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This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QM's.
Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. In addition, try to keep tripfag drama to a minimum.
Useful links: This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.
Last time, on Feral Necromancer Quest: You felt a dire sense of foreboding. You gave Bathory, your wife bound within her skull, sight. You failed miserably to learn pyromancy. The danger coming turned out to be a group of orcs hunting a black dragon. After ensuring the victory for the serpent, you stabbed it in the eye a lot. You bound its spirit and the spirit of the demonologist orc leader. You had been casting magic a lot, and when the exertion caught up to you, you straight up passed out.
Each critical roll (failures and successes) when using magic makes your next opposite critical more impressive, at least for now. You have three charges towards making the next critical success more impressive.
Last session you levelled up alchemy and intelligence to 2. Any alchemy checks at this point shall be made at +4.
This game shall be slower, as I am going to be drinking with people while I run it.
Ladies, gentlemen, It troubles me to be the bearer of bad news, but...
>the body of an old wizard, clad in fine robes and with a magnificent beard of white, lies dead on the round table in the middle of the guild hall. A grisly dagger is stuck in his chest, blood continuing to flow off of the table from his unbeating heart. >A transparent specter matching the corpse's exact image lingers nearby, studying the cadaver, yet greeting you as you enter the hall.
...I've been murdered. And I need you to discover who did it.
Anyone running/playing Rifts right now? How many people here actually play Rifts, and how many just mine it for ideas? Does anyone have pdfs of any of the new books, especially Northern Gun 2 and Megaverse in flames?
Previously: You, Balzdeap, Demon warlord supreme have been summoned to a human world and drained of most of your powers. Tasked with overthrowing the entirety of human civilization by the Unspeakable lord of Hell himself, you began by murdering a cat, taking several souls, and saving a suicidal girl from an eternity of nothingness with the offer of an eternity of servitude. Good luck, asshole! Former thread: Twitter: Thread Music: >Hideout Management >Get more souls (Contract: 1d100 with 50 or over, Gambling 1d100 with 75 or over, or specify a new way and roll 1d100 for success) >Explore (wear hooded robe and learn more about the city, specify what sorta stuff you want to learn.) >Learn more (Specify topic, aka any lore or something you don't understand, by this I mean things that Balzdeap would have knowledge of, i.e stuff on hell and whatnot.) >Other (Specify)
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But damn, its fun.
You are Zachary Zelnacki, newly formed Epic. Two months ago, super-powered people rose from the wea-I mean normal. Yeah, normal. You have the ability to control vectors, allowing you to change the speed and direction of any solid object within 15 yards(13 meters). You are also inhumanly tough, able to shrug off small caliber weapons. Finally, and perhaps most important, you are able to absorb powers from dead Epics, if you touch them within ten minutes of death.
You witnessed an Epic fight in the local Middle school, and absorbed the power of steel manipulation and regeneration. You then uploaded the video of the battle and bought a Glock. Finally, you check around town for anything of interest. You see a poster about an Epic in Sacramento, read about a trio of Epics that took over New York City, and learned about LA.
You went on the road, driving to New York. In Colorado, a blockade forces you to pull over. After killing two men, the militia is able to handcuff you. Put into a large execution machine, open to the public. Who were there in large numbers, unluckily for them. Fearing for your your life, your powers fly out of control. Forming a metal shell around yourself, a rampage ensues. Nearly 20% of the town's population later, you reach your car. You fall into a fitful sleep, full of flashing lights, pleas for mercy, spraying blood, and a feeling of overpowering strength. 1/?
I heard some anon mention that a e7 Necrons codex was possible within a week or two. Do we know anything else about what may be coming up? There isn't a book on the GW website, so that's something. I know the Horus Heresy time-frame got pushed back several years, but are we going to see anything else out of Forgeworld? >tl;dr Rumors Thread
*WHOOMPH* Ahh fuck, of all the times. You sit up groggily, rubbing your forehead with the tentacles of your right hand, that was one Hell of a party. Heh, demon puns. All that brimbeer and cannibalis propably put you out for a good 500000 years or so, you open your quadruplet set of eyes and check out the entirety of the room you're in in a single glance. Let's see, shittily organized desk covered in arcane symbols, some sort of poster, a single twin bed, a terrified acne ridden teenager wearing ratty black robes, a relaxed looking cat that you nod to, just about what you expected. You sigh a breath that echoes the sound of the fall of hundreds of civilizations and look up at the kid in front of you, your array of twisting horns scratches the ceiling. "Really kid?" you ask, modulating your voice so he doesn't go insane from the horror of it. "Wh-what?" "A Demon lord? Really? This has gotta be your first time, and of all the beings, you chose not only a Demon lord, but the one that killed Urukaghkahuta the Destroyer? Come on."' "I-I-I'm sure I can handle you! It's just like they do it u-u-up at the tower, r-right?" His comment puzzles you, but you're still too groggy to give half a shit. You look down at the chalk circle before you, narrowing your many eyes, sure enough you pick out a dozen weaknesses in the line, any of which you could exploit.