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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 220

Infinity general _ Invisible edition

No.35060704 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli in which every turn is your turn.

Official site:
Their youtube channel:
Quickstart Guide:

All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
Downloads, including the rules:
Rules wiki:
Official Armybuilder:
Most commonly used Armybuilder:
Reverse Unit search:


Terrain Review:

Also, the epic faction rundown.
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Excelsus: A Midsummer Knight's Dream

!!J5+vjygjQuK No.33921598 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Time for an archival disbursement from my current game. In Excelsus: A Midsummer Knight's Dream, the players are soldiers for hire, working for a mercenary guild on the hive world of Nemi in the Tiji Sector. Things change, however, when they accept the job of a lifetime - to locate and verify an ancient cache of archeotech known only as "Excelsus."

The Fireteam of the Shattered Suns Mercenary Company:

Lucius Mojaro, Imperial World Guardsman
Bekowski, Mind-Cleansed Guardsman
Wolfhound, Hive World Guardsman
Ophilia, Hive World Assassin
Alistair Vathrek, Venator Crimson Guardsman

Excelsus awaits.
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Hive Queen Quest 23

!!tu02dh0DlTY No.35028025 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Your workers have finished resealing the hive and repairing the damage and have returned to their regular duties throughout the hive. The damage has caused a number of aggravating delays in your construction efforts, and even worse, you now have a rather discomforting feeling of paranoia and have been contemplating altering the entire layout of your tunnels, which would cause even more delays. The continuous efforts of the Union to firmly place themselves into your business are becoming more and more annoying.

You watch as your guests sit in their cells. The common area is much less crowded now that the officers have been isolated, and you think you can detect a stark drop in morale among them. The twins are buried deep within the bowls of a half disassembled regeneration tank as they attempt to explain its workings to an attentive worker, tossing bits and pieces to the side as they do so. You can still sense the faint echo of thought from Elizabeth as she sits in her own cell. She is staring intently at the floor, carefully running her hands along the membrane of the hive wall as she attempts to deduce its composition and design.

Your drones deep within the strange ruins of Raligha continue to look over the starmap, which remains an enigma to you. The map itself goes into extreme detail, but the information is indecipherable for the moment, its language a strange string of odd symbols and tiny carvings.

Welcome back to Hive Queen Quest!

>Various pasta
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Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest.

!!gdwXpg0hyn4 No.35024657 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
After the walls of Castle Misogyny fell to the forces of righteousness, it took no time at all for the Politically Correct Crusaders to spread all over the civilized world. You were taught by the Revisionist Histo-Monitor that the righteous women and their white knights were central in the revolution and subsequent dismantlement of the major world governments.

The PCC managed their takeover due to a discovery of a new power source. Hypocritium. Able to be harnessed by the Politically Correct Crusaders more effectively than any other group, they swiftly shut down the government in the USA and Europe.

30 years on, they have transformed society. A utopia has formed, where none want for anything. The world outside is harmonious and prosperous. It is the peak of human civilisation, and more than anything else, it is the correct way to live. The women rule from the peaks of their ivory towers, and the men work for them.

Or so you’ve heard. You've never been outside.

Your name is Gordon. Being unassigned to a mistress, you have no last name. You are currently in the A. Burch Education and Re-educational Correctional Facility in the capital of England, New Boudicca. As a 13 year old white, cishet truscum male with a privilege score of 126.8, you’ve been taught that you are the evil oppressing the women in charge and have thus been contained in isolation for their safety. Why, if you saw a woman, you might enter a male rage and rape all women around you, or even literally rape them by saying something that they don’t like. Your life is your clean, white cell. They drug you through your food to knock you out before sending people in to clean, and you are taught the core subjects through your monitor. English, Anti-racist Maths, Women’s studies, Women’s history, Philosophy, Anti-religion and Privilege studies.
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Over(Human)Limit Quest: S2 Episode 9

!NLIMITS.QQ No.34918332 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Previous threads:
Mis-archived 7th


Asher's Sheet



San Diego is wiped out by a tidal wave, a young man caught in the deluge as the city is erased by what some might consider the very wrath of god in a world with a sky of endless colors. Snatched from the brunt of the wave, the young man faces an inhuman creature of humanoid form that strikes out his eye to deliver onto him the gift of magic by means of the followers.

Praise be to Susej they say. These followers.

Selfish in his means of survival, a young man rallies with these people for his own safety as the government seeks to keep the truth of the world under wraps, that magic exists and that people like the followers are throwing it into chaos.

Sent on a mission to liberate people captured for conscription based on their awakening to magic, he journeys with others to meet with a woman planted for this very purpose, finding adversity on the way.

Having left a trail all too easy to follow, he's been captured and taken to the very place he'd been looking to gain access, though not exactly on his own terms...

Recently rescued by unknown allies, the young man takes on a new alias “Faust” to help him lay low.

You are Faust, welcome to Over(human)Limit S2
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The Princess?

No.35009780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Tell me /tg/, who's your princess?
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5e general

No.35009414 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How are your 5e games going?

Last night I had a first level wizrd hold off 8 zombies during a city attack using only a minor illusion. Dumb things couldn't pass the int save to realise it was an illusion so they just sat there smacking it for 10 rounds while the group thinned the numbers from range and evacuated civilians to safety
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Quest Thread General: Dead /\/\007 edition

No.35000044 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

QMs: Why do you hate pre-writes?

Players: How does a real woman act (as opposed to guys with tits)?

Quest Killers: How many of you are going to be active soon?

Hexer: Have you finished the Malaysian she-male challenge?

System said I couldn't post when the subject was "Quest Thread General: Dead moot edition"
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/tg/'s favorite webcomics

No.34937616 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are some of your guy's favorite web comics? I recently stumbled upon a few good ones and went through them in a few days. Anyone know any good D&D/MTG web comics?

Pic related; current obsession is Unsounded
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Civilisation Game

!rx6j8bTNNI No.34985736 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone up for a Civ game?

I've modified the standard Civ page with some different stats to better reflect a community, rather than RPG stats with breeding thrown in. Military covers any offensive and defensive movements, Economy concerns food and population, Civics is all your actual construction and assets, Diplomacy is your meet n' greet, Tech is physical knowledge, and Magic is metaphysical knowledge. Think it covers the spectrum a little nicer. The actual perks I haven't changed, but I will still attempt to incorporate them.

Actions also slightly different. Anything that feels like roleplaying or reactionary is 'Immediate' and can be done ad infinitum to resolve the issue. This also includes just talking to your men or surveying your area. 'Longterm' actions, like construction, research, travel, eg; things that progress your civilisation, will take a turn to resolve. Each turn counts as 3 months, so 4 turns is a year. You also won't need to specify "Produce Food" or "Breed" as actions; your citizens will be assumed to be working and surviving, so long as the environment permits. You are concerned with the big picture, not the micromanagement.

Will be using d20s for resolution, modifiers are listed on the page.
<1 is your trivial rolls.
=<5 is your easy rolls.
=<10 is your medium rolls.
=<15 is your hard rolls.
<20 is your impossible rolls.
So stats essentially bump you up or down one difficulty level. 1 is always a fail, and 20 is always a success.

First to 3 determines place and race.
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