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Anyone up for a Civ game?
I've modified the standard Civ page with some different stats to better reflect a community, rather than RPG stats with breeding thrown in. Military covers any offensive and defensive movements, Economy concerns food and population, Civics is all your actual construction and assets, Diplomacy is your meet n' greet, Tech is physical knowledge, and Magic is metaphysical knowledge. Think it covers the spectrum a little nicer. The actual perks I haven't changed, but I will still attempt to incorporate them.
Actions also slightly different. Anything that feels like roleplaying or reactionary is 'Immediate' and can be done ad infinitum to resolve the issue. This also includes just talking to your men or surveying your area. 'Longterm' actions, like construction, research, travel, eg; things that progress your civilisation, will take a turn to resolve. Each turn counts as 3 months, so 4 turns is a year. You also won't need to specify "Produce Food" or "Breed" as actions; your citizens will be assumed to be working and surviving, so long as the environment permits. You are concerned with the big picture, not the micromanagement.
Will be using d20s for resolution, modifiers are listed on the page.
<1 is your trivial rolls.
=<5 is your easy rolls.
=<10 is your medium rolls.
=<15 is your hard rolls.
<20 is your impossible rolls.
So stats essentially bump you up or down one difficulty level. 1 is always a fail, and 20 is always a success.
First to 3 determines place and race.
I've modified the standard Civ page with some different stats to better reflect a community, rather than RPG stats with breeding thrown in. Military covers any offensive and defensive movements, Economy concerns food and population, Civics is all your actual construction and assets, Diplomacy is your meet n' greet, Tech is physical knowledge, and Magic is metaphysical knowledge. Think it covers the spectrum a little nicer. The actual perks I haven't changed, but I will still attempt to incorporate them.
Actions also slightly different. Anything that feels like roleplaying or reactionary is 'Immediate' and can be done ad infinitum to resolve the issue. This also includes just talking to your men or surveying your area. 'Longterm' actions, like construction, research, travel, eg; things that progress your civilisation, will take a turn to resolve. Each turn counts as 3 months, so 4 turns is a year. You also won't need to specify "Produce Food" or "Breed" as actions; your citizens will be assumed to be working and surviving, so long as the environment permits. You are concerned with the big picture, not the micromanagement.
Will be using d20s for resolution, modifiers are listed on the page.
<1 is your trivial rolls.
=<5 is your easy rolls.
=<10 is your medium rolls.
=<15 is your hard rolls.
<20 is your impossible rolls.
So stats essentially bump you up or down one difficulty level. 1 is always a fail, and 20 is always a success.
First to 3 determines place and race.