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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 214

Malifaux General

No.34714542 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cheat fate or lose your soul, that's right, it's time for a Malifaux thread!

Ask any question you have and then go out and buy a crew box.

Guide to all Master -

Malifaux 2nd Ed book -

Malifaux 2.0 Core Rules:
Rules Manual -

Malifaux 2.0 stat cards:
Wave 1 Guild -!h8QhXJwb!Cs1cyHkqMisVzGoYOcE3V3kgkiW43YOMU5OKv-udYMw
Wave 1 Ressurectionists -
Wave 1 Arcanists -
Wave 1 Neverborn -
Wave 1 Outcasts -!o1J3zB6S!j9V8s_XrukdWtJmN1Wv7mS7nHgGZtm-v8AvbDVALfXY
Wave 1 Ten Thunders -
Wave 1 Gremlins -!4lxX1RwR!gINJ59yxmX9PDmiFb3Jw-I-VG-_7Lkpj5L4I-SRoeeE
Wave 2 Final Beta (All factions) -
Avatars Current Beta -

Books (For fluff):
Malifaux -
Rising Powers -
Twisting Fates -

Play Aids:
2.0 Scheme and Strategy Cards -

Through the Breach (RPG):
Fated Almanac -!SU8VlCZb!1vE62D2FhGRAoV3h-8h_z_H-_RfqeKizMosyf9176uE
Fatemasters Almanac -!HNsg2D6Z!jFMUgYSS7-m5IuxgRh5NM7KD70qp4zuqkXHFUttsCTg
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No.29443867 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am disappointed by the lack of mecha games out there. I know there's battle tech, but it lacks the robot infantry and heroic feel being a gundam or other mecha.

I've considered writing my own war game, but I'd need considerable play testing since I'm probably no exception to the third can't into balance.

Would you guys be willing to help?
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Succubus' Apprentice Quest #6

!mAVegwxFPg No.35476095 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Your name is Sam Woods, and it's too early to be getting up, but your (girlfriend?) Myra woke you up just now.

"It's like, 4:30" you complain as she shakes your shoulder. "If you're horny, make it a quickie," you mutter off to yourself.

"Hurry up and get up," She says. "We have to go now. I already packed you a bag," She says.

Well, if she says you need to get going, you probably need to get going...

Previous Threads:
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The Tale of X: A Hedonist's Quest Part 5

!!6xEfm/rXmY7 No.35471579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My heart is racing and I've managed to collect my wits long enough to compose myself outwardly. Belle is watching the heavyset man behind the counter in the black wifebeater with the Harley Davidson logo and the jeans that actually fit him put some finishing ouches on a leather strap. She's leanign on the counter, one hand supporting her head, bent at the waist her ankles crossed. Her golden curls shne in the light above the counter, and she's holding her jacket. Her blouse is also untucked. She looks surprisingly at ease there, half asleep but mostly pleased with herself, as though she's woken from a nap with beautiful dreams and is reminiscing over them.

I walk over slowly, still in shock from her measurement of my throat. She's barely touched me and between that and the little fantasies I got lost in, I'm turmoil. That's a polite way to put it. Belle looks up at me and her smile widens as she psuhes herself off the counter, leaning on it, unselfconscious and relaxed. I really can't say the same at all.

A glance at the work the man is doing – he seems to be using a very powerful sewing machine now – is all I need to prompt an answer from Belle.

"Jacob is putting a clasp on the choker that will let you take it on or off easily while not being too decorative. Like a carbiner." I nod and walk over, and she wathes me walk, her eyes widening a little to take in my slighlty mincing steps. I really can't help it at the moment.

Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 7

!7sjHF5UMBU No.35461168 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Previous threads:
>Character Sheet:

A quick recap: Last time we took a nap after eating a really good meal and visited Shadow Alex to find out that she is more than a little lonely, lewd things happened. We showered with Beth and finally decided to come hang out with John. He put us on the spot with some serious questions.

>I don’t man, shit just went tits up yesterday you know?
>Well, it might be permanent so just deal with it…. it’s not that bad.

You sigh, its not like you didn’t expect this question but you think it might be a little early to ask it, “I don’t man… shit just went tits up yesterday you know?” You can’t help but grin at that one.

