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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 210

Warhammer Fantasy Battles General

No.35914661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
337 posts and 44 images omitted

No.35871034 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Another new Drawthread.

A few guidelines:
- Reference images are not obligatory, but always welcome.
- Keep it /tg/ related.
- Artists draw what they find interesting, not the most Bumped requests, but if you think you must Bump, once every 24 hours is more than enough.
- If your request haven't been filled in the last couple of drawthreads you might want to re-consider it or commission somebody.
- Have fun.
311 posts and 111 images omitted

Endless Sky: Ace Combat Quest 5

!3QUDPTn2Js No.35882392 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


Other Quests: (Complete) (Running) (Running) (Complete) (Complete)


You are KARLA WEISS, a Belkan fighter pilot looking to carve your own place in the skies!

Yesterday, you had just recently intercepted an enemy bomber wave headed for your base, and managed to destroy all the bombers and chase off their escorts before they could get anywhere close to their target. However, even though the attack was thwarted, it looked like the higher ups were spooked, judging from this new briefing that's been hastily organized. You see Samantha setting up her materials.

Meanwhile, the room was already full of pilots, though you notice it was slightly emptier. You remember that one of the allied squadrons, Knife Squadron, lost two fighters during the defense operation.

There was also Alpha squadron, that was late to the party. However, you were aware at least a few of them were boasting that their presence precluded a second attack wave. An assertion that had zero proof whatsoever.

And of course, your own wingmates were present, in very cheerful moods due to yesterday's success. Plus, you all had a batch of fresh kills under your belt.

>Talk to Knife Squadron
>Talk to Alpha
>Talk to your wingmates.
>Wait for the briefing to start.
850 posts and 106 images omitted

(QUEST THREAD) Reborn in an RPG S01 Ep19

!!p/pgHuWQ0JZ No.35854322 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As our MC's died in a plane crash, the last thing our heroic 29yrs old chemical engineer and fellow fa/t g/uy saw, was his lucky d20 flying off his pocket and rolling about.

Well, it must have landed as a critical success in someone's reincarnation table, because he was reborn to the kind of world, and the kind of life, he had always dreamt about.

Now only did he win the reincarnation lottery by keeping all his memories and skills, he also was born into a world of sword & sorcery, a world run by the rules of old RPG games, the kind of world he had always dreamt of!

Now aged 9, and already personally one of the most powerful individuals in the continent, Eldric Lightbringer gets ready to tackle 2nd year at Albion's Magical University!

Known Allies and Friends
Lyann ~ A beloved sister/slave we bought, rescuing her from an uncertain future. 12yrs old human
Mako ~ A princess in exile from the Heavenly Empire to the west across the ocean. 8yrs old Human. She's a member of our chess club
Ami & Mai ~The "strongest" and the "prettiest" shadoes, according to Mako. These two devoted guardians watch over their princess 24/7
Honoria ~ Dwarven princess of Opal kingdom, a nearby dwarven nation. She's our friend and a member of our chess club.
Okaba ~ Our bro 4 life, a prince of the southern realm of Hêven, and a bit of a mad genius, doing all sorts of strange experiments in the name of PROGRESS
Aura~ Okaba's slave succubii, she harbors romantic feelings for her master. She's simultaneously the lewdest and the purest, somehow.
408 posts and 58 images omitted

No.35846360 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Kodaka? are you okay?" Miki asks you as you start to space out.

"Ah, sorry about that Miki, I was a bit distracted." You apologize to your date. Miki was a great girl. She was probably the nicest girl in your university and had a dynamic body. Any man would kill to be in your position right now, unfortunately there was a very good reason you couldn't focus.

"Is that so? lately I've been seeing you space out more and more, even in class. Are you sure you are okay?" Miki suddenly gets up to check your temperature. Instantly you blush as she gets close to you. Her cleavage right in your face. "Hmm you don't seem to have a fever or anything..."

Right behind her was your mother cheering you on. "Go Kodaka! It's time for you to finally find love! Go go Kodaka!" She was your distraction. She started living with you a month ago saying that she wanted to help you find a girlfriend.

