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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 163

CYOA Thread

No.38279480 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Quit Bitching Edition

Old thread:>>38258005
350 posts and 48 images omitted

Psychic Rebel Quest 36

!!Fu6gnkcV1fA No.38264080 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rolled 1 (1d5)

You are Shee Hyul, rebel leader, psychic and Reunited. Your world is ruled by inhuman creatures and this has gone on far too long, it’s time to fight back.

Character Sheet
Ally Powers
QM Twitter
QM Askfm

You’re heading back at the Waystation after your meeting with Breaker. Meeting with one of the Reunited who doesn’t want to kill you or use you in some crazed plot was a welcome change of pace.

Through your mental contact with Rainya you learn that whilst you were out meeting with Breaker she managed to manifest another body, meaning you’ll have to deal with 5 Rainyas when you get home...

A quick check of your comm shows you have a message from Yonsul saying she has information on the lady with the spider legs.

You’ve got a lot to do, but what do you do next?

Shee's To Do List

1. Go after Kulrathe and/or his officers (plan?)
2. Talk to Garrax (reunited)
3. Seek the favour of one of the Five (which?)
4. Contact the Rebellion (about what?)
5. Research the Fae Court/Palace, is there a way in?
6. Make some more stuff for your Realm
7. Take Research Facility back (how?)
9. Talk to Yonsul
10. Go after Jade Crimsonthorne


>Other (what?)


XP use for Rainya and Kaelyn used from last thread.

There is extra XP pending from work done by AA, I’m still reading through it currently

[End Meta]

With 5 bodies Rainya reduces a seers chances of predicting your movements to 20%

Don't mind me, just rolling a d5
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Infinity General: No really dropbears are good Edition

No.38207130 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli. Where everyone shoots everyone else all the time.

>Official site

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
>Rules wiki

>Roleplaying game coming out spring 2015 by Modiphius based on their 2D20 system



>Also, the epic faction rundown.
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Abyssal Thread 2: World-building in the deep sea

No.38172946 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey, everybody! Abyss-anon here.
The last thread turned out to be very popular, so I though I'd do a sequel.
Now, in the first thread I mostly just posted horrifying creatures from the deep sea, so for the follow up I thought we could think of ways to use the stuff we learned in our games.

It's true that you average campaign probably doesn't involve going several kilometers underwater, but as we saw there is a lot of cool and scary stuff out there, which could make an interesting campaign. So I'll be going over some idea I came up with, or picked up from the last thered. Feel free to post your own, as well as post pictures of cool sea monsters and the like. My image folder seems to be limited to actual animals (which are plenty monstrous enough) and monstergirls, it seems.
305 posts and 72 images omitted

The problem with LARP

No.38256052 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now this is coming from an outsider, but I've done what I believe is a fair amount of research on different LARP systems and I've drawn some conclusions about them that I think if addressed, would make LARP a lot more appealing to a lot more people and just generally improve things overall.

1) Calling out damage when making an attack is fucking dumb. It looks/sounds ridiculous, it quickly destroys any illusion the role players have established to that point and it makes the immersion into a setting nearly impossible going forward.

2) The insistence on players wearing real armor is fucking dumb. Every ruleset I've seen have very detailed rules about pulling your attacks in such a way so as to not injure the other players, but a lot of times the other players are wearing metal armor so what's the point of pulling hits? Also, running around in the woods with chain mail or banded armor isn't very fun. You could argue that it adds to the realism but it doesn't really fly when you're wearing poorly applied green greasepaint at the same time.

3) Fantasy LARP systems are attempting to be an analog for D&D which is fucking dumb. In D&D lightning bolts and fireballs would be setting fire to the woods you're fighting in, bags of birdseed is asking for far too much wilful suspension of disbelief for my liking.

I've got plenty more shit to complain about, but that should do it for now. Does anyone else have issues with how LARP is currently being done?
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Psychic Rebel Quest 35, part 2

!!Fu6gnkcV1fA No.38244373 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Shee Hyul, rebel leader, psychic and Reunited. Your world is ruled by inhuman creatures and this has gone on far too long, it’s time to fight back.

Character Sheet
Ally Powers
QM Twitter
QM Askfm

Old thread >>38239624

You head downstairs to have another oh-so-comfortable conversation with Rainya. You find your friends downstairs in the residence, waiting a little nervously.

