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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 171

A CYOA heard 'cross the universe

No.37778182 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are you working on /tg/?

Check the booru for a non-comprehensive but extensive list of past CYOAs.

The last thread can be found at >>37765953
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Ghoul Tribe/Civ Quest

!OAW/XsPFOk No.37799230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Ghouls, the cannibalistic undead. Men and women, who in life, were afflicted with a plague of foul sorcery and potent virulence that struck down indiscriminately. Dozens dying by the day, graveyards soon overfull, the City began to dump its dead into the depths of the Sewers. It was down there in the dark, among the pollution and thaumaturgic run-off the plagued corpses rose up, their old selves replaced with nothing but a mind consuming Hunger for the flesh of the living.

Your pack lives in the labyrinthine tunnels that honeycomb the ground under the City that reaches from horizon to horizon. For years the pack has been enthralled by the necromantic sorcery of an exiled mage. A twisted and stunted man swathed in rotten robes, constantly muttering to himself in paranoid haste. You hunt and kill at his mad whims, dragging corpses and still screaming victims to the abandoned sepulcher he had made his home and laboratory. Over time several of your pack has managed to develop a resistance to the mental domination of the Master, beginning to learn and observe instead of mindlessly following his mental commands.
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DBZ Human Quest #54

!!kU1LlmeQVLR No.37805301 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>This is a quest taking place in the Dragonball universe, starting at the beginning of the Saiyan Saga

>You are a human male, currently eight years of age

>At the end of each update, you will have the opportunity to vote on what to do next. When one course of action has five votes, it wins.

>Write-ins are allowed, though I will disregard those I suspect to be shitposting

>Death is possible in this quest, but in this universe it is rarely permanent. So, try to be careful, but have fun

>I will offer certain action/dialogue options at the end of each update. You can vote on these, or write-in

>Have fun
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Necron General

No.37711130 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dose anyone have the torrent for the new book?
Also Necron General
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Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.37710092 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

>QMs: Do you ever play other quests that are running whilst you are actively QMing yourself? Do you consider this acceptable?

>Players: Would you begrudge a QM if they quested whilst they QMed?

>Bonus: Have you ever run a joke concept that became something more?

Thread will now enter Ghost Mode. Please keep live threads on the weekend only.
Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
820 posts omitted

Bugbear Thread

No.25515570 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we get a Bugbear thread going?
Bugbear Images.
Bugbear Culture.
Bugbear Stories.
The works. I'd like to use them in my next game and I've never used them before so I wouldn't mind if /tg/ enlightened me in the ways of bugbears and proper bugbear application.
5 posts and 4 images omitted

No.9717211 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, bunch of preteen magical girls go around doing girly things and turning people into frogs.
/tg/'s opinion on this so called phenomena?
7 posts omitted

No.30003068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ok guys SECOND time posting this thread so here is the template
supplies (onboard):
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[[ Broken Sky Online Quest - Session 3 ]]

!3c0YaXQPuY No.37731816 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> [[ Broken Sky Online ]]
> [[ Previous Threads ]]
> [[ Unique Identifier: Ascheritte ]]
> [[ You have one unspent EXP. ]]

> [[ Underground: Averron City – Market District // Neutral Territory // PVP Enabled ]]

“Speaking of Andor—he's been bugging me about something weird happening at the Altar earlier.” Ayla continues, and you smile at her words, watching her expression grow more pensive on the other side of the video call. She's starting to think about her words, and sounds overall more severe; you think she might be slipping back into character. News of your actions has spread impressively far; you've barely spent any time in Averron, and you've already “You weren't there when that was going on, by chance? I'd like to hear someone else's side of the story...”

“Yeah, I was there.” You say. “Actually, that was me.”

She looks dumbfounded, and you continue.

“I found out you could offer the Unique Identifiers of dead players to the statue.” You suggest, folding your arms and leaning against a derelict market stall. “I'm surprised no one's tried it yet.”

“People have been hoarding them,” she replies, “In hopes of finding a way to resurrect the dead, or a way to break them down for materials. We're not sure what they're made of—but we might be able to cannibalize them for more impressive technology, upgrade them, or even replicate them, as a way of bringing new players into the game.”

“Well, my friend and I offered some we came across on a rogue Nameless, and they disappeared. With a nice light show, mind you, but totally gone otherwise.”

“Disappeared?” She asks. “Did the players come back to life?”

> [[ 1/3 ]]
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(Quest) Mages' Guild's Most Extreme Elimination Challenge

No.37682566 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are these apprentices running from? They're not! They're running to- the world's toughest competition in town.

We at the most glorious Mages' Guild have constructed a magical obstacle course of magical death and dismemberment for our apprentice wizards and sorcerers, to test their mettle, and maybe purge the population a bit. Will they survive the challenge and live to master the arcane arts? Or will they fail hilariously?

To find out, you will be controlling your own apprentice through six deadly obstacles, relying on luck, skill, and ingenuity to see your character through to the end.

All obstacles use 1d4 to see if you succeed or get eliminated. 1 means you die, 2 means you scrape by with an injury, 3 means you just succeed, and 4 means you pass victoriously.

To begin, come up with a name and a basic identity for your apprentice. Then, pick 2 of these 5 stats – when competing in a challenge that uses a stat you chose, you get +1 to your dice roll. The stats are:
• Strength: for challenges of lifting items or suspending yourself.
• Platforming: for challenges of jumping across platforms and through obstacles.
• Resistance: for challenges where we throw things at you.
• Balance: for challenges where you need to maintain your balance. Obviously.
• Perception: for challenges where you have to direct yourself or see through illusions.

Additionally, as prospective mages, you can try to outwit the challenges by casting spells. However, regardless of the spell you cast, you have to roll a 1d2 – a 50% chance of it working in your favor, and a 50% change of it leading directly to your elimination.

There will be danger, action, and a lot of dead bodies. Will you survive? Or will you get eliminated?
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