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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 212

No.35653848 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are left with a difficult choice.

You are a chairman on the Hero Foundation. The Hero Foundation is the worlds only permitted superhero group. The world has banned vigilantism, and people are only permitted to use their powers on a police force, in civilian manners, or on the hero foundation, all of whom must be registered.

The Hero Foundation receives thousands of applications a year from people with super powers. They only accept people whose powers could be useful in combat/rescue operations, or in support or creation capacities.

15 years ago, the then board of applications turned down an applicant who, at the time as a pre teenager, was only on a captain america level. Since this rejection, his powers have grown to beyond superman-silver age levels of speed, flight, strength, and absolute invulnerability. It is unknown if his power will continue to grow.

He has currently made no attempts to be a vigilante or a super villain, but as is being made clear, seems to be giving less and less credence to laws, as no weapons or superpowers that have been commonly seen to make him flinch.

Rumors have it that he is planning to become a superhero without application to the Hero Foundation, as he is still bitter from his rejection 15 years ago.

If he becomes a vigilante, the world will ask the Hero Foundation to put an end to it, with force if necessary.
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Magic Lore General (with bonus waifufaggotry)

No.35616357 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You are a Planeswalker.
>In the vast Multiverse, only you and some other chucklefucks know of the countless worlds beyond your own.

Welcome to the Magic: the Gathering Lore General!

Reminder: Please do not bait, shitpost, or have pointless arguments in this thread. Lewd writing is welcome if put in a pastebin.

IRC: #mtgwaifulore on Rizon

Starter topic: MTG Strategy Board Game is gonna be a thing. Characters are Jace, Chandra, Lili, Nissa, and "a yet-to-be-revealed fifth character." Elspeth return confirmed?
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Build Thread

No.24892728 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, guys, I don't know how to build a character at all really.
The idea is that he's a Ratfolk Plaguebringer Alchemist( ), he's going to be really disgusting and gross, infecting everything he can with his pus and vomit and whatever the hell else I can think of. So far, with a 20 point buy, I've got 8 Str, 18 Dex, 13 Con, 18 Int, 9 WIs and 8 Cha. So he's meant to get in and infect people when not throwing bombs and shit whilst not doing that great direct damage I suppose. Anyway, thats all I have got so far, I seriously don't know what else to pick from here? What discoveries should I choose? The only one I really want so far is Mummification! Does everyone get a feat every level? Cheers.
Also, Build thread.
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No.35594780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Before the Third Impact.
1. Her name is Lilium, and her domains are love, peace, and redemption.
2. She lived roughly 700 years as a succubus, killing and consuming the souls of every last one of her victims.
3. Her clergy are redeemed succubi and holymen dedicated to lending a friendly ear or providing guidance to the cult's followers.
4. Redeemed succubi are allowed to feed off the love of their partners, as long as they don't devour the soul.
5. There are statues with her visage scattered in the wilderness. These statues have their arms raised forward as if ready to embrace someone. When hugged, these statues grant the hugger Lilium's divine blessings; physical healing, increased morale.
6. Souls that she sees fit are devoured and reborn as her divine guardians/angels.
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Seasons enemies

No.35603466 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm thinking about introducing my party to different monsters depending on what season it is IRL.

What foes should come with what season?
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No.35601115 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would be an effective way to interrogate a monster?
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Winter Ball Thread 5

No.35578783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Or "Yes, it's /tg/ related. Cry somewhere else."

All discussions related to Inter-Board Culture, Board-Tans, or the 4chan Winter Ball Event (or 'The Big Gay Game of Pretend') go here. Writefaggotry and Drawfaggotry related to these topics are also welcome, and encouraged. Trolling is not, but that's never stopped anyone. Please try to keep all talk civil and polite, since we don't want to add to the shit posting.

Useful Links
The Complete(ish) List of Writefaggotry:

The Current Compilation of Drawfaggotry

Before you go and cry about the OC you don't agree with, REMEMBER:
>Due to the chaotic nature of 4chan, there will never be a canon for the board-tans. There may be consensus, but it is best to treat all of the characters as fanon. If a certain character design upsets you, use the interpretation that you like the most, or be a real fa/tg/uy and make your own.
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Battle Royale Quest - Pregame Stage

!!nVRwFei5SxN No.35293868 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Date: 1997-Jun-09 09:03:02 UTC +9
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Program NA-1

The Japanese benefactors have cleared us for the June 13 start date. Please continue with plans for instituting Pilot Program NA-1.


Date: 1997-Jun-08 01:37:12 UTC -8
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Program NA-1

The Japanese had a security breach in the last Program they ran on the Home Islands, didn't they? It's been all over the news here. What has been done to ensure it can't happen again? Especially given how different our "playing area" is, which adds so many unknown variables. I would hate to see things go haywire. The opportunities to monetize are definitely there but a breach would put the kibosh on things before we have the chance to sway DoD. We have to show the Programs offer concrete opportunities for wargame planning and increased synergy with our allies in the GEAR.


Date: 1997-Jun-09 14:35:54 UTC +9
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: RE: Program NA-1

The Japanese have run over 100 such programs and the recent breach was the only one to date. I wouldn't be concerned. If I was concerned, I would call the whole thing off myself, trust me.

Nonetheless, some changes to the design of the tracking collars have been rushed through engineering. I am told the Guadacanal-23 collars are 100% tamperproof. If the Japanese benefactors are confident in this solution, I am too.

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Endless Sky: Ace Combat Quest

!3QUDPTn2Js No.35596541 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well, here it is. Thought I'd finally get around to making an AC quest!


Other Quests: (Complete) (Running) (Running) (Complete) (Complete)

Also, before we start things, I have a DISCLAIMER. This is a quest based off of the ACE COMBAT games, which are very arcadey and not simulationist at all. DO NOT expect super detailed, in depth, real world depictions of aircraft or air combat. Also, it'll probably be inevitable, but at least TRY to keep any planesperging civil and polite. With that out of the way, let's get this started!

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Quest Thread General - All Star Edition

No.35602709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
QM Question: What part of writing do you enjoy most?

Player Question: How many quests do you follow at a given time?

Tips, resources & onions