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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 208

Quest Thread General

No.36090130 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Full Links and FAQ:

>If you could change one thing in your first thread, what would it be?

>What mistake in a quest really pisses you off?

>Hairstyle votes. Good or not?

Short Q&A:

> When is [QUEST] coming back?

> [QUEST premise from earlier QTG thread] when?
When you run it.

> Can I run [QUEST]?

> Should I run [QUEST]?
Probably not, but that's never stopped anyone.

> Give me advice on [QUEST premise].
It's shit.

> Why are there so many quests featuring [thing I don't like]?
Confirmation bias is a bitch.

> Can I talk about quests on other sites?
>talking about quests
but yeah sure

> Good run times?
Ideally a chunk of four hours or more between UTC 1600 and UTC 0500. Most days have around the same activity. Weekends tend to be slightly more active than weekdays. Holidays tend to be less active.

> I live in aussieland/the moon/somewhere isolated.
Sucks m8, go to and calculate a proper runtime for yourself, then cry when it's a shit time with no players.

> How fast should I update my quest?
10 minutes for the voting and 20 minutes for the writing is a good ratio. Anything up to an hour to update is generally accepted. If you take more than 90 minutes to post an update, you should try an alternative site.

Then don't. Bookmark the page or the directory.

Nobody's forcing you to. Don't come crying when you get no votes.
416 posts and 19 images omitted

Quest Thread General

No.36069797 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Full Links and FAQ:

>How many of your characters are blatant self-inserts? For you, not the audience.

>Your favorite non-waifu side character?

>The latest you've ever stayed up for a quest.

Short Q&A:

> When is [QUEST] coming back?

> [QUEST premise from earlier QTG thread] when?
When you run it.

> Can I run [QUEST]?

> Should I run [QUEST]?
Probably not, but that's never stopped anyone.

> Give me advice on [QUEST premise].
It's shit.

> Why are there so many quests featuring [thing I don't like]?
Confirmation bias is a bitch.

> Can I talk about quests on other sites?
>talking about quests
but yeah sure

> Good run times?
Ideally a chunk of four hours or more between UTC 1600 and UTC 0500. Most days have around the same activity. Weekends tend to be slightly more active than weekdays. Holidays tend to be less active.

> I live in aussieland/the moon/somewhere isolated.
Sucks m8, go to and calculate a proper runtime for yourself, then cry when it's a shit time with no players.

> How fast should I update my quest?
10 minutes for the voting and 20 minutes for the writing is a good ratio. Anything up to an hour to update is generally accepted. If you take more than 90 minutes to post an update, you should try an alternative site.

Then don't. Bookmark the page or the directory.

Nobody's forcing you to. Don't come crying when you get no votes.
662 posts and 42 images omitted

Warhammer Fantasy Battles General WHFB

No.36035346 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Warhammer Fantasy Battles General WHFB

Weekend Club fun Edition - we are running a warm up event at our club today for a tournament in January. We are using 50% Lords/Heroes and Lore Of Undeath, but not the lists from Undead Legions or Legions of Chaos. How is your scene dealing with the new points allowance, /tg/?
-Tactics, fluff, etc
-Army books, expansions, novels
-Non-/tg/ wiki
-More books (Blood in the Badlands & Monstrous Arcanum)
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No.33848664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What system would you use to run a Knights of Sidonia-style campaign? I'm thinking it'd be set on a different Seedship, with somewhat different tech since there would be 1000 years for them to diverge.

All Guardsmen Party Storytime

No.35923989 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the ongoing tale of a bunch of guardsmen who got drafted into the Inquisition after their regiment was reduced to a mere 37 men by a combination of Orks, Heretics, more Orks, Tyranids and, of course, their own leadership. Currently they work for an Inquisitor that is the 40k equivalent of Professor Oak, he provides teams and missions to Interrogators who need to get some leadership experience before becoming full Inquisitors.

>Most previous chapters can be found here:

The squad is being sent to assist with the purchase of a starship and is being taken on a tour of the surprisingly large shuttle they have just boarded by the mission’s ‘supply officer’. The tour guide is none other than their former squadmate Nubby, who was reassigned to quartermaster duties after his legs were removed by a treacherous Interrogator. He is happily stomping around on a pair of augmetic legs while proudly explaining his role on this mission and pointing out the huge shipping containers being loaded onto the shuttle.

