Full Links and FAQ:
>How many plot hooks have your players ignored?Players:
>What perspective are your favorite quests in? Does the perspective affect your enjoyment of the quests?Bonus:
>Have you seen the sun in the past week?Short Q&A:
> When is [QUEST] coming back?Never.
> [QUEST premise from earlier QTG thread] when?When you run it.
> Can I run [QUEST]?Yes.
> Should I run [QUEST]?Probably not, but that's never stopped anyone.
> Give me advice on [QUEST premise].It's shit.
>Can I talk about quests on other sites?>talking about questsbut yeah sure
> Good run times?Ideally a chunk of four hours or more between UTC 1600 and UTC 0500. Most days have around the same activity. Weekends tend to be slightly more active than weekdays. Holidays tend to be less active.
> I live in aussieland/the moon/somewhere isolated.Sucks m8, go to
WorldTimeServer.com and calculate a proper runtime for yourself, then cry when it's a shit time with no players.
> How fast should I update my quest?10 minutes for the voting and 20 minutes for the writing is a good ratio. Anything up to an hour to update is generally accepted. If you take more than 90 minutes to post an update, you should try an alternative site.
> I DON'T WANT TO SIGN UP FOR TWATTER TO GET UPDATES ON QUEST SCHEDULESThen don't. Bookmark the page or the directory.
> I DON'T WANT TO GET A TWATTER TO INFORM MY PLAYERSNobody's forcing you to. Don't come crying when you get no votes.