"Hmm I guess it's good that you don't have a fever!" Miki says with her warm smile. "Anyways do you want to go on a date this weekend?"

Your mother's eyes widen with shock. "This is it Kodaka! It's time for you to finally get a girlfriend!" She had a huge smile on her face. Although she was extremely excited, your mother's enthusiasm wasn't the oddest fact about her. It was the fact that, she died during childbirth. "You don't have to go to my grave this weekend! You can go on your date!" In fact, you have been living with her ghost for the past month.

[ ] "Ah, sorry Miki, but I already have a past engagement this weekend." Even if she is a ghost, a promise is a promise.

[ ] "Sure, I'd love to go with you." This is what your mother wants.

[ ] Custom
6 posts omitted

World of Darkness General

No.35829155 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
No more bloody Atlantis Edition.

Buy WoD books:

Onyx Path Schedule:

V20 Dark Ages Kickstarter

Custom Character sheets

The White-Wolf Wiki

WoD, nWoD, oWoD, cWoD

So, they are excising Atlantis, or at least the word Atlantis from Mage 2E.
Is it good? Is it bad?
Why do you hate Atlantis Anon? Have you ever used it?
Are you pissed that Mage take up so much space in the WoDs?
302 posts and 31 images omitted

Jumpchain CYOA Thread #97 - Rolling for Success Edition

No.35808805 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
420 posts and 37 images omitted

No.26957934 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I was wondering if somebody was doing something about the Knights Repentant homebrew Chapter.

Last time, in the first thread, there were people that were talking about how they got at least the chance of proving their loyalties by Inquisitor Daedalus. And some even suggested to make it somewhat of a smaller version of the council of Nikaea. Did anyone wrote down the entire stuff about them? The only things these guys have are a origin story and a badass story of captain Taskel beating up Word Bearers.
62 posts and 10 images omitted

RE:Monster EX Quest 35

!!7fb3j+Ac+pZ No.35750302 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The spear rests easily in your hands. It feels... Right. Like it's perfect.

You swing it experimentally, revelling in the weight of it, the whisper of wind as it arcs around you. Even the balance is beautiful. It feels like it's dancing around your fingers. The metal feels- Hmm. Clear? It feels clear. You're not even sure what that means.

What you're trying to say is that you really like your spear. Essentially.

Jin is still standing tall across your shoulders, watching your weapon intently. She shifts her weight, and you can feel her talons grasping and flexing on your skin, the delicate balance that lets her use you as a roost without rending. Sheszka steps ups cautiously, running her hands across your own, tracing the contours of your new patterns.

She looks up at you, meeting your eyes with her own.
"You were hot. Burning."
You nod in reply, flexing one hand, watching the colours dance.

"I think I can call fire, yes? And more, besides. I'm not sure yet."
Her expression shifts, worry melting into understanding, then anticipation.

Her eyes glitter, even in the shade of the Harpy's wings.
"Then I will too! Not yet. But I will!"
She punctuates her excited statements with a little hop, both hands holding yours. You smile at your wolf. There's an awful of things you can do today.

>Get some training with your spear! Extra bonus of not facing Mom directly.
>Head to the clearing, and push your limits. Figure out what you can do!
>Get it over with. Sparring with Mom.
>You're not hungry quite yet, but you're pretty sure you will be. Go maul something.
>Other (?)
479 posts and 16 images omitted

Chapter Master General

No.35722616 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> What is Chapter Master?
A Space Marine Chapter management simulator that is also the 40K version of Dwarf Fortress.

> Where do I download it?


> Does anyone have the weapon stats?
With the release of ver. 0.635, all weapons and armours have stats now in the game.

0.64 is out with several major updates, Duke be praised. Be aware that old saves are no longer loadable, due to behind-the-scenes array changes.

Not to mention:



This is holding back a lot of features and tons of improvements on the game.

If you're an artist, and want to help, drop by on IRC and talk to Duke...or at least provide a rough sketch of how the UI would look like.

333 posts and 37 images omitted