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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 215

No.35405388 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So what's the worst thing you've ever done in a game /tg/, straight up most terrible horror you've enacted on the innocent?

Our group just infected the ancient Titan god of a peaceful race of giants with an ancient form of vampirism.
The GM calculated that he'd need something like 100 points of Constitution drain per day in order to sate its hunger.

Our oracle has predicted that they'll go full Aztec by midwinter (3 weeks IC)
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Warmahordes General

No.35391761 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
People don't give Slayer enough credit.

>List building at
>Steamroller scenarios
>The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs
>Warmahordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
>Exigence Spoilers
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.17285043 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Incredible. The story is on time. As always, in Deffwotch, the players are Orks who trick the Imperium into thinking they are Spess Mehreens. They fly around looking for fights, loot, and a right good larf.

Kroz Rubbykonzes - Flyboy
Grimslag 'Eadmangla - Kommando
Wazgor Shakbag - Stormboy
Grakgut Grumwizzlewot - Painboy
Wurrza Zzappar - Weirdboy

Note that Wurrza was unable to show up due to business concerns.

'Ere we go.
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CYOA General

No.35337106 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.30025217 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I started up an "evil" game. You know, play the bad guys and all that. I told the players they could start up their own evil enterprises like slave trading and whatnot. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Then one player approached me with a concept for an evil business. He wants his character (and his character's minion) to kidnap elf children en masse and herd them up in farms.

Then he wants to force feed them for months, bloat up their livers, kill them, and extract the livers as foie gras. The idea is that it'd be the ultimate black market food, the tastiest and most buttery ingredient ever.

He wants to cut up the elf kids and sell the rest of their meat as less profitable but still valuable black market foods.

The character's a stereotypical dwarf fighter with a stilted Scottish accent otherwise.

It's kinda creepy. Should I let him go with it?
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Good Kings?

No.35354326 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can you guys name through history a king who was actually good and benevolent to his people?
I'm in need of inspirations for a good king, what kind of things would he do to help the farmers, how would he manage to fight corruption from the nobles and the church.

Does such king ever existed?
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Stormwind Fallacy

No.35353165 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I here the phrase "stormwind fallacy" tossed around on tg and other rpg forums but have no idea what it means. Could someone clear it up for me and tell me what it means? Examples would be nice.
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40K Game idea

No.29917141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /tg/, I'm going to be running a game of D&D 3.X Set in the 40k Universe. The players are going to be fully functional Space marines.

Can you give me any ideas as to what would make the game Epic?
Pic always related.
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High school Helper Quest 5

!MiSU0ZVWjA No.33582557 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time you got an exhausted Keiko home and promised her that you would study by yourself today. So you did to the best of your abilities.

Unfortunately, the best of your ability was going to sleep soon after you got home. You only meant to close your eyes for just a little while only to end up sleeping the whole night. You wake up and find that you didn't even write a single thing down. You're not too worried about the homework situation since you're used to not doing any of it at all, the only thing that concerns you is the reaction you're going to get from that stupid math teacher that has a problem with you for some stupid reason.

As you get dressed you think about yesterday; learning about more about Kazuko was pretty nice, Kendo was really fun despite still being sore from getting hit without armor and for the first time in forever you got to give Keiko a piggyback ride.
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No.35167730 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Tell me /tg/, when it comes down to lewd situations during a game, where do you draw the line? and where do you expect others to draw theirs?

Pic related
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