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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 161


Space Monkeys Quest 9: Spider Monkey

!DGim1Grf7. No.38419756 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
{Previous threads }

You stand opposite the Triclops you've just bested in combat, the noise of a small waterfall fills the air in the small clearing he'd led you to, cascading off a cliff above, some giant structure of metal and glass looming over head.

"So. Four Witches Technique." He begins, "Tell me. How many ways do you know how to manipulate your ki?"

You shrug, "The usual.. flight, ki blasts, energy wave, basic power sensing-"

He looks like he's fighting the urge to laugh at you at this. "Wow, they really don't know much out there do they? Is that all the rest of the galaxy has figured out?" His third eye shuts in self satisfaction.

You grit you teeth in annoyance, resisting the urge to slap him through a tree.

>I also know the fusion technique!
>Just hurry up with the lesson smartass.
315 posts and 9 images omitted

Infinity General; Covert Cuties Edition

No.38414432 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli. Where people shoot other people while people stab them. All at the same time.

>Official site

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
>Rules wiki

>Roleplaying game coming out spring 2015 by Modiphius based on their 2D20 system



>Also, the epic faction rundown.
312 posts and 23 images omitted

No.38420076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, look at my character sheet!

Quest Thread General -- Spooky Gee

No.38369734 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Community Communication:
Helpful Links and FAQ:

[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QM)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in QTG to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]
[Links for AI creation]

[Fool X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)
[Akun X] (Use with Stylebot/Stylish)

QM: Good Rape Monster Quest when?

Players: Would you play a beta whiteknight MC ironically?

Bonus Question: How is the beta?
970 posts omitted

Quest Thread General: Neverending Cutie G edition

No.34435304 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QM: Are you one of the "everything is possible" or one of the "realism" storytellers?

Players: Do you prefer shitty but fast writing or slow but good writing?

Ex-QM: Why did you give up?


Cutie G Guide:
>Never talk about QMs you like
>Do not tripfag
>Never ask for advice
>NEVER talk about quests you like
700 posts and 34 images omitted

Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.37388594 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

>QMs: How did you design the love interests in your quest?

>Players: Do you prefer combat in your quests or something else?

>Bonus: How horrified are you about The Bot?

Thread will now enter Ghost Mode.
Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
1186 posts omitted

sympathist chills

No.33581046 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would you introduce the rules for Sympathy from the Kingkiller Chronicles into your game?

HARD MODE: How would you do it in a Dungeon World move?
50 posts omitted

Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

No.38376567 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses of quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

>QM Topic:
Do you tend to focus most on building up characters, specific plots, or general setting? How in-depth are your notes for your quest(s), if any?

>Player Topic:
What extent of mechanical complexity are you comfortable with in a quest?
472 posts and 13 images omitted

Star Wars General: Old Man Of The Empire Edition

No.34935713 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post about FFG, d6, Saga/d20, X-wing, Armada, Lego, The Imperial Navy , and anything else Star Wars Related

EoTE and AoR books

D6 Star wars books

Force and Destiny Playtest/Beta:

Rune Quest Star Wars

SW visual guides d7b7x0fbs0vvh6/Star+Wars+Ep+1+Visua l+Guide.pdf by8b09bo8kb6og/Star+Wars+Ep+3+Visua l+Guide.pdf k9jo82ro2kmp8f/Star+Wars+Eps+4-6+Vi sual+Dictionary.pdf 7ou1gv3jo94hnj/Star+Wars+Ultimate+V isual+Guide.pdf

Deckplans and such
EoTE alphabet resource

most of the ships that I have statted:
Shipfag's Ugly Starfighter Creation System

EotE character generator:

EoTE Dice app

The Wildlife of Star Wars: a Field Guide
X-wing Writefag, Questanon and Shipfag's rules of the NJO

Daily Reminder that It's been a long road,sir. long and hard and disappointing for all of us, but most of all for you
314 posts and 88 images omitted

Feral Necromancer Quest XI

No.38377969 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time, on Feral Necromancer Quest: You set out to the mountains to acquire the minerals you needed for Bathory's body with both of your elven companions. There was some chatting and theoretical flirtation between the elves that you encouraged. You fell asleep during your watch, and while you were unconscious someone stole your army. You did not take kindly to this, and considered retreating to safety, but ultimately you decided to venture into the caves with whatever animal minions you could gather. Instead of the people responsible for stealing your minions, you encountered a small band of dwarves- stout, short humanoids, wearing no clothes at all, but only armour, using their ample body hair and beards as padding, where humans or elves would use cloth and leather. You learned from them that the dark elves have been constantly harassing them, and are the likely perpetrators of mass minion-theft. You ventured deeper into the tunnels and found those responsible, easily dispatching them with your superior necromancy. You raised some of their bodies to serve as spellcasters in your army. You traded the remaining heads to the dwarves for iron and whatever minerals you needed to create a body for Bathory. You returned to your ruin. That is where the tenth installment of Feral Necromancer Quest ended.


Levelup discussion was confused and a close call. I've upped intelligence to 3, as many of you wanted to raise alchemy, which would be impossible at this point, but intelligence would help when rolling the skill. If there is strong opposition to the idea, I can call for a re-vote.

Character Sheet and Mechanics:

Previous threads:

Twitter @DeadQM for session times and any updates.
327 posts and 5 images omitted