“How did it go?” asks Rainya

“Well I know have a Reunited after me who can predict my every move and knows how my powers work” you say “but I was offered a way to counter it.”

“How?” asks Kaelyn

“For that” you say “I need to speak to Rainya in private, the Realm is safe now.”

Kaelyn and Lirael leave and head up to the realm whilst Rainya looks at you nervously “It’s the dragon isn’t it?” she says “he’s offered you something if you betray me by breaking up with me hasn’t he?”

“No” you say “and if he did I wouldn’t take the deal, no this is from the Ichor in the Depths.”

“Oh” says Rainya, sitting down “Oh, yes, well, I’m a bit young to be a mother but I suppose I can learn, and kids are ok I guess.”


“What, no” you say, “it’s not like that she wants...”

You explain the deal that the Ichor offered adding “I Think it was a spur-of-the-moment choice from Her, she seemed pretty mad at the Mirror. I told her that it wasn’t my choice to make alone, that I’d need to discuss it with you.”
473 posts and 8 images omitted

Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

No.38233037 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses of quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

>QM Topic:
If you could erase your quest from history and start it over again, would you?

>Player Topic:
What genres do you think just can't work as quests?
472 posts and 25 images omitted

Deity Quest #8

!7.rkeLITRE No.38241855 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Belief System:
>Twitter: @nanolitre

Your current stats are:
>Miracles (innate) – 3
>Magics – 5
>Wish Intuition – 4
>Strength – 0
>Influence – 4
>Current BP: 30+5(x2) = 40/100

Two curious blue eyes stared at your followers. The owner of said eyes was a girl by the name of Lisette. You had met her on your quest to nowhere in particular as you roamed the capital and countryside of Arcadia. You're currently known as the alchemist, the one who had brought food and harvest to those in the capital, as well as one who had saved the caravan of the ill.
93 posts and 14 images omitted

Infinite Stratos Quest: Running towards Victory

!!cytw5yf1TS5 No.38226186 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
More Love Laika or we riot!
Here you are, John Smith, running laps after school. You lost track of how many laps you have been running. You do know that Ms Orimura got Ms Yamada to use of the the janitorial carts to ride as she makes sure you run laps. Ms Orimura has been standing on the seat wielding a bokken the entire time as a threat to keep you running. Thankfully Ms Yamada has been trying to reason with Ms Orimura for the last couple of minutes.

“Chifuyu, it already been a while since we started. Don't you think this is enough?” Ms Yamada asks.

“Not yet.” Ms Orimura says rather curtly. “Hear that Smith? If you have enough energy to 'hunt for meat', you have enough energy to run laps!” Ms Orimura yells at you while swinging and pointing the bokken at you.

It's not like it is completely your fault an entire one third of the school was late for classes. You were just talking during lunch and answering the girls truthfully. Sure you might have been a little aggressive towards Cecilia with your explanation. But she did quite enjoy the example of the reach around. Sure it riled up all the girls as you answered the following flurry of questions. They kept on asking what your type of girl and questions like that as Honne was cheering “Carnivore, Carnivore”.

“Oh, I know. We can have John-kun being our teachers' aide for the rest of the time he is here. John-kun has been a great help to me after school and not just by carrying things for me.” Ms Yamada tells Ms Orimura with that happy tone of hers.

Ms Orimura doesn't answer Ms Yamada for a minute. You push keeping your pace to the back of your mind so you can hear her response as clearly as you can.

“I'll think about it. Would be one way to keep my eye on him.” Ms Orimura replies with a slightly annoyed tone.

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Feral Necromancer Quest X

No.38225760 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Chapter X: I am still alive edition.

Last time, on Feral Necromancer Quest: You decided to visit the gnoll tribe and to trade with them. You soon learned they would be moving the tribe as soon as you leave further away from you and to the East, where your old tribe had set up in the plains. You returned to the ruin and practiced alchemy once more, and after some failure, created a fully functional owl, and bound the elven scout's spirit to it. You can set it to scout any time you wish. And that is where Feral Necromancer Quest IX ended.


Character Sheet and Mechanics (update in a moment):

Previous threads:

Twitter @DeadQM for session times and any updates.
302 posts and 7 images omitted