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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 21

No.90286167 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why come up with different fantasy races when humans can already fulfill every role that matters?
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No.90275569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel brown dark elves have been getting a lot of unfair heat lately. They're a classic variation on dark elves and deserve to be recognized.
What's your favorite take on them? Do you feature them in your games? Do you include them alongside other types of dark elves?
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No.90276541 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What have you done this month to move the hobby forward from it’s problematic past?
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Armor Class

No.90264807 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How historically accurate are armor in D&D 5e?
The answer may shock you.

No.90251386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't believe this shit was a thing

No.90215248 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what's the point of playing humans in a fantasy setting where you can play a magical race? at this point why playing fantasy RPGs altogether, no? if you like humans so much, then play a game with only humans.
but then again i could tolerate this utter lack of creativity and lame personality if not for the fact that poltards do it on purpose, as some kind of political statement. what the fuck is wrong with them?
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Why doesnt your sci fi game feature lombaxes?

No.90187848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I mean, look at them

No.90181673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Convince me. Convince me why having female characters in active warzones and in battlefields is such a good idea. Convince me why female characters would be physically capable and not inferior to any man of adult age physical strength and constitution? Convince me why female player characters who may or may not be attractive and beautiful wouldn't be subjected to sexual assault, sodomy and rape from vile male combatants!? Do you have a plan to prevent your female OCs from being sodomized, sex slave'd, gangraped and dehumanized solely because they're the female gender!?

Female warrior? Female knight? Female paladin? Heroines and Saintesess!? In the battlefields and warzones!? More like future rape victims! You are practically begging your female OCs to be in the same exact scenario and outcome in goblin slayer. In which some female fighter is brutally raped so hard she most likely is forever traumatized I to being a mindless vegetable. THAT is what awaits your female characters and OCs regardless of their race, powers, abilities and magics. Enjoy having your female OC Sorceress or "sorority" be overwhelmed by physically superior male enemies, gangraped and forever traumatized and struck with a permanent 75% debuff against any and all male characters and NPCs.
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No.90178404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>multiple(!) threads where a troll outright expresses his whole game is working towards stopping people from playing 5e
>All the dumbest forms of bullshit to try and justify this pure and simple contrarian shitposting

And people wonder why this board continues to get worse and worse, day by day. It's almost like encouraging trolls to troll and exaggerate how bad they think a game is just leads to a board-wide death spiral. There may be a way to save /tg/ and "heal" it from these trolls, but it would need a drastic policy shift that we're not likely to see, which is odd considering that the "policy" of "don't let shitty trolls actively and deliberately try to stop people from discussing popular games" is hard coded into the essential spirit of this place. Without something so simple, what other result could occur other than this place just turning into a handful of retarded contrarians complaining about how no one here plays any games anymore?

No.90155228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's gamin' time.