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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 194

Quest Thread General

No.36599617 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

QMs: Do you troll quests?

Players: Which QM is the most /b/?


D&D 5e General

No.36634999 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Clever ruse edition.
436 posts and 62 images omitted

D&D 5e General

No.36620511 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Waiting for the DMG Edition
320 posts and 34 images omitted

Background Character Quest Episode 29: Voyeurism and You

!DGim1Grf7. No.36619878 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am Daniel Speltin, top tier waste of potential and mid tier student, all round unimportant person about town.

I groan in protest of consciousness, a pounding rhythm beating at my temples. God.

'How much did we drink?' Is what I would ask, if my tongue weren't matted to the roof of my mouth.

Something in the room is banging or tapping, or bashing into the wall, adding to the pounding pain in my forehead.

I try to jam my eyes shut, to get back to sleep, but the banging insists on continuing.

With another groan, I finally open my eyes and look around the room. First things first, a shock of mussed pink hair and bare shoulder flesh. Mmm, not moving, she's not making the noise.

With a grunting sigh, I roll over, finding Claire sitting in my desk chair, smiling at me and tapping her fingers on the wooden desktop, stroking the cat in her lap, like she's some supervillain or something.

Forcing my lips apart, I croak out. "Why?"

Her lips split into a sadistic grin. "You know... I hear if you have sex with a drunk girl, it's considered rape." She jerks her head at Rosa. "Poor abused girl, simply reeks of alcohol. And you *took advantage* of her." Claire winks. "I might have to inform the authorities. Perhaps... the newspapers?"

>Write in
324 posts and 4 images omitted

/qtg/ - Quest Thread General: Spectral Edition

No.36559813 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

QMs: Any quest plans for the upcoming holidays?

Players: Do you hope your QM has quest plans for the upcoming holidays?

Thread will be deleted shortly, discussion moves to the archive.
Use to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory.
804 posts omitted

Dungeon Master's Guide PDF

No.36609365 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dungeon Master's Guide 5e thread

Winter's Coming Edition.

Old thread was here
Was about to die, and people are still talking about/waiting for the pdf.
344 posts and 28 images omitted


!!s9bpfzjTdN5 No.36611634 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Back by popular demand

>Character Listing

>Terminology Pastebin



>Sky's Character Sheet
>Cultivation: C+
>Internal Arts: Heaven's Blessings (C+,)
>External Arts: Endless Sky Forms (C+), Carefree Saber (C-)
>Techniques: 1rst Form Yin-Yang Rotation, 2nd Form Traversing the Instant Path

I'll update the character pastebin tonight with the new information you have learned.
415 posts and 15 images omitted

Lost Tenno Quest - 2nd Operation

!b0vpMZLBb6 No.36552320 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
(Previous thread: )

(Twitter (For updates on next thread: ))

That is a very large Infested.

I would assume it to be roughly the size of a Liset, perhaps, if a liset were made of writhing flesh and metal and glowing fluids.

I hold up my overlarge hand and catch the blow. Skidding along the ground and sending up chunks of stone and earth, I rend a pair of trenches as the force slows.

Loki has vanished from sight, as he is wont to do, but I have an opportunity, as the force steadily abates from the blow...

>I could use the Heat Dagger and stab the limb, attempting to disable or cripple this limb - but it is strong and similar to a tentacle, so it may attempt a grapple.
>I could pull back to optimal range. However, I currently have little knowledge about the area. I would need to disengage to observe...
>Perhaps if I could reach a more vital strike point by using the tentacle as a platform... Very risky... This will require a roll, and failure will have consequence.
142 posts and 3 images omitted

No.36611895 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a sucker for these. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
29 posts and 16 images omitted

The End Times

No.36602160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would anyone have a link to a decent/good pdf copy of The End Times: Khaine books?
3 posts omitted