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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 168

No.37941969 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Excuse me commissar, but do you know when the Gellar Field will be turned back on? I'm tired of bleeding out of my eyes.
277 posts and 34 images omitted

No.12497641 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm working on monsters for my game, and I've hit something of a rut.

My party is currently on their way to heaven, to the source of good aligned magic to repair it. But they can't just walk in and fix the silly thing cause that'd be easy.

So I figured that the area was guarded by Angelic beings so pure, anything less from a human viewpoint looks evil to them, and therefor should never be allowed in.

But what kind of angels should these be? Traditional humans with wings? Bayonetta style elder horrors? Christian style elder horrors (pic related)?

And what kind of abilities should they have, if any? I'm doing it in 3.5 D&D.

Tl;dr I need angels to fight a chaotic good party, what shoudl they be like?

Also, angel pic thread.
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No.37964224 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey im building up my cyoa and could use some help
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Spooky Gee -- Quest Thread General

No.37925165 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
(>>37922851) Live thread here.

Community Communication:
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (For QM)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (For Players)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in QTG to get added)
[Akun] (yell abuse at as necessary)
[QTG New Home]

Players: What would make you check out a cape or urban fantasy quest? What's an absolute deal breaker in either?

QM: Do you feel comfortable vetoing write-ins? Do you/would you prefer not to give a write-in option at all?

Thread will enter Ghost Mode in a moment.
715 posts omitted


!!s9bpfzjTdN5 No.37970885 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New and Improved!
Intensified Flavor and Increased Crunch!
Fat-Free and Healthful!

>Character Listing

>Terminology Pastebin



>Sky's Character Sheet
>Cultivation: C+
>Internal Arts: Heaven's Blessings (C+)
>External Arts: Endless Sky Forms (C+), Carefree Saber (C)
>Techniques: 1rst Form Yin-Yang Rotation, 2nd Form Traversing the Instant Path, 3rd Form Dragon Qi Enlightenment, The Mighty Kamushin
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The World of Swords quest

!!mhBIJdIPQhD No.37959455 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It finally happened.
Sword Art Online has been released, and you just got your online copy.
Leaning back in your chair, you glance around your small room. The computer sits in front of you, two monitors glowing with information. To your left, a mirror reveals your light brown hair and deep green eyes. On your right, the door to the rest of your apartment. And behind you, resting on your bed, is your most prized possession: your NerveGear helmet. Leaning back further in your creaking chair, you pick up the helmet and drag it's cord to your internet jack. Plugging it in, you let the shiny black helmet rest in your hands. It seems so simple, but it can bring you to whole other worlds. Getting out of your chair, you place the NerveGear back on the bed. As you change into pajamas, you wonder if you should get a meal before you get started.
>Get food
>Start playing
rules in the next post
201 posts and 4 images omitted

Mercenary 2030 Quest 4

!014bdkTI1c No.37955478 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Character Sheet:
>Previous threads:

Sorry for no HPQ for those of you who follow both, I’ve hit a mental roadblock on planning it all out lately. QM question for you if you didn’t see it on Twitter, How big would you like MMS to be able to get? Most seem to favor a smaller size, no more than two or three more named characters for the main squad. Anything else would likely be mooks. Thoughts on this are welcome. Anyway, hope you enjoy this thread.

>Fate Point:1
>Money: $10
>Equipment: Tier 1 Assault Rifle. Tier 1 Armor (+2 wounds). Tier 1 Pistol. Standard Ammo (3). Tier 1 Knife. Tier 1 Bandolier. (Carry Capacity, 1 Ammo, 1 Misc) Clothes (3). Blanket (2).
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Space Crusade Quest 3

!MtZPELcfcc No.37948360 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter: Check out seeker12789 (@seeker12789):


You are Adrian "smiity" su. Your codename though is Scarlet Queen. You are a Spec ops agent for the human empire with a long record of succesful missions. You have trained since you were 10 to fight and survive and graduated at 21. Currently you are falling asleep while your ship moves down to the planet to assist the soldiers and recruits on the ground.

Last thread you:
>Found out the name of your slaves
>Found the planet and station under attack
>Saved a squad of soldiers from certain death
>Threatened said squad for asking you why you had a xeno ally
>Broke one of your slaves. He know lives only for you
>Killed an alien spec ops for hurting your slave
>Doted over said slave and sexed him until you fainted

>Character name: Adrian "smiity" su
>Codename: Scarlet Queen
>Weapons: Assault rifle and plasma whip, 2 autograzers
>Armor: GV-8M infiltration suit
>Miscellaneous: Camo module, body of amazonian goddess(your sexy[and slutty]enough to make people betray each other and follow you to the letter)

>Scarlet mode: killing 10 enemies in melee activates this. Lowers and removes stealth rolls but all melee rolls gain +30 and cant critfail
>Death Focus: focusing yourself for long enough or channeling scarlet mode activates this. +30 to ranged rolls, +10 to melee, and cant critfail a ranged roll

Currently your ship is about to land on the planet. You are about to fall asleep on your xeno slaves dick and do some...dreaming to say the least.

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No.37942766 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are your character, go
185 posts and 46 images omitted

Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald

!vJcFvmoEjs No.37938821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter @
Now with relevant images! After a totally foolproof plan goes to hell, Ben Herald must decide whether to face down two of the most powerful fighters in the world or make a tactical fallback. While still in a time loop.
72 posts and 2 images omitted