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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 172


Modern Satyr Quest

!!ITx6Th3pbEj No.37631279 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

The name's Danny McGill. Miss me? Nah, me neither. Anyway, let's get y'all caught up to speed. I'm a demi-god working his way up in the world. Son of Dionysus, possessed of a magic staff called a 'thyrsus', an old horse eared fart named Silenus, a slowy growing circle of priestess called Maenads and a bitching pair of horns growing out of my head.

Other than that, I'm your fairly typical white-bred, low income 'aw shucks, god bless America' teen.

Except because of that other stuff, there are people out there who wanted to kill me, dissect me, God knows what to me. Well, God does no what, because those guys killed the Gods. Most of them anyway. As far as I figure they've got Amazons, cyborg assassins and who knows what else after me. Now mind, I ain't ever seen any of these guys, but my pal Silenus says they are starting to sniff around.

My best bet, is accumulating more followers, more power.

Right now I'm on my way home to induct another couple of priestess into my circle. I've got a car full of hooch, one of my best girls driving, and I'm feeling pretty good after finishing up a bite of Indian just before.

So the question is, head home and meet up with those missionaries waiting to show me the light of Jesus, or head off and try something else?

> head home, can't blow this date
> go some place else first (write-in)
371 posts and 11 images omitted

Peter Parker Quest Issue 62.5

!DboU7yuujg No.35120663 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Peter Parker Quest Issue 62.5

>PP Character sheet:
>My twitter:
>Peter’s Invention concepts:

The city rushes by you as you push it to inhuman levels. The only thing that’s keeping you going is the boost added by Venom. Keeping an ear open, you hurry in pursuit of the Copycat Spider-man after the call you received. Spider-man’s trusting you to take down his copycat.

Well, you hurry even faster. You’d already been on your way. Tendrils extend as you push yourself forward, faster and faster. Like on the swings, you push yourself with every swing to get the best speed and distance for your jump, then start again.

Holy hell, this is WAY more of a rush than football!

In the distance, you hear the sounds of police sirens.

>roll me 2d20, please
230 posts and 22 images omitted

Hrud fandex discussion/general

!akCH8J2URM No.33354683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /tg/, I'm once again here with some discussion for the Hrud fandex. First, credit goes to Antanas Smegma the latest writer/developer for this Hrud-fandex. Thanks man, hope you come around more!

While my writing is pretty basic level and English is not my native language I have been trying to do some brainstorming to fill this thing up with fluff and hopefully generate some discussion. I am also hoping to inspire/invite some writefags to contribute.

Note I'm not touching stats or numbers here, I am also not good with numbers, I am only trying my hand at fluff.
12 posts and 6 images omitted

Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.37672931 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

>QMs: What update length do you prefer to write? To read? How does it affect your update speed?

>Players: What update length do you prefer to read?

>Bonus: Which QMC's have the best headwear?

Thread will now enter Ghost Mode. Please keep live threads on the weekend only.
Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
1033 posts omitted

/tg/ servant

No.36509907 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Think of a Historical/Mythological/Fictional Figure

Create a servant based on him

Heres a pastebin with old servants /tg/ has done

old thread
fast way to create a servant
299 posts and 44 images omitted

/tg/ servants

No.36453941 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Think of a Historical/Mythological/Fictional Figure

Create a servant based on him

Heres a pastebin with old servants /tg/ has done

old thread
fast way to create a servant

Archer Edition
312 posts and 46 images omitted

No.37698460 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>the paladin guilds, with the aid of their new allies, the bard guild, have gone on a redeeming rampage against all manner of fiends and outsiders
>their newly embraced methods come with some consequences, though
>as they thrust themselves into the war they send back said consequences to orphanages
>these establishments are extremely important; the children, due their heritage, can be very susceptible to evil influences
>your party has been appointed as guardians of one such place, and must care for and guide them as well as degend against malicious infiltrators
103 posts and 17 images omitted

No.37699695 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>Meet Magic: The Gathering's First Trans Character
Thoughts /tg/?
358 posts and 31 images omitted

No.37688344 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

16 posts and 5 images omitted

Sith Apprentice Quest Part 28

!!YZ7JzixFZuT No.37685649 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:
Force Points:
Character Sheet:
Character Bios:
Force Points: 3
Auto-Regen: N/A
Twitter: @sith_q

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


You stand without a word, choosing to show no fear or weakness and follow Master Jorrak. The two of you travel together silently, people give you a wide berth as you walk, their buzz turning into soft whispers as they realize what is happening. You see a variety of reactions, snide smiles, worried glances and even the occasion respectful nod. For better or for worse it is time for your judgement. Master Jorrak stops in front of a large set of pitch black doors that you've never seen the other side of and turns to you.

"Master Vessa and Master Korr are both inside. You will go in, sit at the desk in the middle of the room and we will wait for Darth Languish to join us before we begin. If you have any questions or anything you want to say, this is your last opportunity. Once we're in there I am your judge, not your Master."

Jorrak says to you, his voice hard and official.

>What do you say?

>Nothing. Everything to be said has been said.
>Ask about Darth Languish.
>Ask what will happen if you are found guilty.
>Ask if Nivah and Cael'la will be questioned.
653 posts and 61 images omitted