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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 221


Civilisation Game

!rx6j8bTNNI No.34985736 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone up for a Civ game?

I've modified the standard Civ page with some different stats to better reflect a community, rather than RPG stats with breeding thrown in. Military covers any offensive and defensive movements, Economy concerns food and population, Civics is all your actual construction and assets, Diplomacy is your meet n' greet, Tech is physical knowledge, and Magic is metaphysical knowledge. Think it covers the spectrum a little nicer. The actual perks I haven't changed, but I will still attempt to incorporate them.

Actions also slightly different. Anything that feels like roleplaying or reactionary is 'Immediate' and can be done ad infinitum to resolve the issue. This also includes just talking to your men or surveying your area. 'Longterm' actions, like construction, research, travel, eg; things that progress your civilisation, will take a turn to resolve. Each turn counts as 3 months, so 4 turns is a year. You also won't need to specify "Produce Food" or "Breed" as actions; your citizens will be assumed to be working and surviving, so long as the environment permits. You are concerned with the big picture, not the micromanagement.

Will be using d20s for resolution, modifiers are listed on the page.
<1 is your trivial rolls.
=<5 is your easy rolls.
=<10 is your medium rolls.
=<15 is your hard rolls.
<20 is your impossible rolls.
So stats essentially bump you up or down one difficulty level. 1 is always a fail, and 20 is always a success.

First to 3 determines place and race.
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Sekirei Quest 3

!Yq32cg7MHg No.34959953 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Thread:

Rolling System

>d100 Roll Over
>Crits on dubs, including 100
>Crits modify the degree of success by 1
>More rolls above DC = Success
>More rolls below = Failure
>Tie = Qualified Success

>Critical Failure: No + some additional complication
>Failure: No + some degree of progress towards success
>Tie: Yes + some additional complication
>Success: Yes
>Critical Success: Yes + some additional benefit

Last time, you went on a shopping trip with Uzume where you met a crying girl with an oversized warhammer named Yashima. Moments later, two more girls arrived in a blast of thunder and lighting. You are currently on your knees with a piece of rebar piercing your chest.
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No.9224690 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ok, ok, how about some /tg/ related versus?

Snikrot vs Marbo.

Whoever wins, we win. Because fluffwise, shit would be SO cash.
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5th Monster Manual

No.34947836 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone could tell me where to get a free pdf of this?
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No.29656573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just got a box filled with several thousand index cards of different dimensions.

What kind of game can I make with these?

No.34927007 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So our buddies over at /v/ obviously have shit going down and as far as I know the most we've got is some art games. Do we have a weird movement co-opting us? Does the dreaded "SJW" even exist in our hobby? I've never seen traces of that, if anything it's just immigrants from other groups wanting to "play dnd" or something.

Hopefully we can have a discussion about this and it not turn into flaming. With the amount of "Happening" that everyones shitting themselves about I can't imagine it won't turn to shitposting.
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Quest Thread General

No.34912763 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's Over- It's all Over Edition.

Quests are ending- Not being dropped, genuinely finishing!

QMs: Do you have an endgame planned? Will you be able to run your quest til completion?

Players: Has a quest you enjoyed ever actually reached conclusion? What did you read after it was gone?

And links'n'shit.
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Banished Quest 63

!!2vR8kr0yo90 No.34909520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Banished Quest!
You take the role of a young mage labeled a criminal by his people and cast out into the wider world. In the last thread you had a chat with the spoopy skellingtons.

Character Sheet:
Current Missions:


Ask Page:

Note: Using names or trips in this quest is heavily discouraged. While it is impossible for me to prevent you from doing so, I ask that you not. I will also not count any votes made while using names or trips.
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Infinity General- MAF Edition

No.34852328 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli in which every turn is your turn.

Official site:
Their youtube channel:
Quickstart Guide:

All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
Downloads, including the rules:
Rules wiki:
Official Armybuilder:
Most commonly used Armybuilder:
Reverse Unit search:


Terrain Review:

Also, the epic faction rundown.
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Japanese Tabletop RPG General

!SsMO2Fxj1E No.34872787 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Japanese Tabletop RPG General. As the name suggests, this is the place to talk about our pen and paper shit that comes from Japan.

Here's a short list. Some of these are translated, others aren't:
Meikyuu Kingdom
Zettai Reido
Kancolle RPG
Double Cross
Tenra Bansho Zero
Golden Sky Stories
Sword World

Links now in new and improved pastebin form:
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