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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 138

Thieve's Guild Meeting: New Guildmaster?!

No.39833156 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright lads and lasses. As some of you may know I'm going to be out of the house for a bit, vacation and all that, now that this Horseman nonsense has calmed down. Now I'm leaving the Cat in charge and should I...never return, well, she'll be your new Guildmaster. Now she has the pin, so if you feel that she's not fit for duty, feel free to try and steal it off her. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go pack.

Welcome to the Thieves Guild, just pick a name and join in. Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed. When this thread dies we'll continue on archive moe. For additional resources, visit
7997 posts and 18 images omitted

Quest Thread General -- "Underworld" Edition

No.39861635 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added; accounts that spam quest-unrelated messages may get removed)
[Anonkun] (yell abuse at as necessary(not that he'll listen))
[QTG New Home]

[Fool X](Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
--[Original Version] (fixed to work with
--[Spooky Variant v.27.4] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
[CSS Restyling] (Current layout thread)
-- (Layout Fix)
-- (Chat fix)
[Akun Linker v7]
[Akun TagChecker v3]
[Akun ReCap v5]
[Akun AnonToggle v5]
[Akun FollowMap v2]
[Akun Review Page Fix v2]
[Akun Live Images v2]
(further information for these scripts contained in the top pastebin)
874 posts omitted

No.39903197 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
haven't seen one of these threads in a while
187 posts and 100 images omitted

Nasuverse Quest #4: Sins of the Father

!QcXzf6Cb2I No.39937276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
General Synopsis/Quick Introduction: As the subject line implies, this quest will be taking place within the Nasuverse

For those not as well-read into TYPE-MOON's works, please do not feel overwhelmed or threatened; I will do my best to ease as many of you in as possible

This particular installment of the quest will be continuing our latest trend of beginning with our main character, instead of with a prologue featuring his Great Grandfather, whose penis began this entire shitshow.

In a normal post you can expect me to provide four options with the fifth being a prompt for write-ins.

Thank you in advance for any consideration you may give this thread and please feel free to offer any criticism or feedback.
177 posts and 23 images omitted

Surreal Television Quest - Interlude 1 - Part 2

!9T11rwLNLg No.39929422 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Dice rolls are all 4d6-4, roll under, unless specified otherwise. The options field should read "dice+4d6+-4"
>Rolls are done in sets, the number of rolls in the set being based upon which stat(s) and/or skill(s) you are using for that particular set of rolls. The more complex a task is, the more successes are required to succeed at the task. The more difficult a task is, the lower the target number is.

>Allie's Character Sheet:

>Episode 0:
>Interlude 1 - Part 1:

>Apologies for the rather abrupt end to the last thread. QMs are human too, and need sleep just as other humans do. I'd intended to take a half-hour nap, then my alarm didn't wake me up...
114 posts and 1 image omitted

[WoD] World of Darkness General

No.39917457 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
World of Darkness General! Kneel before WoD!

Question of the Day: Which Splat is the closest to the "4Chan" experience? Who can we relate to most?
>Buy WoD books!
>Onyx Path Schedule

>Custom Character sheets

>Character-portraits etc

>The White-Wolf Wiki
>>>Survey Time:<<<

Are you a /WoDg/ Regular?

What WoD games have you played?

Whats your favourite nWoD Line?

Whats your favourite oWoD Line?
322 posts and 43 images omitted


No.39905047 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
393 posts and 63 images omitted

Forgotten Realms

No.31860965 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Whats the easiest way for a non-drow male in Faerun to persuade a female drow cleric of Eilistraee to take him as her husbandu /tg/?
60 posts and 6 images omitted

No.39891772 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it appropriative to play a POC or differently able character without being one?
104 posts and 10 images omitted

Assassin School Quest 41

!8.HocLMZTU No.39877869 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Char sheets: Layla Maria

Something is watching me, I can feel it at the back of my head, a pair of eyes staring at me from some place I can't quite see, something just out of the corner of my eye, but maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid. I sigh and hug Maria's arm, well if someone is watching me, I've got to be sure to keep Maria safe, especially when she's as happy as she is now, I don't want to ruin her day, and if anyone else does, well I'll just have to deal with them.

"Hey eli isn't it mother's day?" Elizabeth asks on the other side of the couch

"I think it is" I say "why?"

"No reason, just feels a bit weird not celebrating it" she sighs "Since you know, mom died"

"Yeah it isn't a good feeling is it" I sigh, feel a twinge of guilt run through me, knowing I'm probably the one who killed my own mother because of my own experiments... though I can't say I really regret it...but some part of me does "but hey we still have eachother don't we"

"Yeah" Elizabeth says sadly "Yeah we do, hey, what about you Maria, what about your"

"She's dead" Maria says, sounding like she's on the verge of tears at the mention of mothers "I killed her but...I didn't"

"You..killed your own mother?" Elizabeth asks, sounding a quite horrified "How could you"

"It was the other me" Maria sniffles "she does things like that, I don't want to talk about it, so please just don't ask"

Elizabeth looks at me and smiles slightly before she turns back to the tv. I hug Maria's arm tighter, trying to cheer her up a bit as she shakes slightly as she holds back tears.

"Well maybe we could celebrate their memory" Elizabeth says, no doubt trying to cheer maria and herself up.

What do I do?
[] Try to cheer her up
[] Elizabeth vision
[] try to find the person watching you
[] wonder why I feel so sad all of sudden
[] go to a class
[] write in
813 posts and 3 images omitted