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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 160

Who is your character based on?

No.38511344 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post what is/was the closest pop culture character was based on.
I just loved Vinny so much I knew I had to play him.
284 posts and 142 images omitted

No.38513414 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You must justify the existence of doctors on a spaceship/away teams in a universe where automatic or computerized medical treatments exist.
61 posts and 7 images omitted

Mercenary 2030 Quest 13

!014bdkTI1c No.38503291 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Character Sheet:
>Previous threads:

I’m back for the next round folks. I’ve been thinking, next time we do a loadout, I’ll just give you some options and you can pick from them. Shopping has always been a cluster with /tg/ though so I’m not sure how to fix that. Anyway, on to the scouting mission!

>Fate Point:1
>Money: $200
>Equipment: Tier 1 Assault Rifle. Tier 1 Armor (+2 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo (4). Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier (2). (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Tier 1 Rucksack. (Carry Capacity 4.) Clothes (3). Blanket (4). Quality Lighter. Tier 1 Med-kit. Tier 2 Med-kit. Tier 1 Toolkit.
>Current Equipment: Tier 1 Assault Rifle. Tier 1 Armor (+2 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo (2). Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier. (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Tier 1 Rucksack. (Carry Capacity 4.) Blanket. Quality Lighter. Tier 1 Med-kit. Tier 2 Med-kit.
276 posts and 19 images omitted

Pathfinder Magus help

No.24503347 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/

This is my first post here. Let alone remembering we had a /tg/ section.

Here's my plea. Some friends and me are playing a Pathfinder game coming up in the near future. I've played before but never the magus. I just bought the PF Ultimate Magic book and found this glass. It looks like a type of character I would really enjoy.

I'm not familiar with optimizing characters with specific feats, bloodlines, and suck. I've read up on Walter’s Guide to the Magus. Though I'm looking for a way to keep my arcane pool from being reduced, even with help from Spell Recall.

I want to optimized Shocking Grasp to the highest damage I get it to do. Like taking a single level in Crossblooded Sorcerer dipping(doing orc and blue/bronze dragon heritage). Are there any other ways via feats and racial traits to achieve more?

I was think either Elf or Half-Elf for my race. I don't know which would benefit me more since I'm not a very seasoned PF player.

I don't think I want to go Kensai Magus with Dervish Dancing since it's so over done. Thought I like the idea of BladeBound. Since you can siphon arcane points from it(bar 1 so it says unbreakable.) Also it comes it other nice tricks and flavor.

As for his weapon I know I definitely don't want to whip. I'm still torn between scimitar and a rapier. Being I don't know if I want to go Dex or Str Magus.

Any help and advice would be tremendously helpful. Thank you! /tg/

Mercenary 2030 Quest 12

!014bdkTI1c No.38488760 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Character Sheet:
>Previous threads:

Hello all, sorry for the awkward run time but I only have when I have. Hope you all enjoyed last thread and enjoy this one as well. Nothing other than that, so let’s get started.

>Fate Point:1
>Money: $240
>Equipment: Tier 1 Assault Rifle. Tier 1 Armor (+2 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo (4). Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier (2). (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Tier 0 Rucksack. (Carry Capacity 2.) Clothes (3). Blanket (4). Quality Lighter. Tier 1 Med-kit. Tier 2 Med-kit. Tier 1 Toolkit.

Your name…is William. As your mind wakes from a deep black sleep you find yourself wrapped up in blankets, slightly sore from the equipment you never took off and mildly hungry from the smell of food that drifts under your door. As the morning fog lifts from your mind you start to remember last night and you…

>Shoot up and run to the armory. Mission today, missions mean being useful. Useful is good, useful is safe.
>Quiver under your blankets. No, no, they’re going to shoot you, they haven’t let you be useful enough, they’re going to put you on the line.
>…what? Nothing’s wrong. Nothing happened last night at all…in fact the last thing you remember is eating at Doc’s. You should probably go eat breakfast now, Mary might worry.
369 posts and 24 images omitted

No.38408035 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone know of a way to get in contact with Mr. Strikeforce that isn't his email?
12 posts omitted

Drawthread: Use More Beard Edition

No.38463576 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post any art requests you have ITT. Keep in mind, the drawfriends are doing this for free, so do not be surprised or upset if they gloss over your post. Just be patient, and bump your request ONE time, every 24 hours after posting it.

Additionally, please provide good, detailed references, so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can. If you've recently had a request filled by a drawfriend, please be considerate of less fortunate anons and hold off on additional requests for a while.

Mind your manners, don't be rude to other people's requests, and remember: say thank you!

Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Paint Tool Sai:!k4FwgI5B!TD-s6ySRNMmLbtZswI20nCKoi61JmOYUG6MkFnm0DxY

Figure Drawing:
316 posts and 89 images omitted

[Quest] Meeting of the Mages Guild: Apprentice Edition

No.38292446 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My fellow apprentices and recently graduated mages, listen up! I hereby open the meeting of the mages guild apprentices. Since several of the teachers and department heads are currently off in the kingdom of Valmia, the Archwizard has allowed us the use of the hall. While I know many of you want to take the chance to openly voice your feelings and concerns about the guild and our teachers we have a pressing matter to attend to first. We need someone who is willing to travel to the lair of Draconis the Red, our guild's biggest investor, in order to inform him in person that his son Zirconis is dead. The necromancy department has informed me that they recommend that whoever goes wear a red robe, since Draconis is a red dragon, personally I think they might have other reasons to suggest this. Anyway I'm not going and we need a volunteer, so who wants the job?

Welcome to the Mages Guild, just pick a name and join in. Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed.
7407 posts and 36 images omitted

Quest Thread General -- "2spooky" edition

No.38419979 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Community Communication:
Helpful Links and FAQ:

[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QM)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in QTG to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]
[Links for AI creation]

[Fool X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

[Akun Fixes] (Layout Fix) (Chat fix) Current layout thread
914 posts omitted

[[ Broken Sky Online Quest - Session 10 ]]

!3c0YaXQPuY No.38429954 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> [[ Broken Sky Online ]]
> [[ Previous Threads ]]
> [[ Unique Identifier: Ascheritte ]]
> [[ Twitter ]]


> [[ Conflict resolution is decided by the highest of three 1d100 rolls. ]]
> [[ Rolls of 1-3 or 98-100 will have enhanced effect. ]]
> [[ These two outcomes offset eachother when occuring simultaneously, yielding a normal outcome. ]]
> [[ A true critical failure occurs when a 1-3 is rolled, and all rolls are below the target number before modifiers. ]]
> [[ A true critical success occurs when a 98-100 is rolled, and all rolls are above the target number after modifiers. ]]
> [[ Critical successes will also occur if two rolls are within the critical success threshold, unless the third roll is within the critical failure threshold. ]]
> [[ However, the same will apply to critical failures.]]

> [[ Ascheritte's skills and passive abilities provide bonuses and modifiers to rolls. ]]
> [[ Modifiers and target numbers remain hidden currently, but a skill's degree of effect should be evident through its description. ]]
> [[ Active abilities can be used freely, but some are reactionary, and will be prompted during combat. ]]
280 posts and 10 images omitted