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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 213


Harem Protag Quest #46

!014bdkTI1c No.35592723 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Other Characters:
>Magic system:
>Irisviels list:
>Previous threads:
> Thread 29 is here:
>Twitter: @HaremProtaGuide

So, we’re running again. Yay! However I’m still tired and the past two weeks have sucked, next week is going to suck and yadda yadda because I’m a history major and that means lots of papers and reading books. I’ll try to keep a schedule up as best I can, but no promises. Anyway! On to the thread, which I’ll try to make good but I’m a bit rusty, so bear with me.

>Current Stats:
>Protag Points: 269
>Mana 40/40
>Harem Status 5/13

It is with that same flash that you reappear in the same strange null zone that you’ve been returning to each time, but now you return with Akeno pressed against you, a smoldering kiss still burning its way through your psyche. It is only a few seconds later that Akeno pulls away, still staring into your eyes.

“You came back for me,” she says, happily.

“Of course,” you reply, “there was never a question.”

It’s here that you are interrupted by a polite cough, which causes you to turn and everyone else staring at you. Akeno turns as well, seemingly not surprised at the others.
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No.30314866 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last CYOA thread died out. Again. Let's continue.

CYOA thread.

Posting Necromancer CYOA, part 1/3.
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Succubus Apprentice Quest #10

!mAVegwxFPg No.35553587 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You activate your ideal shift ability to transform yourself into what his ideal partner would be. You feel your personality become more dominant. Your breasts shrink, your face changes, you feel more... butch. Is this what this guy's into?

He sees you transform before his eyes... {Weirdness Censor} but doesn't seem to find it strange. "Hmm... you smoke?" He offers you a cig.

You grab one and his lighter and take a drag off of it like you've been doing it all your life. It feels great despite being your first smoke. Shifting your personality is a helluva thing.

Temporary Traits --
Butch -- You're more dominant, macho, and appeal to lesbians more
Delinquent -- You look good when you break the rules

Previous Threads:
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Adventure Thread

No.35548269 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we get an adventure thread /b/ edition

We'll stick to a max of four adventurers.

> Name
> Class
> Weapon(s)

Classes are
> Warrior
> White Knight
> Ranger
> Assassin
> Fuhrer
> Negromancer
> Wizard

Ranger gets an animal companion

Wizard has a familiar of any creature or human

Fuhrer has +5 against jews

Warrior has +2 strength

Negromancer is the negromancer

Assassin has double crit

White Knight gets cam whore pussy

Any other classes are appreciated
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No.35538446 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OK. I had a thought that perhaps we could craft a comprehensive high fantasy world based in world myth and folklore. There was an asia themed thread before that became a clusterufuck because the faggot OP thought that it was sensible to "condense" the legends and cultures of the largest continent in the world.

The idea I had was that historical region by historical region we would build settings based in the the mythologies of the area. And then we'd integrate them into one world when finished. Tolkien heavily criticized C.S.Lewis for being an eclectic faggot that never even bothered to justify of explain why all the bullshit he crammed into the setting was there. Satyrs, Trolls, Dwarves, Dragons, etc. Tolkien could stomach: But the specifically English idea of Santa Claus was the last straw for him. Middle-Earth was largely rooted in Northern Europe, but the rest of europe had a place. Middle-Earth took a few things from Greek, Slavic, and even Finnish myths. Great wolves, vampiric beings, "Trolls", dragons, rustic races like elves and dwarves mostly have cognates all over the continent of europe. Vast mythological "Zoos" and sterilized "Not!Xculture" are part of the cancer we consider generic fantasy. Who shall join me?

Feel free to criticize, but I thought we'd break things down into regions tightly knit due to history and myths before choose which to start with.

>Near East & North Africa
>Central asia
>East Asia
>South Asia
>Southeast Asia
>Sub-Saharan Africa
>North America
>Central America
>South America

WH40K RPG General Part 7: Sustained by Papa Nurgle himself!

No.35042351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
OK, last thread died some time late last night while everyone was asleep, so let's start again.






As always, these threads have a large number of experienced GMs and players so if you have questions, ask away.
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Succubus' Apprentice Quest #7.5

!mAVegwxFPg No.35509144 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuing from previous session.

You restrain Anna from behind as she struggles against you, but she's too weakened to resist any longer.

"Fuck you," She says. "I'll get out of here, and when I do, I'll fuck you so hard..."


Allie bitchslaps her daughter right in the face. What the fuck is happening here?

Previous Threads:
300 posts and 14 images omitted

No.35353453 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, ladies and gents, It's been like 5 or 6 years since the first time I ever attempted to GM a game based in the Nasuverse, but my problem it's always the same: A System.

What system will you use? I heard about a home made System for this, but I readed it and it was dissapointing.

So, any advice?
225 posts and 18 images omitted

The Hektor Heresy: Can't Believe it All, Did He really Fall?

No.35490457 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Something's callin' me back, like a
Light in the black

Welcome to the Hektor Heresy! This is our attempt to recreate Warhammer 40,000 from the start of it all, at the Great Crusade working all the way to the final showdown of the latest Black Crusade. We started out as 'Make Your Own Primarch thread', but then worked out way beyond just petty Imperials. Now we have petty Xenos too! We currently support Khork's Empire, the Freeboota Blackjawz WAAAAAAGH, a Dark Eldar realspace realm, a Khornate Knight House, and so many more factions beyond number in the Imperial Army.

If you have an idea, for Xenos, for Imperials, for Traitors. For Successor Chapters or Chaos Warbands, pop in the thread and talk it all out with us.
Here is the link to our main page:

Without further ado, let's get this thread started.
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