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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 219

Quest Thread General: Confessions Edition.

No.35142735 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QM: Have you ever thought of dropping your quest without telling your players? Just dropping and disappearing completely?

Players: Have you ever dropped a quest where you were the only participant knowing that you are the only one keeping it alive?

Bonus task: Come up with a list of QMs that should be in a QM Battle Royale Quest.
805 posts and 33 images omitted

Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Session 4 (Seigi no Zeroto edition)

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35132952 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continued from >>35111823

Recap: You are Kyousuke Kamijou. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You're in the hospital again. This time, it was the result of an 'accident' wherein you were tracking Akemi-san in order to receive answers about your sudden onset of lust for Kaname-san and your odd dreams.

You've failed, badly. By going beyond the limits of your newfound manipulation of your Inner Tempo, you have burst your capillaries, injured your left eye and swollen your joints, you hospitalised yourself and you are now where your are.

You've had a sudden religious awakening.

Right now you're in the hospital, with a chaplain discussion initiation into the Catholic Church. He has explained in detail how one does not simply join the church. Yet, in your sudden epiphany, your fervour for actions and answers has become all the more greater.

One more thing; you're horny as hell.

Rules and Regulations (Revision as of 26/09/2014):

Bad End Meter (BEM): When the reaches 100%, no more choices will be made and the QM will write up a description of the downfall of Kyousuke Kamijou.

Actions which increase the BEM:

1. Channeling Makoto Itou at his worst (75%)

2. NTRing a girl (50%)

3. Pissing off the Yakuza (30%)

4. Initiating (Not continuing) a romantic encounter with a girl. Initiation/continuation resets every game day. (25%)

5. Dangerous Inner Tempo control (15%)

6. Being a adventurer (15%)

7. Thinking of a girl in a sexual manner (12.5%)

8. Making a girl jealous (12.5%)

9. Safe Inner Tempo control (10%)

10. General Chaotic behaviour (5%)

11. General Evil behaviour (5%)

12. Writing in an option (5%)
289 posts and 52 images omitted

No.35145393 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I tell an Elf noble women "No means no," with out be killed?
40 posts and 4 images omitted

Megucca Harem Quest

!!igHCy5XWp8Q No.35141973 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let me tell you about humans.

Humans are illogical, irrational, unpredictable, and incomprehensible. The emotions that cause their erratic behaviors are virtually unknown among the other races of the universe, among whom the average human would be considered pathologically insane. It is the role of the Incubators to contact the most emotional of these creatures... that is to say, the most irredeemably insane of the most incomprehensible demographic of a race that is universally agreed to be stark raving mad... and convince them to become magical girls.

You are not a magical girl. You will never become a magical girl. There are strange voices in your head that dictate nearly every action you take, but among a race of stark raving lunatics, you are what passes for sane..

And there is something about you that bitches find irresistable.

But first, who are you?
>Kaname Madoka
>Miki Sayaka
>Shizuki Hitomi
>Kamijou Kyousuke
>Tomoe Mami
>Sakura Kyouko
>Akemi Homura
>Other (Specify)
94 posts and 12 images omitted

Drow discussion

No.35096474 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's your thoughts on drows? Did the Dark Elf Trilogy novels gave a bad influence to the view of drow in D&D? Is it because in every group some player wanted to play a "mary-sue" character like Drizzt?
303 posts and 49 images omitted

Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Session 3

No.35111823 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continued from >>35089462

Premise: You are Kyousuke Kamijou. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You've been stalking that new transfer student Akemi Homura. Now she has a pistol pointed at your head and chances are, you're going to die without answers and with your virginity intact.

You'll never know why you want to... want to... why you've been obsessed with Kaname Madoka-san so recently.

Bad End meter increasingactions by severity (raw)

1. NTRing a girl or making them jealous (30%)

2. Sexually exploiting girls (20%)

3. Initiating adventure e.g. entering combat with a witch, magical girl or yakuza (15%), unless Acquired Trait 'Heroic' is present, wherein it is just a 1.5% penalty.

4. Initiating sexual advances with any girl (key word is 'initiating', *not* continuing on any one particular day) (10%)

5. Making an option of your own (5%)

When 100% is reached, you will see why it's called "Mitakihara Middle SCHOOL DAYS"

The Bad End meter may be reduced by exhibiting good behaviour, which may mean but is not limited to: 'virtue', 'valour', 'bravery', 'chivalry', 'badassery', 'charity' or so forth.


Acquired skills and levels increase according to the actions that use them. Actions to advance to the next level is calculated by that level's number, e.g. to gain a skill on your list, you need to use it once, to advance from LV 2 to LV 3, you need to use it thrice at LV2.


1. The first two posts with the same vote.
2. In the case where one of the first two disagrees, the GM will wait patiently for another vote.

Without further ado: It begins! May Makoto Itou be with you, Kamijou Kyousuke

TIME NOTE (breaks): GM will be AFK from 1000 UTC to 1130 UTC, taking a driving lesson.

Other times GM will be AFK: 0500-0600 UTC

Session will end at 1100 UTC 26/9. Thank you.

GM question: What do you think of this quest? Thanks for feedback.
190 posts and 39 images omitted

No.31993403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is pretty cool. It's a day planner that treats it like an RPG.

False Dendrite Quest 37

!!hfLsaVJrWbQ No.35098080 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
that which avoids calamity

this is one calamity that it was unable to avoid

the weed that you have chosen

it is injured

but it still fights on

proven itself useful

perhaps you are not as foolish as I thought

>Thread archive:

>Branches known thus far:


412 posts and 42 images omitted

Mitakihara Middle School Days Quest Session 2

!!9WRn9ci2pcB No.35089462 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continued from >>35070841

Premise: You are Kyousuke Kamijou. You were in an accident that should've left your left hand permanently disabled for life. Miraculously, it was healed.

You just tried to seduce your best friend Miki Sayaka and you failed... badly. You were about to bed her and then you relented like a coward.

Now you're having strange dreams involving girls that are super strong and where you get weird powers you suspect have carried over into your waking life.

And for some reason, you're sexually obsessed with your best friend's pink haired friend. You're not going to stop thinking about her soon, especially, especially about her... Yep you're fucking obsessed about Kaname Madoka.


Bad End meter increasingactions by severity (raw)

1. NTRing a girl (30%)

2. Sexually exploiting girls (20%)

3. Initiating adventure i.e. entering combat with a witch (15%)

4. Initiating sexual advances with any girl (key word is 'initiating', *not* continuing on any one particular day) (10%)

5. Making an option of your own (5%)

When 100% is reached, you will see why it's called "Mitakihara Middle SCHOOL DAYS"

The Bad End meter may be reduced by exhibiting good behaviour, which may mean but is not limited to: 'virtue', 'valour', 'bravery', 'chivalry', 'badassery', 'charity' or so forth.


Acquired skills and levels increase according to the actions that use them. Actions to advance to the next level is calculated by that level's number, e.g. to gain a skill on your list, you need to use it once, to be LV 3, you need to use it thrice.


1. The first two posts with the same vote.
2. In the case where one of the first two disagrees, the GM will wait patiently for another vote.

ROUTES: Should romance points for one particular girl exceed the sum of all others, the girl with the least points shall be eliminated.

The GM will change the rules according to popular demand of around 5 votes.

Without further ado: It begins!
140 posts and 27 images omitted

Epic Posts

No.35059496 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I fucking love you guys.

I love epic thread posts the most, haven't seen one in a while.

Posting what I got.

280 posts and 150 images omitted