Beth groans and John shakes his head while chuckling, “That was bad and you know it,” he pauses, “Seriously though, haven’t you given it more thought than that?”

You shrug, “Honestly its not that bad, plus it might be permanent so I might as well learn to deal instead of frustrating myself with dead ends.”

Beth smiles before doing her best to hide it, both from you and John.

“What if you change back after you’ve gotten used to it, Alex, after you have accepted this shit,” John sighs.

“Then we start over from square one, seriously its not like the end of the damn world. So I have tits, I’m still me, I still like the same things, still do the same things… mostly,” you pause, “It’s better to work with what you have than with something you might never get.”
596 posts and 10 images omitted

Gundam Build Fighters Quest 32

!3QUDPTn2Js No.35441416 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


Other Quests: (complete) (Running) /archive.html?tags=Magical%20Girl%20Hunter%20Quest (Complete) (Running)

Characters and Gunpla:

You are JACK FOULKE, an amateur Gunpla Fighter with dreams to make your own mark on the Gunpla battle scene!

Well, this was it. Today was the big day. The Grand Finals of the tournament. Today was the day where you would face off against your rival Charlotte in your long delayed rematch to determine which one of you was the better Gunpla fighter.

Right now, you were in your ready room, trying to not freak out before the fight started in a few minutes. Holly was there with you, the Jester in her hands.

"Okay, Jack, I've done all I could to get the Jester ready for this." Holly says, her hands trembling. "I've coated the Jester and the Balls with a special insulating agent that should hopefully protect it from the heat Charlotte's Kampfer generates. At least the Jester won't combust instantly like Fellini's Gunpla did."

"Thanks, Holly." You nod. "Anything else?"

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Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 38

!PqK.Ff5rBw No.35412214 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

LAST EPISODE: You made your exit in a manner typical of your profession.
- - -


You are Gankoji Sachiko and you have made a series of poor decisions that are now biting you in the ass.

Your first poor decision was…well it was probably letting the Lunatics set up shop in the first place. However, in this particular case, it was probably going with them to that shrine where that priestess, Kayako’s Mother, slightly possessed you. Not entirely your fault, but it got the ball rolling.

The second mistake was not telling the Ghostbusters that Mommy Dearest didn’t quite leave. For the past couple of weeks she’s been quietly riding along with you. Teaching you secrets and ancient rites in your dreams, and unlocking powers within you that were amazing.

It’s kind of galling, really, you’ve read the stories and seen the movies, and it wasn’t as if the flags weren’t there. She refused to tell you her real name. She never agreed to anything three times. Plenty of tricks and lessons about power, but nothing about control. You even recognized them, AND you knew she was kind of a bitch with an ego problem.

But, that’s the thing about getting power. It makes you stupid. Plus, you were doing some real good for the neighborhood; a little divination here, some actual spirit cleansing power there, and the ability to bless luck upon people can go a long way. Kayako’s Mother said that those were just minor tricks too.

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No.35416192 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dear /tg/,

Say one Good thing about each race in your setting.
Say one Bad thing about each race in your setting.
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PDF thread

No.34348553 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
PDF thread
Will dump what I have, requesting solo games requiring few materials(no printouts)
185 posts and 97 images omitted

The Hektor Heresy: Multitudes of Petty Xenos

No.35396454 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is our remaking of Warhammer 30k to 40k, but what's important now is that we're focusing on Xenos.

We welcome all here, step in and either post or read.
Yes, we do have Xenos Empires, but also Great Crusade Era Human Factions, Knight Houses, Titan Legions, Chapter Successors, Imperial Army Regiments.
You can make up some Eldar, or Dark Eldar.
Anything and everything just come in and pitch it to be a part of the setting itself.

With that out of the way, here is our main wiki page.

With that out of the way, currently the focus of this thread is to create Xenos. Here is some topics to help that along.

*The canonicity of the Enelies.
*Got an idea for an Ork, or Ork Clan, with a weird and wacky bent or just badass battle they fought in? Write them out. Throw it in the thread. Let's brainstorm.
*The Carthage inspired Xenos Trade Empire which is going to stand in for the Tau Empire, or be in addition to it. It holds a tenuous peace with the Imperium, and is interested in making money, not expanding their realm. Lots of mercenaries, but they don't use humans as to not piss of the Imperium.
*Expanding the importance of the Rak'Gol
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