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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 215
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So what's the worst thing you've ever done in a game /tg/, straight up most terrible horror you've enacted on the innocent? Our group just infected the ancient Titan god of a peaceful race of giants with an ancient form of vampirism. The GM calculated that he'd need something like 100 points of Constitution drain per day in order to sate its hunger. Our oracle has predicted that they'll go full Aztec by midwinter (3 weeks IC)
>>35423030 Indeed it's not nesecarily chaotic although if you raped all the time I would call it chaotic but as just an occasional thing it can be any evil but it can't be chaotic neutral the book of vile deeds clearly states that rape is an evil act (interestingly it describes rapists as a type of psychopath (or was it sociopath I do not have access to my books right now))
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>>35425509 *book of vile darkness
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>>35418469 Depends on the genetic make-up of the parents. If two people are hotpots for cancer then woo-nelly you better believe little Timmy is getting dealt a bad hand. Now this is true in every coupling of humans, but incestuous relationships just magnify this risk.
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>>35405948 >>I asked the mechanic why he did this, and he still does not fully understand his actions. Oh god, I haven't laughed this much in ages.
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>>35410057 i now know what my high-level Campaign BBEG will be
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Circle forums just found out that the Wolves of Orboros UA works for the Death Wolves with rules as written. Weaponmaster P+S 13 w/Reach, 2xP+S 11, 2xP+S 9—all with overtake, heart eater, and gang? Yes please.
>>35422332 Oh boy. I guess Wolves of Orboros spearmen errata is incoming.
Goddamn it DC
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>>35422353 Hahaha what the fuck. Since the UA has CMA, it means the entire unit would benefit from CMA (not having to finish one model's action before continuing to the next). That would just be silly, as you can bounce back and forth without issue so that you can evenly distribute corpse tokens.
>>35421746 The book it out. He doesn't have an AOE
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>>35422546 I know, I was just mentioning what could have been.
Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK
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Incredible. The story is on time. As always, in Deffwotch, the players are Orks who trick the Imperium into thinking they are Spess Mehreens. They fly around looking for fights, loot, and a right good larf. Kroz Rubbykonzes - Flyboy Grimslag 'Eadmangla - Kommando Wazgor Shakbag - Stormboy Grakgut Grumwizzlewot - Painboy Wurrza Zzappar - Weirdboy Note that Wurrza was unable to show up due to business concerns. 'Ere we go.
>>17297341 sorry, was thinking of the battlesuit mass classes.
Even hazards have limited flight capabilities after all.
Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK
>>17297354 Yes, but remember that they have full-on JETPACKS, not JUMP Packs. There's a difference. That, and the jetpack is a majority of the suit, as opposed to this case, where the majority of the suit is angry ork.
er, just to clarify: Even with "unlimited lifespan" on the power armor's supply, there's just so much the thing can provide at any given moment. From actual energy emission rate to the cabling's capacity, you come across a limit somewhere, and staying too close to it will drastically lower the unit's lifespan. Crossing it's just begging for meltdown, overheats, shorts as coil enamel slowly burns away or straight up fuse-popping if you're lucky. Its not as if there isn't an armor-scale flight system that can pull it off for him, but rather, its that he fills out far more of his 'suit' than a tau does despite soon being the same size (once they're both enormous), the entire ork-filled thing may be heavier than the crystaline armor, and we're using fission fuel to power what usually takes a fusion engine. Any jetpack capable of carrying him around would be scaled to a Crisis or Hazard suit, and might require a supply of its own. He's probably no worse than a landspeeder, but that still means he needs as much engine as a landspeeder. And that'll be the tougher part. Maybe once he has unnatural strength and CAN lug around two tons before feeling a bit encumbered.
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>>17297394 Hm.. its true that jetpacks would still leave him with the issue of being no faster than normal walking, just with more vertical...
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>>17297438 Ork tech; gestalt psychic field dampens those problems a touch.
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I bump this excellent thread. I'll also add an OC CYOA soon. Keep it going, mates.
I'm an idiot who doesn't understand autosage
I'm an idiot who doesn't understand autosage Wed 08 Oct 2014 12:48:51 No. 35383672 Report >>35383151 Your bump didn't work!
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>>35383672 Oh god, it's the end times!
Dat negativity and hostility
>>35383672 I understand autosage, didn'tknow it already autosages.
Maybe in the next CYOA general thread...
I'm an idiot who doesn't understand autosage
I'm an idiot who doesn't understand autosage Wed 08 Oct 2014 15:21:13 No. 35385141 Report Quoted By:
>>35385078 I wish there was a way to tell when a thread is autosaging!
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So I started up an "evil" game. You know, play the bad guys and all that. I told the players they could start up their own evil enterprises like slave trading and whatnot. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Then one player approached me with a concept for an evil business. He wants his character (and his character's minion) to kidnap elf children en masse and herd them up in farms. Then he wants to force feed them for months, bloat up their livers, kill them, and extract the livers as foie gras. The idea is that it'd be the ultimate black market food, the tastiest and most buttery ingredient ever. He wants to cut up the elf kids and sell the rest of their meat as less profitable but still valuable black market foods.The character's a stereotypical dwarf fighter with a stilted Scottish accent otherwise. It's kinda creepy. Should I let him go with it?
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>>30045099 >>30045125 My nigga. I was thinking about that chapter a couple days ago.
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>>30026322 That's 'rich' coming from a 10 year old that is yet to make dollar one.
>>30027098 >>30027240 >>30027295 I'm not kidding guys, you are total fucking losers. Every bully at your school was right, they saw how worthless you are and tried to weed you out.
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>>30050375 Nah, bullies bully billies because bullies's dads bully bullies.
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Who went without my permission and started a sub cult of my legion? I am KING on these grounds! Behead the disobedient! Xoooooooooossska!
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Can you guys name through history a king who was actually good and benevolent to his people? I'm in need of inspirations for a good king, what kind of things would he do to help the farmers, how would he manage to fight corruption from the nobles and the church. Does such king ever existed?
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>>35383695 Except he didn't do well by his people, he did fine by his army and he kept himself nice and far away so his nobility could do whatever the fuck they wanted.
He also bankrupted the country so much that when his successor attempted to get money those same nobles revolted
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OP here, long time no see guys.
Woah, this thread is still alive? Good job /tg/.
>>35381485 >>35381519 Until now, Dom Pedro II seems like the best example of what I'm looking for. Even though he was not the BEST ruler, he sure was good at heart, humble and loved his country.
As pointed by
>>35376763 those things tells a lot about Pedro's personality.
Who wouldn't like him?
The guy made his country independent, he ended slavery and loved Brazil even though he was Portuguese.
Other monarchs and nobles Anonymous
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>>35361372 HYES
Akbar is seriously one of the coolest monarchs ever.
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>>35361387 The UK is still the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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I love /tg/ for threads like this.
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I here the phrase "stormwind fallacy" tossed around on tg and other rpg forums but have no idea what it means. Could someone clear it up for me and tell me what it means? Examples would be nice.
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>>35365804 See, this is why your characters suck Dave.
I seem to be comign at this from the other direction. I've seen people say, "Why would you choose this option when this other option is much more effective?" And the answer is, "Because it fits my character concept." And then someone, inevitably, looks down on you for that. Hence the concept, fallacious or not, that optimizers aren't interested in roleplay. It's like the difference between people who come up with their character concept first and people who come up with the set of powers they want to use first. Or how, when I played Dogs in the Vineyard, one of the fellow PCs couldn't understand why you'd want, from a roleplay standpoint, to lose conflicts or have detrimental dice.
>>35369643 Unless your character's concept is to be ineffective, how would making your character ineffective serve your character concept better than something that would actually make them effective?
>>35369717 Because the two choices aren't thematically identical. It's wanting to be a duel wielder fencer, then having your buddy insist you use a greatsword because it's always better.
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>>35369753 Oh, so you jump into the thread without following the discussion at all, and have no idea what we're talking about, but will bitch about what you see as the problem anyway?
Alright /tg/, I'm going to be running a game of D&D 3.X Set in the 40k Universe. The players are going to be fully functional Space marines. Can you give me any ideas as to what would make the game Epic? Pic always related.
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>>29917141 It's an awful idea, OP. As someone who like both 3.5 and 40k, I suggest you play Deathwath instead. DnD, especially 3.5, isn't suited for 40k.
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>>29917351 As a guy who tried this before (only with magical cyberpunk and d20 modern, but i was dumb and 16), i can say your best bet is using a system that is specifically built for it.
Stop being lazy and read Deathwatch book, anon. It'll take less time than homebrewing and you'll get better experience out of it.
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Last time you got an exhausted Keiko home and promised her that you would study by yourself today. So you did to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, the best of your ability was going to sleep soon after you got home. You only meant to close your eyes for just a little while only to end up sleeping the whole night. You wake up and find that you didn't even write a single thing down. You're not too worried about the homework situation since you're used to not doing any of it at all, the only thing that concerns you is the reaction you're going to get from that stupid math teacher that has a problem with you for some stupid reason. As you get dressed you think about yesterday; learning about more about Kazuko was pretty nice, Kendo was really fun despite still being sore from getting hit without armor and for the first time in forever you got to give Keiko a piggyback ride.
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>>33599360 Well yeah, duh. Also, we currently have a 3:1 ratio of sports clubs to non-sports clubs. We're gonna get worn out, especially if they keep asking us to race track stars, construct sphinxes, and scare off rookies.
We need to take it easy, but not to the point of being dangerously cheesy.
>>33598947 >She would insist that you both wear dresses. Keiko confirmed best taste.
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>>33602216 Bit late there, we're just about to fall off the edge.
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>>33602298,1 you are bad reader
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Tell me /tg/, when it comes down to lewd situations during a game, where do you draw the line? and where do you expect others to draw theirs? Pic related
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>>35169241 you and me both bruvva Anonymous
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>>35169241 I do too, it's largely why I browse here so frequently
I blame /tg/'s being inherently social
>>35169270 that's
>>35168953 in case you lost it
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>>35168308 Try 3.5's Ur-Priest, and fiat in some brokenly good feats?
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In case anyone else is still monitoring this dedthred, and wants a decent pony RPG system: Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony. Enjoy.