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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 217

Dark eldar

No.35281732 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The new dark eldars are up on black library now!
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Mitakihara Middle SCHOOL DAYS Quest Session 10 - The Future I've Always Wanted With You Edition

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35267835 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

The QM's other quest: >>35267628

Continued from: >>35243121

Chat room: (Room Name MMSDQuest)

Rules and Regulations:

Combat stats:

Kyousuke as of session 10:

Timeline for event reference:

Recap: You are Kamijou Kyousuke. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You've just killed your teacher Saotome Kazuko. Apparently, she was a lich.

You are now searching for your beloved childhood friend Miki Sayaka.

ARCHIVES IN ORDER OF SESSION (Session 1) (Session 2) (Session 3) (Session 4) (Session 5) (Session 6) (Session 7) (Session 8) (Session 9)


Part 1 of 2
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!!0ZviLFh59My No.22306557 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are a fighter pilot of the 501st Joint Strike Wing and you've just been cornered by the aide to the chief of RAF Fighter Command and behind you stands Nicholas Mackintosh, XO of the Navy vessel you just tried to steal ice cream from.

This is the third ship you've visited this month, and all in all you prefer the Fitzgerald - you know, the one that was on fire and infested with aliens trying to kill you.

"Yeah," Mack says, holding his palms up to Maloney. "Yeah. So." He strokes his chin thoughtfully. "How...." he makes vague motions at you, then at Maloney and his pack of subgun-swinging goons. "Arrest? Care to explain this?"

"Constable?" Maloney says smugly, and a slightly portly man in a suit steps forward, looking a bit awkward. "Well. The American Army has declined to bring charges against this... pilot under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and, ah, certain gentleman of high rank in the Royal Air Force have expressed disinterest in pursuing military-to-military complains. However, much of what this pilot has done is fully prosecutable under English civilian law."

Mack raises his eyebrow. "And you didn't collar him on the island because...?"

Maloney opens his mouth, but the portly little constable just raises his hand in a 'bitch, please' gesture and plows on. "The island is the private property of the Witch Sisterhood - not that there's a single legal entity like that, per-se, but in centuries past it was quite literally the sovereign territory of Witches, not just private property of Crown subjects. Much like Papal possessions. There's hundreds of years of history. The legalities are... complex."

"I think I get the picture," Mack mutters.
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Incestuous love Quest

No.35261156 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You recently had your thirteenth birthday last month, although compared to other boys your age, you hadn't grown very much at all. Smallest in your class, and also the least manly, which led to a small spat of bullying. Until you found punching them in the throat usually stopped the abuse.

Your parents, when they managed to be present in the household, were usually quiet, business-like, and had very little to talk about. Absorbed in their own world of money and politics. They were away again, something about a big business trip in America. Shrugging your shoulders, you could see the tan you earned out in the summer sun.

Clinking of plates and cutlery down the stairs brought a light, warm feeling to your chest. Saki, your sister, must be cooking something. Slipping on a pair of shorts, your feet tap gracefully down the stairs. You could feel your mouth curl upwards, your sister's radiant sun-like smile meeting yours "Anon-kun, awake already?"

Nodding enthusiastically, you take the one of the side seats at the table. Blue eyes drifting over to your sister, her flowing, bone white hair swished from left to right, her hands attending to cooking. A large grey dress shirt, hung from her body, ending just a little below her curved bottom. The light tan covering her skin was clearly visible beneath her shirt, only ending where her black laced panties began.

With an elbow on the table, the warmth of your hand propping up your face, your eyes traced your sister's graceful movements. You didn't really mind she wasn't wearing a bra, it's not like you were wearing boxers or a shirt, so it was fair, that's what you thought anyway. You notice her hands quickly begin to serve the scrambled eggs. You turn your head quickly away, looking at the clock instead, face burning.

The plate entered your peripheral vision, two slices of bread covered with scrambled egg. You could feel your stomach growl at the sight. Turning your head, your eyes were attracted to another sight
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Harem Protag Quest #45

!014bdkTI1c No.35259671 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Other Characters:
>Magic system:
>Irisviels list:
>Previous threads:
> Thread 29 is here:
>Twitter: @HaremProtaGuide

Alright guys, I'm going to run, but if I have to duck out suddenly I apologize in advance, there's a lot going on this weekend and I may be called away. But I said I'd try to run so I am.

Enjoy the thread.

>Current Stats:
>Protag Points: 275
>Mana 40/40
>Harem Status 4/13

You are John Galt and as you once again appear in the null zone you have so recently been travelling around in, you feel a mild thump as you drop about an inch, onto the ground, Karasuba still on your lap and kissing you, except now both of you are again wearing your clothes, to your only mild disappointment.

Pulling back from the kiss, you see everybody in the room staring at you with a look of shock on their faces.

“What?” you say, “It’s not like you’ve never seen this before.”

“But…but…” says Chris, “She…”

“She what?” you ask.

“She was nice to you!” she spouts, “Gentle even!”

You look up at Karasuba who hasn’t moved from your lap. She just smiles and shrugs.
“I guess they didn’t think I could be gentle lover boy,” she says to you, kissing you once more on the cheek before standing and then resuming her normal slightly slouched if mildly murderous stance.

(John, you have done good things here,) says your friend, ignoring the byplay, (But we need to keep going to save the rest.)

You nod at her. “Right,” you say, “Show me more.”

