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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 181

No.8257806 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey, /tg/, I want to talk to you about mental skills.
I will use nWoD as an example, but most systems I know work this way.

Physical and social skills let PCs do more stuff, give player different ways to affect the game world.

Most mental skills don't see much active use (live using occult skills to perform rituals). Their main purpose is for GM to give information to PCs. And let's face it, as the GM you control the information flow and no matter their skills PCs know what you want them to know. For example, is PC has a high investigation skills you make clues difficult to find so he wouldn't solve the crime too fast. And visa versa.

Ultimately it turns into:
>I give a guy who plays an occult savvy character
>a not that says "blah blah you read that those x
>are y of z". His PC immediately: "those x
>are y of z, you guys!".

I guess thats why my players don't like mental skills that much. How do you deal with it, /tg/?
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4e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: A Lazy, Lazy Clever Commander (Level 16)

No.8242260 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Oh, me? I'm just a librarian, part of the lay clergy of Ioun, one who stumbled upon a weird place at a weird time. I don't know why those colleagues of mine drag me along, but they insist on it. They say I'm their lucky charm, but I don't quite think that's true. I'm kind of bad at fighting, you know? The best I can do with this ratty kitchen knife on a stick is vaguely distract someone with how much it's dead weight in my hands. But those folks... those folks are big heroes, and I guess they deserve it. Have you seen them fight? They always get the drop on the enemy, they strike and hurl spells at a pace I can't keep up with, their blows never fail to hit hard and strike home, they retaliate with the ferocity of a vengeful serpent, and they just seem to *refuse* to die. All I ever do in battle is look silly scuttling to and fro trying to look out for my own hide while those titans slay the dragon and fell the demon. I'd like to aspire to be like them some day, but I'll never catch up because of how big a head start they have. Still, one can dream, right?"
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No.37372053 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>party makes it to the bottom of the dungeon
>macguffin is there, shiny and ripe for the taking
>the weary party heaves a collective sigh
>finally, the end
>GM face.jpg
>suddenly super imp sorcerer
>kicks the macguffin into a portal
>dungeon boss time, fags
>que up an image real quick for them
>too quick
>oh god what did I just pos-
>pic related
>mother of all awkward pauses
>cursing my imp folder and myself
>finally, the unofficial party leader, a paladin, speaks up
>"Now hold on, guys. Maybe. Maaaaybe... we can talk this one out."
>u wot
>this is the paladin that has voted kill for everything
>the holiest murderhobo
>party agrees nearly instantly
>proceed to have a pleasant chat with and agree to do a few favors for the overpowered imp I accidentally midna'd

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I feel like I've stumbled onto something very, very useful.
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Chapter Master General

No.37353760 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> What is Chapter Master?
A Space Marine Chapter management simulator with mechanics resembling Masters of Orion II and with amounts of FUN not unlike Dwarf Fortress.

> Where do I download it?

LOOK IN THE KEY LINKS FOR DOWNLOAD LINKS. ALSO READ THE EMPEROR DAMNED MANUAL AND FAQ OR GET PURGED BY THE =][= (it's somewhat outdated, but new UI is expected shortly, until then ask in the thread).

> Does anyone have the weapon stats?
Since the release of ver. 0.635, all weapons and armours have stats now in the game. Just drag the cursor over the piece of wargear in the Armamentarium and the stats will appear along a summary of what it is and for what it is used.

> Where do I find the changelog?
It's not compiled, mind you, you'll have to find the pieces.

>Special report:
The game is slightly more stable after 0.6527 appeared, yet still there may be things that can break the game. Mail Duke about them.

Current version: 0.6527

Old thread: >>37280489

Tip of the day: Unlocking upgrades via decoding STC can be arduous at times, but it's worth it. Maxed out Ship STC meter results in faster travelling and ships auto repairing, while maxed out Wargear and Vehicle STC meters result in the ability to produce Terminator Armour, Dreadnoughts (Wargear), Land Speeders and Raiders (Vehicles). Additionally, you can get discounts (cheaper stuff production) and random effects (bonus damage for chain weapons or ships).

Also post your custom Chapters.

> Extra Challenge

Post your Custom Chapters and the fluff you made for them.

Now with a suggestion file:
339 posts and 50 images omitted

Cutie Gee :^)

No.37372119 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Full Links and FAQ:

QMs: Why does he do it for free?

Players: Why did he delete MSQ?

Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.

Quest Thread General

No.37363122 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Full Links and FAQ:

QMs: Why does he do it for free?

Players: Why doesn't he marry Cutie Gee if he likes femdom?
73 posts and 4 images omitted

Quest Thread General

No.37370965 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Full Links and FAQ:

QMs: Why does he do it for free?

Players: Why did he delete MSQ?

Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
22 posts omitted


No.37313965 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lo, a box. What is inside? It came from an inhospitably cold room, where once there was space for a bed.

>Status: Curious, cold feet.
>wat do?

Cleaning out old boxes of stuff and figure I'll make a game out of it, because you lovely folks probably don't have enough treasure chests in your life. Perhaps a stranger's belongings will suffice.
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No.37358894 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone else kind of dissapointed in the art direction they chose for 5e?
It just seems so pandering to the tumblr crowd and SJW with the shoehorned people of color and women fighters galore.
Not only is there not a bare breast to be seen it just feels like there is no coherant aestethic in this edition. like we got this arabic north african fighter then we got some weeaboo shit and just a very small bit of psuedo European style fantasy art.

I cant be the only one to find this annoying
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Spooky Gee - Quest Thread General

No.37301430 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

>QMs: Drink of choice.

>Players: Any QMs who've written multiple quests you enjoyed?

>Bonus: What would it take for you to use tgchan?

Thread will now enter Ghost Mode.
Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
805 posts omitted