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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 149

World of Darkness: The Card Game

No.38289424 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I the only one pumped for The WoD: LCG coming later this year/early next?

I have been wanting a reboot of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle for ages and looks like we are getting it at last.

Having a true group playable LCG is also going to be wonderful. I can't wait for 8+ player games with insane levels of table talk.

So Let's go with a V:TES love and WoD:LCG Hype thread!
38 posts and 3 images omitted

Bait thread images

No.39191896 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Seen some quality shit on this board but none better than the bait images that seem to come and go.
How many varieties are there? Can anyone post some up for reference and future use?
15 posts and 11 images omitted

Condemned Impossible Quest 1

!HTtnaE8WU6 No.39180755 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Geometry dictates any real body must have an extension in three directions.

"But having only length, breadth, and thickness, can a cube have a real existence?"
"There I object. Of course a solid body may exist. All real things-."
"So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an instantaneous cube exist?"
"Don't follow you."
"Can a cube that does not last for any time at all, have a real existence?"
-H.G. Wells

>Twitter: @QmBello

Infinity General: Beakie Samurai Edition

No.39126341 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli. Where everyone slices everyone else in slow motion.

>Official site

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
>Rules wiki

>Roleplaying game coming out spring 2015 by Modiphius based on their 2D20 system


>Terrain (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Also, the epic faction rundown.

>All Consolidated Rules!DhhlRLqJ!6T_kh36C9oLG8kCAJq1e5e_Eu9GO0pU8_hexY2zCcp0
313 posts and 42 images omitted

Quest Spooky Cutie Gee Thread Admiral

No.39104392 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]

Tools :
[Fool X](Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
--[Original Version] (fixed to work with
--[Spooky Variant v.24] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
[CSS Restyling] (Current layout thread)
-- (Layout Fix)
-- (Chat fix)
[Akun Linker v6]
-- Parses all non-clickable links in chat and stories and makes them hyperlinks
-- Embeds recognised images because why the hell not
[Akun TagChecker v2]
-- Checks chat input for html tag pairings on the fly and adds more as necessary
-- Does automatic hyperlinking if you enter a link, as well as embeds images
[Akun ReCap v5]
-- Replaces usernames with capitalised versions
-- Works from a list of username pairings, add yours to the google sheet linked in topic
827 posts omitted

Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

No.39139432 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses of quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

>QM Topic:
What's your opinion on how an MC should draw from player input? Does it only take into account a majority vote, or do you integrate parts of other posts as well?

>Player Topic:
What sorts of NPCs would you appreciate seeing more of? Either underrepresented character archetypes -- among allies or enemies -- or something else entirely.
391 posts and 12 images omitted

RE:Monster EX Quest 23

!!7fb3j+Ac+pZ No.35153894 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Shoving the molten stone back underground was probably harder than calling it up in the first place- nevermind that you had the bloody magic headache already, but you could feel the pulse of the earth, singing through you as you worked. It wanted to help. Answer your calls. But you wanted it to get back underground, which was apparently confusing for it.

Talking to rocks is a pain.

When all is said and done, you've turned a sparsely grassy meadow into a broken charred wasteland- between you and your over-eager sibling, no plants escaped your wrath.

It'll probably grow back. Eventually.

The trip home is slow going; You keep an even pace to avoid jostling your head too much, though you can't resist talking magic with your father.
"-So, is the whole... communion with elements common then? At least amongst mages?"
"It's not really that simple- Spirits, elements- They have... Well, something approaching a personality, anyway. Likes and dislikes. They might not care for a mage, or they might not care for how they use the element, or they might not care. It goes on. Lightning and storms get along with me, but fire is a bit tetchy at times. It dislikes being contained."
"Tetchy. Fire is tetchy."
"It's a fact."
"This entire conversation is a trip into absurdity, yes."

He looks you over before responding.
"You just finished saying how the earth was trying to help you by pushing up. And the stars love your sister, and help her whenever they can."
"They do!"
You shrug as best you can.
"The fact that it is real in no way detracts from how ridiculous it is, yes?"

He laughs, plodding alongside you, staff in hand.
"Be glad you're a mage rather than a summoner. If they don't like you, your survival is literally at their whim."
"If it is all the same, I will stick to my glaive, yes? It has yet to talk back."
415 posts and 14 images omitted

Warhammer Fantasy General

No.38677096 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
357 posts and 53 images omitted

Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.39067349 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QMs)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]

Tools :
[Fool X](Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
--[Original Version] (fixed to work with
--[Spooky Variant v.24] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
[CSS Restyling] (Current layout thread)
-- (Layout Fix)
-- (Chat fix)
[Akun Linker v6]
-- Parses all non-clickable links in chat and stories and makes them hyperlinks
-- Embeds recognised images because why the hell not
[Akun TagChecker v2]
-- Checks chat input for html tag pairings on the fly and adds more as necessary
-- Does automatic hyperlinking if you enter a link, as well as embeds images
[Akun ReCap v5]
-- Replaces usernames with capitalised versions
-- Works from a list of username pairings, add yours to the google sheet linked in topic

QMs: Have you baneposted inside your own quest?

Players: Which QM is the most funposty?

Bonus: Would you play a quest with dakis in it?
743 posts omitted

!LZ7Jq4atQY No.39087746 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How would one not fuck up quest threads?

I have some (bad) settings i made for my friends to play in and I wonder how they'd play out in a quest...
I'm not sure if i can plan out stuff in advance.
111 posts and 6 images omitted