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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 178

Numenera General

No.29914823 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone have any copies of the more recent books, like the Devil's Spine, Ninth World Bestiary, In Strange Aeons, or either of the Artifact/Cypher Collection books? I can't find them anywhere but DriveThruRPG.
100 posts and 14 images omitted

Weekend Smut Thread: Extra Large Heresy Edition

No.37433238 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All word and pixel /tg/-related lewdness is welcome here, so long as the rules are followed. Writefags, consider pastebin/1d4chan rather than dumping for long stories. Drawfags with uncensored pictures need to host their images offsite and link to them. For those of you visiting from other boards, err on the side of censorbars and spoilers if you're hesitant.

People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It's easy and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.

In any case, enjoy! Remember to play nice and that all contributions and requests are welcome!

DISCLAIMER: Although requests are encouraged to promote a constant flow of new content, unfortunately not all of them can be fulfilled even at the best of times; don’t take it personally if we don’t get to you right away. Please try to expand your ideas - a bare-bones request doesn't give us much of a good idea as to what you want. Remember- have fun with it!
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No.18654499 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey Guys

Looking for downloads (pdfs/scans) of Games workshops Lord of the rings Games. In particular the main rulebook and the Fallen realms rulebook. Tried /r/ but they were no help at all.

Anyone able to assist?

Pic Kinda related
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No.23501738 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys.

So I recently got into WH40K and have a 1000pt Space Wolves army in the making. I am, however, looking to get into the LotR Strategy Battle Game (as I've heard WotR is very imbalanced) as I have heard it has a far superior gaming system to it, doesn't take a lot of models to play, and isn't that expensive to get into.

What armies could you recommend? I have been looking at Isengard as there troop choices are tougher and they have some good heroes. That and I would like to paint a really 'dirty' looking army.

Any help would be great!
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!4K8MowU0O2 No.21895134 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Since the Hobbit is soon to be released, let's have a Lord of the Rings thread?
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table top gate

No.37473372 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what happens when their is a table top games gate when social justice warriors come after us. just an idea for you to ponder
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All Guardsmen Party Storytime

No.37339037 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the ongoing tale of a bunch of guardsmen who got drafted into the Inquisition after their regiment was reduced to a mere 37 men by a combination of Orks, Heretics, more Orks, Tyranids and, of course, their own leadership. Currently they work for an Inquisitor that is the 40k equivalent of Professor Oak, he provides teams and missions to Interrogators who need to get some leadership experience before becoming full Inquisitors.

>Most previous chapters can be found here:
441 posts and 81 images omitted

No.37435615 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>players want to infiltrate a goblin mining operation
>because loot
>drop some clues, they eventually track down a hermit that knows the mountain like the back of his hand
>beat him at stone skipping and ask for info
>"The mine? Oh, well, you do not want to take the snake trail. Heavens no. Heavily trapped. And I hear tell they roped a pair of mountain trolls into guarding it. Not just any trolls, the ice river sisters. They be the witching type of mountain trolls."
>"What you want is the slop run. Well hidden, very lightly guarded. The food-mongers kept complaining about the snake trail, took forever they said. Yeah, that'll be the best bet. Just look for this symbol carved into a rock, on the north side..."
>players thank him and move on

Why do players do these things, /tg/.
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Infinity General: Siesta Edition

No.37401024 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli in which everyone shoots everyone all the time.

>Official site

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
>Rules wiki

>Roleplaying game coming out spring 2015 by Modiphius based on their 2D20 system



>Also, the epic faction rundown.
310 posts and 35 images omitted

Cultist Builder 2

!lnkYxlAbaw No.37440387 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread here:

You are a cultist. You've gone through the initiation rites, sacrificed your first virgin, and risen through the ranks to become a recruiter! But your cult isn't a terribly large one, so you've got the responsibility of proselytizing the faith of your assorted deities, spirits and philosophical axioms.

But before you can go out into the world and share the good (bad) news, we'll need to know a little about you.

>Cult Fluff
>Personal Fluff

--- Don't fill out the following ---

>Special Ability
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