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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 189


!0Vk9/L5/rw No.36949170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good evening, fa/tg/uys. I had a dilemma come up at the table recently and I need an impartial opinion.

A 5e ranger got dropped and started making her death saves. She was insistent that her pet be able to attack on her turn (I houserule that ranger and pet act on same initiative. Much easier that way). Her argument was that her pet should still be able to attack because it is in the thick of battle, and would presumably be attacking hostile targets. My counter-argument was that even though it is a trained animal, it would still need to be commanded by her to know what to do in battle and because it's written in the book that your pet has to be commanded, and I'm the DM so stop arguing.. Needless to say after I put my foot down she got kinda salty, but I conceded that her pet could occupy the space of her unconscious body and make attacks of opportunity if the situation arose. I'm not saying her justification was shitty, it made perfect sense to me. I was more concerned with trying to maintain balance and enforcing my interpretation of the rules.

So was I in the wrong on this one? I'm not searching for vindication, just curious what the prevailing opinion on the situation is.

>pic not related in the slightest
13 posts and 4 images omitted


No.36926770 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
CYOA thread? CYOA thread. Please try not to post any huge clusterfucks, keep em short and sweet!
361 posts and 102 images omitted

Super Bizarre Slime Quest Adventure Journey Destiny Edition

!NXN9N9potk No.27510390 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
1625 posts and 83 images omitted

Mod, Janitor and Aki going ass to ass: Femdom a shit

No.36944293 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that mod/moot/jan has no problem with quests on /tg/. Moot himself moved a quest from /a/ to /tg/.

QMs: Why do you resent them for doing it for free?

Players: How hilarious are anti-quest fags?

Anti-quest fags: Please leave this site and go to 8. The mods will not remove quests or give us our own board.
9 posts and 1 image omitted

CAH buys an island...

No.36942576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /tg/... what are you going to do with your part of the island?


No.36915066 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does your party have a leader, /tg/?
159 posts and 26 images omitted

Mod, Janitor and Aki going ass to ass: Femdom a shit

No.36933038 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that mod/moot/jan has no problem with quests on /tg/. Moot himself moved a quest from /a/ to /tg/.

QMs: Why do you resent them for doing it for free?

Players: How hilarious are anti-quest fags?

Anti-quest fags: Please leave this site and go to 8. The mods will not remove quests or give us our own board.

DBZ Human Quest #16

!!kU1LlmeQVLR No.36923650 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>This is a quest taking place in the Dragonball universe, starting at the beginning of the Saiyan Saga

>You are a human male, currently six years of age

>At the end of each update, you will have the opportunity to vote on what to do next. When one course of action has three votes, it wins.

>Write-ins are allowed, though I will disregard those I suspect to be shitposting

>Death is possible in this quest, but in this universe it is rarely permanent. So, try to be careful, but have fun

>I will offer certain action/dialogue options at the end of each update. You can vote on these, or write-in

>Have fun
338 posts and 18 images omitted

Mod, Janitor and Aki going ass to ass: Femdom a shit.

No.36926369 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that mod/moot/jan has no problemo with quests on /tg/. Moot himself moved a quest from /a/ to /tg/

QMs: Why do you resent them for doing it for free?

Players: How hilarious are anti-quest fags?

Mods: Will the current politics between US and Russia increase Hotpocket prices?

Mod, Janitor and Aki going ass to ass: Femdom a shit

No.36912881 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that mod/moot/jan has no problemo with quests on /tg/. Moot himself moved a quest from /a/ to /tg/

QMs: Why do you resent them for doing it for free?

Players: How hilarious are anti-quest fags?

Mods: Will the current politics between US and Russia increase Hotpocket prices?