Quoted By:
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.
Please do not shitpost, and please report any shitposters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try not to cause any tripfag drama.
Finally, please report any WQDT threads which
1:encourages shitposting in the OP
2:contains a "QTJR" in the linked pastebin
3:are created on weekdays (on fridays)
as they are most likely to have been made by ban evaders.
Useful links: http://pastebin.com/paukuu6A (embed)
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.
QM: How do you feel about crunch?
Players: Do you ever try to make your QM feel supported apart from voting?
Weekday discussion takes place on the ghost thread which can most easily be reached via this link: https://archive.moe/tg/search/image/UdLE7DEZxkzsLsmo99KjJw/
Otherwise look here: https://archive.moe/tg/ghost/
Please do not shitpost, and please report any shitposters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try not to cause any tripfag drama.
Finally, please report any WQDT threads which
1:encourages shitposting in the OP
2:contains a "QTJR" in the linked pastebin
3:are created on weekdays (on fridays)
as they are most likely to have been made by ban evaders.
Useful links: http://pastebin.com/paukuu6A (embed)
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.
QM: How do you feel about crunch?
Players: Do you ever try to make your QM feel supported apart from voting?
Weekday discussion takes place on the ghost thread which can most easily be reached via this link: https://archive.moe/tg/search/image/UdLE7DEZxkzsLsmo99KjJw/
Otherwise look here: https://archive.moe/tg/ghost/