Continuation of the GenA world with two new storylines. Previous GenA quest can be found here: of sweat glisten as they roll off your forehead, stinging against your eyes as you remain still and quiet, standing at confident ease. The walls of worn, unstained wood do nothing to keep the heat outside at bay, a fact you're quite aware of as you wipe your face with a thick forearm yet again. You don't particularly mind the heat and the stuffy interior of the building as much as you do the flies. They seem enamored with what to them must be a new, alien, exciting flavor.
You hate flies.
Though right now you're too focused on the noise coming through the door to pay them as much mind as you normally might. Noise that despite missing the entirety of your left ear, you can pick up perfectly.
“Ladies. Gentlemen. I know you're all wondering why I had you all come here today. I know this isn't our usual and I know it sucks, but this is going to be our base of operations for at least a few days until we see this task through.” Booms the voice of the Commander as clear as though he were speaking to your face.
A general murmur follows, bearing nothing of note.
“And I've heard your concerns about the current size of our team and the areas we need filled. I've heard them and I've taken them to heart. Lord knows we all miss Garrett, but he's gone. He's gone and we need someone to take the lead on the wetwork.”
“Commander,” A new voice, “All due respect but I believe I'm perfectly able to...”
“I'm sorry, Alex, but no. You may be good with that machinegun but I think we can all agree that you captaining the Alduin mission proved you need some more experience under your belt before you're ready to be the starting quarterback. You had it nailed up until the tank chase through the city streets... But no. Not yet.”
A few bursts of laughter choked back, met with a grunt of dismay.