>Doze some more, that smile made your heart leap.You nod barely, "... I'll be here," you yawn and stretch, pulling the covers more tightly around you now that your source of warmth has left.
Beth lets out a small laugh, and ruffles your hair, "I won't be too long... don't get too comfortable," you hear the door open and mumble, "Too late," in response.
The door shuts and you hear the shower turn on across the hall, and mildly realize that theses walls are really thin, before slipping back into sleep.
You find yourself standing in a room filled with stuff you've owned, and in the center on your latest computer chair is another you, just a little more tan, she seems to be dozing though. A quick glance around shows a pathway that looks like it was recently cleared of junk. You get the feeling that its a path only you, and not your shadow can walk.
From behind you hear a yawn,
"That's the way back to your world, ah, before you worry I can't go down it. It's against the rules, yeah? I can only get against the door and talk to you," you look back to your shadow to see she has black eyes with yellow pupils,
"You here about the favors I owe you or something? I really wasn't expecting you... I'd uh have cleaned a little." the way she says that you get the feeling she's lying, about the cleaning anyways.
>I didn't even mean to get here, I'll be going now.>Questions?Rules: