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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 167


Improvaizen Quest

!!h7gIe9JHEEj No.38047933 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rolled 72 (1d100)

Improvaizen Quest XIIX: 30 days of Kubo
Pastebin: Later in the thread, you have 30xp. It has remained unchanged since last thread other than gaining just as planned.

You are Sosuke Aizen. Today has been quite eventful and generally crazy. You are extremely worn out after the bankai training you conducted with your new friends. Speaking of your new friends Kaname Tousen and Kisuke Urahara are talking about biology as you walk towards your barracks. Rose seems to be deep in thought on something but is walking next to you like he wants to say something. Your captain, and Captain Shihoen seem pleased with your progress as a shinigami. But right now, you really think you could just nap. For a week. But you remember that in a few hours you have your debriefing.

You are waved to by various shinigami and common folk as you pass by the bar where-- of course Those trouble makers tachi and roku are back there making trouble for the same member of squad four. Currently they are members of squad eleven, but you like this bar due to the fact that the owner is the brother of your friend who owns the tea plantation.

What to do? You can only pick one!

>> Go in with your new friends and scare the crap out of them.
>> Ignore them, they're squad elevens problem now and you are almost out of energy
>> "This will only take a second." Go in and knock the two out, use kido to contact squad eleven for pick up
>> Ask a new friend (Pick) to come in and take care of the two.
>> Write in
>> Mystery Box
377 posts and 31 images omitted

No.38047593 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What was your most bulky character? What's the biggest thing you survived?

Physical Immunityfags need not apply.
64 posts and 9 images omitted

Spooky Gee -- Quest Thread General

No.38013351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QM)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in QTG to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]
[Links for AI creation]

Players: Which hugboxer do you hate the most?

QM: Do you worship little girls?

Thread will enter Ghost Mode in a moment.
774 posts omitted

Game Finder!

No.37761251 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
139 posts and 21 images omitted

Psychic Rebel Quest 28

!!Fu6gnkcV1fA No.38035932 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Shee Hyul, rebel leader, psychic and Reunited. Your world is ruled by inhuman creatures and this has gone on far too long, it’s time to fight back.

Character Sheet
Ally Powers
QM Twitter
QM Askfm

The chaos mage you saw here earlier stares at the scene before him in obvious confusion.

As the chaos mage stands in the open doorway Kae is across the room from him keeling over the fallen fae and checking to see that her kick knocked him out. You’re partway between the two of them, the mage barely a couple of metres away from you.

You need to deal with him fast: apart from whatever spells he can cast if he raises the alarm you could be facing upwards of 30 combat troops plus a half-dozen warmechs. And this guy is only one of the six mages you need to take care of quickly and quietly.

You and Kae are still wearing your illusionary officers disguises.

What do you do?
>Talk to him, tell him there is no problem
>Attack him (how?)
>Use power (what?)
>Ask Kae to deal with him
>Other (what?)
419 posts and 2 images omitted

Weekend Quest Discussion Thread

No.38035713 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses of quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

>QM Topic:
What do you think of the cabal suggestions list and vault?

>Player Topic:
Do normalfags ruin quests? If so, how?
332 posts and 15 images omitted

No.38018406 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Oki, so here is the thing /tg/,
I was informed that you guys are the best!
That you guys know this stuff!
And i want serious answer, i know you can!

So here is the deal, based on the lore's of both wow and lotr
Who would won between the lich king(with arthas inside and at full health and strength, power etc) against Sauron (after he gave the rings to the dwarfs, elfs and humans and was on his most powerful strength) in a head off 1v1?

And consider both their armies where to march against each other at their full strenght on a open grassland field
Which army would win?
Why would they win?
What would they have superior that the losing side didnt have?

pic very related!
17 posts and 1 image omitted

Infinity General: Stealth Kill Edition

No.37990401 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
306 posts and 18 images omitted

Quest Thread General: Verifications edition

No.37964140 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

QMs: Favourite word processor?

Players: Which timezone has the most shitposters/trolls/autists?
798 posts omitted

[[ Broken Sky Online Quest - Session 7 ]]

!3c0YaXQPuY No.38003684 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> [[ Broken Sky Online ]]
> [[ Previous Threads ]]
> [[ Unique Identifier: Ascheritte ]]
> [[ Character sheet and inventory updated and re-checked. ]]
> [[ You have one unspent EXP. ]]
> [[ Twitter ]]

> Ascheritte defeated Crawler. [[ Party: Nel, Tatsumaki, Aelriss, Donnel ]]

"Solid." Nel maneuvers to your side as you pull your weapon out of the bloody crawler husk. The five of you are lurking in the corner of a cave about halfway between Averron City and the lower branches; Aelriss and Donnel joined your party not too long ago, replacing Ayla, who went to join the Alliance leaders, and Vision, who since logged out. Allegedly, the Nameless have been incited into a riot which is currently underway in Averron City; you and your party, along with the remaining members of Aelriss and Donnel's party, were forced to fight off about a dozen Nameless immediately outside the ruins, and are now in search of something else to do.

The cave you've settled in is a little out of the way, though occasionally crawlers pop up from the ground nearby. The five of you have established a system of exterminating them; they seem easier to kill now that you've leveled up and loosened up.

The two of you return to the campfire where Tatsumaki, Aelriss, and Donnel are waiting. Sitting down on a flat-topped stalagmite, you extend your hands, bathing them in the warmth of the flames before you. They feel no less real than before. How long until this stops impressing you, you wonder? Have you yet felt every sensation this world has to offer? Perhaps, if you could acquire more Celestial Gems, then...

> [[ Continued ]]
334 posts and 12 images omitted