Doc is very interested in Nubby’s augmetics and is interrupting the rambling stories with questions about his treatment and recovery. Sarge is trying to sort out how much of Nubby’s impromptu briefing is bullshit and is coming the terrifying realization that the horrible little man might actually be his new superior officer.

Twitch has snuck away from the group and is getting Cutter to help him pry open one of the shipping containers. Twitch jumps back with a shout when he sees what is inside and calls Sarge over to take a look. A few seconds later a shout rings out across the cargo bay.

>“NUBBY! Just why they hell are we taking a few thousand servitors with us?”

>The All Guardsmen Party Buys A Spaceship
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!!p/pgHuWQ0JZ No.36015518 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We are finally visiting the land of our ancestors! our cousin seems like a nice, calm, library mouse kind of kid. The legendary sickly rich kid in a manor full of maids.

At age 10, Eldric is visiting uncle Wolfric in Eopolis for the summer vacations.
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WHFB Warhammer Fantasy Battles General

No.36014477 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Thread 14 - Too Much to Handle Edition

!!c4hnQfkOAlY No.36000633 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

PREMISE and RECAP: You are Kyousuke Kamijou. Upon first hearing, this name would make you sound like an ordinary person. Such an assumption however is patently false; you have the ability to modify your inner tempo and are an Executor Initiate of a division of the Roman Catholic Church, part of the Eight Sacrament. How did it get to there? Simple; around a week or so ago, Kaname Madoka, a classmate you never were close to, wished for a boyfriend with a creature (that sounds suspiciously like the Devil) called Kyubey. Said wish was granted in the most twisted way possible; it brainwashed your mind such that at nighttime, you would become a Tuxedo Mask-esque persona called the String Screamer. You are usually unconscious when you become this persona, however, some of it managed to leak into your dreams. In your search for answers, you tried stalking Akemi Homura and using one of your newfound powers, landed yourself into hospital. There, you had a divine epiphany, where you wanted to become a priest. Conveniently enough, there was a certain chaplain at the hospital; Kotomine Kirei. You asked him about becoming a priest and he told you how hard it was; however he offered for you to become an Executor instead, someone who deals with supernatural heresies and abominations such as lichs. Thus, you were prescribed to kill Saotome Kazuko, whom you did, but not before screwing her and having a date with her. Akemi Homura has promised to become your mentor with firearms, somewhat impressed by your ability to fight the supernatural.

That's less than half of the problems; you tried to screw with Miki Sayaka, then relented just as you two were on the bed and that created a huge drama with her, which (you hope) just ended with you going into hospital for the third time since that accident. Hitomi's is currently by your side, acting like a creep.

All-in-all, it's a gigantic clusterfuck. Welcome to Mitakihara Middle School Days.
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Excelsus: War of Kings

!!J5+vjygjQuK No.35966272 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For most nobility of a Knight House, the days are spent in contemplation, meditation, and vigilant preparation for war. For some, it's a never-ending party. Excelsus: War of Kings is a combined Dark Heresy game with Rogue Trader elements, where the players are heads of the newest Knight House in the Tiji Sector, following their entrance into galactic politics and their first major battle.

The Knights of House Excelsus

Lucius Mojaro, Guardsman and Domineus of the Knight Lancer, Diarmiud
Bekowski, Guardsman and Domineus of the Knight Acheron, Ferrus Bringas
Ophilia, Assassin and Domineus of the Knight Styrix, Tasha
Alistair Vathrek, Venator Crimson Guard and Domineus of the Knight Castigator, Fax Machine

Excelsus marches!
60 posts and 55 images omitted

Digimon RE:Digitize Quest 06

!ViME1eNDe6 No.35977237 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Misc. Info Bin:
Previous Thread:

The rules are simple. After each post, there's a ten minute window of response. You're free to respond accordingly or add in with Write Ins. Responses that are too late won't be tallied or counted. Majority always wins.

As per suggestion, I'm going to change the Battle System so it doesn't seem so mechanical; that's to say, that you can give DP specific orders to use the environment to your advantage, along with searching for enemy weak points. Training Sessions require a roll of 5d10 for five sessions. The first three posters will count, and then be averaged. The average will have an automatic +2 due to having the Training Manual in your possession.
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