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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 169

Quest Thread General: Do I have to do everything you lazy fucks edition

No.37854345 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links: Grab them yourself

QMs: Has there been anything interesting since October?

Players: See ^
1062 posts omitted

Infinite Stratos Quest: Headaches

!!cytw5yf1TS5 No.37909877 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All those cameras, all of them taking pictures. Ever since you were young, your family has always taught you to never get caught in front of a camera. The whole evening has had you on edge just from those media cameras. Thankfully though, the public announcement was mostly directed at Charlotte and the French government. After the public announcement was recorded and the public interview ended, you and Charlotte headed to the hotel's restaurant. The exclusive interview over dinner was with a journalist from a internationally published newspaper. Who Charlotte informed you, was extremely popular in every French speaking nation. Guess this whole media circus shows that France still is a strong contender both politically and in the international IS arena.

“It is still a bit early for plans like that.” Charlotte answers the interviewer with a light giggle.

“What about you John?” Marie asks in perfect English.

Here you , John Smith, eating dinner with Charlotte and the interviewer, Marie. The three of you have already finished the first course of a small, lightly seasoned salad before the main course. You are sitting across from Charlotte while Marie sits to the side with a notepad, pen and small microphone to record everything. If you remember correctly, Marie asked the two of you of what plans you had for the future. Which of course lead to the talk of children and where you would want to raise your family.

[]Agree with Charlotte, it is bit early to talk about such things
[]You do know we are both still in High School
[]I kind of wanted to have a big family
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Weekend Quest Discussion Thread: Weapons edition

No.37897878 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QMs.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.
This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QMs. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. If you aren't on the list, post your twitter here and someone will make sure it gets added eventually.

>QM Question:
How do you prevent normalfags, puritans and hipsters from ruining your quests?

>Player Question:
How is the best form of exposition about worldbuilding?

>Bonus Questions (from last thread):
Favourite QMC weapon?
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Mage Guild

No.37726033 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye, I call to order another meeting of the Mage Guild. On the agenda for today: someone opened up a portal to the Elemental Plane of K-Pop just over the Warrior Union building and I'm getting a lot of complaints. Unfortunately the portal is being held open by Cthulhu or a dark god or some stupid thing, I don't know, and it can't be closed magically. What are our options? And don't say to ignore it, I'm getting almost four angry letters from the warriors every day.
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[[ Broken Sky Online Quest - Session 6 ]]

!3c0YaXQPuY No.37884992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> [[ Broken Sky Online ]]
> [[ Previous Threads ]]
> [[ Unique Identifier: Ascheritte ]]
> [[ Twitter ]]

"Right, then." Nel says. "Let's get out of here. Stay close, the journey up could be dangerous. Good to go, Ashe?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." You respond.

Then, your muscles seize, and you shake back and forth wildly and involuntarily. Nel and the rest of your party gradually grow more distant, though they're moving closer to try to reach you. It's becoming a lot warmer, a lot less damp, as you lose touch with the sensation of the ankle-deep water you're wading in. You feel your soreness fading, as well as a fleeting temptation to make sure your Celestial Gem is intact.

Then, there's a buzzing in your ears, the same as when you first launched Broken Sky Online.

> [[ Calibrating, please wait... ]]

It grows louder, and softer, fluctuating rapidly through different pitches and volumes, then stops abruptly.

> [[ Connection interrupted. ]]


It's dark for a moment. Then, you see your ceiling through your translucent desktop. It's a little hazy. You're being shaken.

> What is your name?
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No.37878205 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All right, so here's the trolley problem with a twist: you have to actually dirty your hands if you choose the least loss of life.
1. A nursery with a hundred infants whose skulls you have to smash with at least partial participation of your own hands.
2. A city of 10+ million people, all of whom will die in a giant explosion if you don't pick (1).
Refusing to choose is exactly the same as choosing (2), since (2) relies on inaction in the first place.
Getting revenge on whoever or whatever set up the situation is pointless, consider them already dead if that suits you.
So, which will you choose?
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Magical Realm Knight Builder

!gMe0/ikg5U No.37650101 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're the champion of your cause and you've been teleported into a magical realm. Your job is to eliminate all other competition or be a bitch ass nigga and team up. Winning this builder gives you a bonus in the next one :^)

Dice is 2d100
I will post sheet in the next post.
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Pokemon Quest #64

!!5e7vwvXe/3r No.37824821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wheeling and Dealing Edition

Pokemon, items, and summary:
FAQ and general concepts:
All guides, player knowledge, and smutty stories:


Quest theme:

You are Kat. A charismatic streetwise orphan turned Pokemon trainer. You, your Pokemon, and your human friends are collecting badges, fighting Team Imperium, sometimes getting involved with local affairs, and exploring together. One day you'll become a Pokemon master and prove that you're worth something!

Recently: You fought Emma and she agreed to help Robin to the best of her ability. You learned that maybe more people than you thought can mega-evolve.

Traveling Companion(s):

Badges: 5

Current Party:
Devon (Houndoom)
Nibbles (Tyrunt)
Destiny (Seadra)
Zappy Dan (Magnezone)
Trunks (Trevenant)
Leviathan (Gyarados)

Not In Party:
Raistlin (Kadabra)
Vlad (Golbat)
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No.34438095 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was it that massive hordes from the plains of central asia would explode and shatter any nearby civilizations like clockwork historically? How did these hordes even develop in grassland? Like the Proto-Indo-Europeans, the Scythians, Parthians, Avars, Goths, Huns, Turks, Mongols, etc. for example.
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Empowering the Pathfinder Tarrasque

No.37849780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"We want to fight the Tarrasque~" says the starry-eyed hopeful of the group.
>"We want a real challenge this time" spews our resident min-maxing power gaming munchkin
>"We've beaten everything that's come our way, I bet the Tarrasque will be a total pushover" says the C/N 'totally not evil' style player reminiscent of Gaston.
>"We want to fight the very best you've got GM" asks my overly confident players who have never truly known defeat and despair.

>"......Very well then." Their forever GM says.

They're going to bring to the table some level 20 heroes, all of which will be fine tuned and min-maxed to ruin any awe and credibility the Tarrasque has with my group and make him rekt within 2 rounds. I can also 100% guarantee that half of the group is going to be reading and memorizing it's stats to a fault, regardless of how much I ask them not to and how much they "promise" because they are afraid of losing to this particular being. That last bit normally doesn't happen, but it has been known to happen on occasion and when I catch them I impose penalties. Do not get me wrong, I love my players, they are the greatest bunch of murderhobos I have ever gamed with and I wouldn't trade them for anyone. This is different though. To me, the Tarrasque is the ultimate being of despair and hopelessness in D&D, short of bringing in gods, and the knowledge that they will be building munchkined up monsters to reduce this engine of destruction to a whimpering punching-bag makes my heart grow cold and black with rage. Please, help me empower the Pathfinder Tarrasque, make it the apocalyptic force of legend it is supposed to be. I'm afraid in it's current state it will not stand. Not against these players.

Note this is not about 'GM vs Players' or creating an impossible to win against situation. My players just want a challenging foe and by the gods I'm going to give it to them.
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