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Chapter Master General

No.39949025 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> What is Chapter Master?
A Space Marine Chapter management simulator with mechanics resembling Master of Orion II and with amounts of FUN not unlike Dwarf Fortress. Also aims to be part King of Dragon Pass in the future.

> Where do I download it?


>Where do I find the changelog?
This is the current changelog:

>Special report:
Duke's attempts to find a replacement coder didn't go that well. It turns out that the reason he needed to hand it off in the first place was that he ran out of money and needed to actually support himself and not starve. Therefore, a new solution has been proposed:

The more money Duke gets, the more time he will be able to dedicate to the project.

Current version: 0.6545

Previous thread: >>39908904
Thought for the day: My armour is contempt.



Make sure your save file doesn't say ERROR before you close the game. if it does, save it in the next available file.

Extra Challenge: Post screenshots as you play, lets see some gameplay.

Community FAQ:

Some notable things to look forward to in the coming updates: ability to go renegade with the inclusion of a tzeentchian-esque chaos lord and battle formations. For more details, refer to the previous thread link.
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Imperial Knights

No.30805660 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone have a pdf?
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No.27393616 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are given a small army of monstergirls to train and command:

10 Centaurs (fast cavalry, good with all types of weapons, good on flat plains, poor mobility in forests)
15 Lamias (fast foot soldier, grapple skill, good with lances and bows, no problem with terrain)
10 Harpies (flight, cannot carry 2 handed weapons)
5 Ogres (brute strength, can carry heavy armor at the cost of mobility, easily distracted with alcohol)
10 Werewolves (scout, feral, good teamwork, weak during the day)
1 Arachne (can weave web, cannot carry weapons, no problem with terrain and can climb walls)
2 Angels (healing type with good mobility, fickle and cannot be used for evil)
2 Succubi (seductress, can cast offensive magic, weak in combat)
2 Alraune/Dryads (support type, can control plant growth, weak to fire)
10 Cyclops (can craft weapons and armor, strong but not as strong as ogres)
1 Slime Girl (poor in combat, good in water, can replicate itself, weak to lightning and ice, immune to physical attacks)

Your mission is to conquer a small human kingdom. They have 100 Pikemen, 50 Knights, 50 Clerics and 5 Wizards. You have about a week to prepare and only a month to conquer.

What do?
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Quest Thread General -- "Underworld" Edition

No.39904259 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added; accounts that spam quest-unrelated messages may get removed)
[Anonkun] (yell abuse at as necessary(not that he'll listen))
[QTG New Home]

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