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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 147

No.39319561 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?
167 posts and 28 images omitted

No.39289024 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what do Titans actually look like under their amour? I have never seen this in the art, or even one modal with it's helmet off. It really bothers me as GW have gone to so much effort creating a believable setting then throne in these jokers which make the whole thing ridiculous.

Dreadnaughts are OK because they are not that big and it's established in the fluff that SM's can be lots bigger than a human, but Titans are a whole nother story - I have spent all of today looking through the codexes and online trying to find out what they are, but there is no information - even if it just randomly went "one day the Emperor found a planet full of Giants who joined the Imperium" it wouldn't be so bad.

Does anyone else agree with this being a problem as I like to see Warhammer as being a fairly realistic war simulation of future combat (admittedly there are other elements like the warp and demons but they are at least explained) and Titans just through my disbelief suspension out the window.
4 posts and 2 images omitted

Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.39254495 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]

Tools :
[Fool X](Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
--[Original Version] (fixed to work with
--[Spooky Variant v.24.8] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
[CSS Restyling] (Current layout thread)
-- (Layout Fix)
-- (Chat fix)
[Akun Linker v6]
-- Parses all non-clickable links in chat and stories and makes them hyperlinks
-- Embeds recognised images because why the hell not
[Akun TagChecker v2]
-- Checks chat input for html tag pairings on the fly and adds more as necessary
-- Does automatic hyperlinking if you enter a link, as well as embeds images
[Akun ReCap v5]
-- Replaces usernames with capitalised versions
-- Works from a list of username pairings, add yours to the google sheet linked in topic
719 posts omitted

Peasant Quest

!o491aN2VeI No.39285276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Peasant Quest Reboot!

Back after a long hiatus with a streamlined rework.

Previous threads:

We will be picking up towards the end of the 3rd thread. After you get sun-speared but before you wake up. Everything after that is null and void.

Character Sheet:

QM Twitter:

Since the burning spear pierced your skull you have slept, dead and dreaming. The events of your life replaying over and over thousands of times until you have re-lived each moment more than you can bear. The whispers of the passing aeons brush the edges of your mind until you feel a great weight being lifted off of you.

You’re awake, confined in a small dark space. You reach out and push against the nearest surface, which seems to be the lid of your sarcophagus.

You sit up and look around, there is a strangely dressed man with you in the room. Before he even manages to turn to face the sound of your awakening you are on him, your teeth at his throat. You are so overcome by bloodthirst after your long sleep that that you are scarcely even conscious of what you are doing til he is drained and dead on the floor.

Flush with stolen life, your dessicated, skeletal form begins to heal and flesh out until you feel somewhat yourself again.

You have been asleep a very, very long time.

>What is your name? (First name only, you are an ancient peasant from a forgotten civilization with no family name)
99 posts and 3 images omitted

Re:monster Snake Quest 14

!Me.qpOlLW2 No.39282505 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Katie Black, High-school social reject turned neurotic reptile with a lisp, and you're falling through a black void screaming like a naive teenager on shrooms at a heavy metal concert being hit with exotic strobe lighting. You open your eyes, everything is blinding white, your mouth is dry, everything hurts- oh fuck everything hurts.

Your grip the sheets tight and let loose a sound reminiscent of a cat drowning while your eyes crunch up, your arms feel like they're covered in bees, as do your sides.

There's a rather grumpy male voice coming towards you shouting "HEY- calm down- Stop struggling you silly girl you'll reopen the lacerations!" but you can't see him by virtue of clenching your eyes closed. Your memory comes back to you like a fine mist, you just had one fucking awful nightmare, at least you assume it was a nightmare? Maybe you're still in a coma, but you doubt being unconscious hurts this fucking much.
Something happened, you called your mother- fought fume knight, fucking fume knight.

You have serious issues.
328 posts and 11 images omitted

Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

No.39255492 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links: (embed)
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses of quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

QM: What kind of waifus do we need more?

Players: Who is your favorite ded QM?

Bonus question: Do you miss FUCK Quest?
462 posts and 34 images omitted

No.39233185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your party is walking along late at night when they see this. What do they do?
24 posts and 4 images omitted

No.39226887 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How is your character getting along with the rest of your party, /tg/? Do they have friends or rivals? Have they ever fought over what to do during a quest?
59 posts and 11 images omitted

Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.39222805 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]

Tools :
[Fool X](Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
--[Original Version] (fixed to work with
--[Spooky Variant v.24.5] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
[CSS Restyling] (Current layout thread)
-- (Layout Fix)
-- (Chat fix)
[Akun Linker v6]
-- Parses all non-clickable links in chat and stories and makes them hyperlinks
-- Embeds recognised images because why the hell not
[Akun TagChecker v2]
-- Checks chat input for html tag pairings on the fly and adds more as necessary
-- Does automatic hyperlinking if you enter a link, as well as embeds images
[Akun ReCap v5]
-- Replaces usernames with capitalised versions
-- Works from a list of username pairings, add yours to the google sheet linked in topic

QMs: Do you enjoy when your players try to work in ways you didn't anticipate?

Players: What moment do you remember the best from a bad quest?

Bonus: What SB quest makes your eyes bleed the least?
719 posts omitted

No.39242464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A wrathful warlock curses your party, transforming you into Small Cute Critters. You retain your personalities and intelligence, but your physical strength has plummeted. Despite your best efforts, you cannot seem to break the curse.
8 posts and 3 images omitted