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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 218

No.35222099 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Should we petition Moot to give Quest Threads their own board? I mean they are like almost 50% of the threads here. I'm not saying they are automatically terrible but it's like when /b/ was invaded by MLP fags, they got a containment board. Honestly I think it would solve a lot of the hostility toward them.

I don't know, what do you guys think?
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Accidental Idol Kidnapping Quest (one-shot)

No.35228347 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a one-shot I want to run in order to test whether or not I have what it takes to QM. Have fun and feel free to critique.

It is nearly midnight, and you, the ambiguously aged 20 something NEET extraordinaire that you are, have finally decided to do something about the hunger currently playing your stomach like an instrument. It takes you a few minutes, but you manage to lift yourself off of your comfortable bed and, after a few trial stretches (that only serve to remind just how out of shape your lanky body really is), you take a look around. God, your room is a mess. Clothing is sporadically thrown around the room in piles. Your figurines are haphazardly set up on shelves on each wall of the room, seemingly set up without a system or a care. To your right, the computer is displaying porn of various qualities of some idol you barely know outside of fanart nude pics, and freshly used tissues threaten to spill out of the wastebasket beside the computer. In short, this is the typical room of a man without a care.

Your name is Prometheus Tagger, or Protag, as those friends from long ago used to call you. Your father named you and chuckled to himself every time he called your name. He called it a joke to always raise your spirits in bad times; you called it a disregard for your future. In any case, at least the “joke” wasn’t only wasted on you – just ask your brother, Anthony.

Musing over your past gets you very slightly nostalgic and for a moment you forgot why you stood up in the first place. A rumbling from your stomach a second later reminds you quickly enough, and you decide that you needed at least one meal in you today. But what was the plan?

> Head out to the store
>Scour the kitchen
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Gundam Build Fighters Quest 29

!3QUDPTn2Js No.35221105 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


Other Quests: (complete) (Running) /archive.html?tags=Magical%20Girl%20Hunter%20Quest (Complete) (Running)

Characters and Gunpla:

You are JACK FOULKE, an amateur Gunpla Fighter with dreams to make your own mark on the Gunpla battle scene!

Well, this was it. Today was the day for the first round of the finals, and you were more than a little anxious.

"IT'S DOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!" You hear Holly chirp.

"That what?" You blink, startled.

"The upgraded Ball racks, you dummy!" Holly kicks you lightly in the knee. "I already fitted it onto your Jester!"

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Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Session 7 - Little Mermaid Edition

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35200589 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Continued from: >>35178427

Chat room: (Room Name MMSDQuest)


Combat stats:

Kyousuke as of session 6:

Timeline for event reference:

Recap: You are Kamijou Kyousuke. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You've just made your childhood friend Miki Sayaka extremely sad; it turns out you are the 'String Screamer', the Tuxedo Mask figure Kaname Madoka wished for as a boyfriend.

You are currently pondering about the mysterious invisible creature known as Kyubey and his motives.


April 9 Sat - Afternoon

You can already conclude that Kyubey is an enemy of the Holy Spirit. The way he has polluted your mind and created a false miracle in the healing of your left hand is proof of that.

You have to wonder though; what is the motive of this manifestation of the Devil?

[To overthrow the Holy Spirit and the order He has set for the universe.]

[To extend his dominion from Hell to Earth.]

BEM 84.5%

+2 Black points, +1 Red point

Interaction Points: Black - 48 Pink - 18, Green - 2, Blue - 35, Yellow 4, Red - 6
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No.35208405 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide"

Why is this even in the 5th ed PHB? In a game where you can literally change your gender, race, fly, fucking whatever they put this paragraph in. Are they so afraid of the SJW that they have to put this in "just in case"?
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No.35189938 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dark age, anyone? I think I might want to play, but it also seems stupid as fuck. I really want to play something like 40k, but without the huge costs. Is this the closest i can get?

Pic related, im either gonna play heretics or forsaken, depeding on responses in this thread
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Mitakihara Middle School Days quest session 6

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35176913 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Continued from: >>35168754

Chat room: (Room Name MMSDQuest)


Combat stats:

Kyousuke as of session 6:

Timeline for event reference:

Recap: You are Kamijou Kyousuke. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You have been given a Rite (Church Mission) to kill Kazuko Saotome, a lich under scrutiny by the Executors, a secret branch of the Roman Catholic Church.

You've just woken up. It is the second day of your hopitalization. Father Kotomine just came in, humming a dark and serious tune cheerfully.


Father Kotomine comes in, whistling a tune that should've been sung solemnly in a cheerful and upbeat way. [Embed]

You choose to give it the name of 'Decretum'. You can discern parts of it despite your deteriorated ability to discern tones from your the damage your ear sustained during the incident down at the dumpsters.

What do?

[Ask Father Kotomine why he is so cheerful today.]

[Ask Father Kotomine about relationship problems.]

+3 Red points, +1 Black point

-2.5% BEM (Order)

53.5% BEM

Interaction Points: Black - 37, Pink - 9, Green - 3, Blue - 33, Yellow 4, Red - 24

+1 Stat: WIS

Stats: S (4), D (5), Co (8), I (8), W (7), C (7)
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Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 44

!3QUDPTn2Js No.35162068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


Other Works:


You are the PRODUCER, a former soldier hired to manage a group of teenage girls on their rise to stardom, assuming they don't get killed in the process!

By the time you return to the office, the sun is already starting to rise. You let Rochelle, Sparky, and Morgan go to take off their gear and let themselves get cleaned up. Meanwhile, you check in with Cole, and find out that she and her team have pretty much already cleaned themselves up and turned in for the night. Cole, however, decided to stay up to keep Belle company, along with Rin. Well, that was good.

"Many things to do, Producer." Jenner says as she walks past you, carrying the flash drive holding all of the stolen Umbrella data.

Yep, she was right about that.

>Check on Belle
>Contact Lillith
>Contact Vahlen
>Inspect the data.
>See if there's any news on your rescue op.
496 posts and 23 images omitted

Background Character Quest Episode 9: The Great Faust Detective

!DGim1Grf7. No.35148594 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am Daniel Speltin, top tier waste of potential and mid tier student, all round unimportant person about town.

I sigh as I tug my shirt on, closing the door behind me and heading to my sisters' room. True to word, the place has been ransacked.

Her fortune of weeaboo shit has disapeared for the large part, scattered manga booklets and the occasional figure litter otherwise bare shelves.

Erica wipes her nose with the back of her hand, looking around. "Who did this? Do you think it was Mum?" She asks, picking up a stray page.

I give a pent up sigh, "I dunno. Could be, she was in here the other day after all. Or maybe some asshole is running around town collecting shit to make himself a weeaboo themed junk monster." It's happened before, though usually with scrap metal and rubbish, who knows where the things come from.

>What do?
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Quest Thread General: Confessions Edition.

No.35142735 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QM: Have you ever thought of dropping your quest without telling your players? Just dropping and disappearing completely?

Players: Have you ever dropped a quest where you were the only participant knowing that you are the only one keeping it alive?

Bonus task: Come up with a list of QMs that should be in a QM Battle Royale Quest.
805 posts and 33 images omitted