Your friend nods at you. More images flash by.
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Mitakihara Middle SCHOOL DAYS Quest Session 9

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35243121 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Please be reminded that the QM will be AFK from around 0600 UTC 2nd of October to 0800 UTC 2nd of October. Thank you.

For those interested in the QM's other fanworks, his main fanfic, a Civ V X PMMM (Post-rebellion) fic is located at

There is a new mechanic; Romance Points (ROM). Please read the Rules and Regulations for further information.

Continued from: >>35236188

Chat room: (Room Name MMSDQuest)

Rules and Regulations:

Combat stats:

Kyousuke as of session 9:

Timeline for event reference:

Recap: You are Kamijou Kyousuke. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You currently are on a date with your teacher Saotome Kazuko, pretending she's your beloved childhood friend Miki Sayaka.

You now are pondering on how to have dinner with Saotome-sensei before you kill her.

ARCHIVES IN ORDER OF SESSION (Session 1) (Session 2) (Session 3) (Session 4) (Session 5) (Session 6) (Session 7) (Session 8)



April 11 Mon 8:00 PM

You forgo your graces. If she really is an enemy of God, she needn't know about the fact you're about to kill her; you probably won't be able to complete your Rite properly.




You eat and intermittently talk.


Part 1 of 2
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Diceless RPG Homebrew Idea

No.35248036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been throwing around ideas for a diceless system recently, mostly due to spending more time on here actually. It vexes me to the format of forum-based RPGs in what does and does not work. I've found that offering specific numbers doesn't intrigue people a lot, and is annoying for the GM to keep track of. Having a system in which very little happens from turn to turn similarly turns people off, due to the lower attention span of lurkers.

I've seen a verity of systems work on a kind of 'wager' idea; where your ability scores represent the total amount of effort you can place into an action. Decent, but then it also gets into the integer problem where people can decide on an action, but not the specific number to use. So I've had a very rough idea of something that may work, although I've only got an idea for combat down right now.
In combat, what actions you can take are considered one of three types; High, Medium, or Low.
High actions are big and bombastic, and tend to deal the most damage. Medium actions are conservative but reliable, and deal moderate damage. Low actions are subtle or underhanded, and deal little damage. The trick here is that each of these types are only susceptible to one thing. Using an attack of equal type results in a tie and failed action. So,

High beats Med.
Med beats Low.
Low beats High.
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Generation A OPFOR: I

!!z0ABcqUnNAP No.35243214 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuation of the GenA world with two new storylines. Previous GenA quest can be found here:

Beads of sweat glisten as they roll off your forehead, stinging against your eyes as you remain still and quiet, standing at confident ease. The walls of worn, unstained wood do nothing to keep the heat outside at bay, a fact you're quite aware of as you wipe your face with a thick forearm yet again. You don't particularly mind the heat and the stuffy interior of the building as much as you do the flies. They seem enamored with what to them must be a new, alien, exciting flavor.

You hate flies.

Though right now you're too focused on the noise coming through the door to pay them as much mind as you normally might. Noise that despite missing the entirety of your left ear, you can pick up perfectly.

“Ladies. Gentlemen. I know you're all wondering why I had you all come here today. I know this isn't our usual and I know it sucks, but this is going to be our base of operations for at least a few days until we see this task through.” Booms the voice of the Commander as clear as though he were speaking to your face.

A general murmur follows, bearing nothing of note.

“And I've heard your concerns about the current size of our team and the areas we need filled. I've heard them and I've taken them to heart. Lord knows we all miss Garrett, but he's gone. He's gone and we need someone to take the lead on the wetwork.”

“Commander,” A new voice, “All due respect but I believe I'm perfectly able to...”

“I'm sorry, Alex, but no. You may be good with that machinegun but I think we can all agree that you captaining the Alduin mission proved you need some more experience under your belt before you're ready to be the starting quarterback. You had it nailed up until the tank chase through the city streets... But no. Not yet.”

A few bursts of laughter choked back, met with a grunt of dismay.
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once more unto the breach

!ing6OwAe4s!!yl6mtj6lWWS No.24886817 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anons who were serious about this, if you're still here, I'm back.

Anon who was wanting to use a lama, if you're still here that is something I'd be willing to do. At the very least I can answer your questions so that you can figure out how to use the character class on your own if you care to.
7 posts omitted

Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Session 8 - It Can Only End In Tragedy edition

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35222980 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

There is a new mechanic; Romance Points (ROM). Please read the Rules and Regulations for further information.

Continued from: >>35178427

Chat room: (Room Name MMSDQuest)


Combat stats:

Kyousuke as of session 6:

Timeline for event reference:

Recap: You are Kamijou Kyousuke. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You've just removed some rubble from the Sakura church. You want to restore it to its full glory.

You are considering between going home and wandering around after cleaning around half the church.


April 10 Sun 9:35pm

>>"So long as just one person exalts the Holy Spirit, He has been honoured."

>>"Then why don't you go restore the church yourself?"

That's what you said and that is how she responded.

You accept her challenge. She shall see how devoted you are to the Almighty's name.

You return to the church with various cleaning agents, mops and towels.

You are committed.


You've cleaned up most of the church. Only the higher places you can't reach are dirty.

Your parents are probably worried you're out so late.

What do?

[Call them, saying you'll go home ASAP.]

[Call them, saying you'll be wandering around to calm down your mind a bit more.]

-5% BEM

+2 Red points

Black - 58 Pink - 20, Green - 2, Blue - 44, Yellow - 6 , Red 100

ROM of Red: 0%
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